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YOWZA! Oil just jumped $11 a barrel today!

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I am really freaking out that these skyrocketing oil prices, combined with this awful economy is going to bring this country to its knees. I'm seriously freaking. :eek:


And the unemployment numbers are up. And the Dow tanked. Not good.:blink:

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we had just decided to cancel our camping trip to Big Sur, it would have been a little more than 2 tanks of gas one way...maybe more if we are weighted down with camping stuff or pulling a small trailer. We just decided to probably not go.... I think this is going to firm our resolve to not do it.

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Yes, I'm worried about the economy too...it effects everything. Hubby and I were just talking about the huge effect it would have here in Orange County, even a seemingly small thing like restaurants- we have seen many new ones built over the last 2 years, we are very pleased to not have to drive so far to say, Cheesecake factory. But, what happens as we all tighten our belts over gas prices and the related higher food prices to our grocery bill? People that had a pattern of eating out once a week, or twice a month or whatever...are going to go less and then these restaurants will lay off employees, no more new ones will go up, less construction jobs, less cleaning people to clean the restaurants, it just goes on and on. It's mind boggling the impact we are going to be seeing, across all industries.

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I'm worried as well. I'll admit I'm not very self-sufficient (no garden or anything :sad:), so just about everything we eat comes from a store. With gas prices rising so rapidly, EVERYTHING we buy will go up in price, too! I'm supposed to drive from Texas to Wyoming to help my parents (one of whom is poor in health, the other partially paralyzed from a stroke) fix up their place there, but I just don't think I can justify the gas it will take at this rate! :001_huh:

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Yes, I'm worried about the economy too...it effects everything. Hubby and I were just talking about the huge effect it would have here in Orange County, even a seemingly small thing like restaurants- we have seen many new ones built over the last 2 years, we are very pleased to not have to drive so far to say, Cheesecake factory. But, what happens as we all tighten our belts over gas prices and the related higher food prices to our grocery bill? People that had a pattern of eating out once a week, or twice a month or whatever...are going to go less and then these restaurants will lay off employees, no more new ones will go up, less construction jobs, less cleaning people to clean the restaurants, it just goes on and on. It's mind boggling the impact we are going to be seeing, across all industries.


And costs are going up all around for other industries - the price of corn (while GREAT for the farmers!) is hard on livestock farmers, poultry producers, etc. A poultry slaughter plant just closed here that employed 850+ people. Not only have all those people lost their jobs, but the farmers who raised the chickens for this company all over the state are going to have their contracts cut 25%. This in turn affects the farm supply stores, the tractor stores, etc.


Things are getting really bad really fast.

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Things are getting really bad really fast.


I know.....and I just cannot shake this growing sense of forboding. I feel like we've got really ominous clouds on the horizon and now the wind is picking up. I've really never felt this way before about the country and its stability. It's freakin' me out. And my family is not fond of beans!

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And costs are going up all around for other industries - the price of corn (while GREAT for the farmers!) is hard on livestock farmers, poultry producers, etc. A poultry slaughter plant just closed here that employed 850+ people. Not only have all those people lost their jobs, but the farmers who raised the chickens for this company all over the state are going to have their contracts cut 25%. This in turn affects the farm supply stores, the tractor stores, etc.


Things are getting really bad really fast.


The price of corn is not great for the farmers, they are taking a hit too with fuel prices. My dad farms and the operating expenses are killing him. Diesel is expensive.

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I am really freaking out that these skyrocketing oil prices, combined with this awful economy is going to bring this country to its knees. I'm seriously freaking. :eek:


things might really stink for the near future! :glare: I know that it will swing back around at some point. It's all cyclical, it just really stinks when we're in a valley, eh?


I choose not to believe all the hype on the news.

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Well, I believe the sign at my local gas station that reads $4.55 per gallon. And I believe the Dow Jones numbers at the closing bell. And I believe the price of oil as of 4:00 pm this afternoon.


You know, I'm just not seeing the hype. It is what it is, and as Quiver says, there are so many who have no more notches left to tighten on the belt. I"m frantically worried about those who may not be able to wait until the pendulum swings back. IF it does.

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things might really stink for the near future! :glare: I know that it will swing back around at some point. It's all cyclical, it just really stinks when we're in a valley, eh?



I've had CNN on all afternoon while I did housework. There are quite a few analysts who are cautiously optimistic. GDP is still growing (slightly, but still...). There are some sectors that are growing. Now that the fed has quit cutting interest rates the value of the of the dollar ought to improve. Some think that the speculation that has driven the oil prices has created a bubble that is bound to correct. A few think we're about at the bottom of the mortgage/foreclosure crisis. Things are always a little shaky/uncertain leading into a major election.


Okay, I just watched the CBS news and they reported which areas are doing well, etc., so not everyone is focusing on doom and gloom.

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