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Prayer Request...

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I'm new here, although I think I know some of you from another board. " )

I hope you don't mind me posting a prayer request.


My adopted Mom is nearing the end of her 15 month battle with pancreas cancer. My oldest daughter's and I just finished a weekend visit with her, and gave her a scripture quilt that some Sister's gave me when I was going through a hard time about 5 years ago.


They are beginning to increase her morphine a little more each day. We are praying for a painfree passage for this incredibly sweet lady who was gracious enough to adopt our family 7 years ago.


She & her husband have been such a blessing to all of us, and to my children, she is the only grandmother they have ever really known that has enjoyed them and cherished them. We are all learning to graciously release someone to heaven, although, I must add, it's not an easy thing to do, but out of love, we must do this. The hospice nurse affirmed this with us this weekend.


This precious lady has been told she'll most likely be spending Christmas in Heaven and she's looking forward to it.


Thanks for considering to lift this incredible woman of God up in prayer. Up until 3 weeks ago, she was teaching a Sunday School class and helping with the worship team at church, not to mention reaching out to widow's in her community with the love of Christ.


Her greatest desire is that He will be glorified in the end no matter what.

That's my prayer as well...

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My aunt died last year of pancreatic cancer. Ds and I were able to visit her less than two weeks before she passed.


I'm praying for your adopted mom here.


This precious lady has been told she'll most likely be spending Christmas in Heaven and she's looking forward to it.


Such a precious gift to leave behind--the knowledge that she's been waiting for this day for so long, that she will be with her beloved Savior. What will be a sad day for you will be the best day of her life.



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