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What would you do if...

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Although they don't "allow" resale, it wouldn't bother me to buy it used. It this point in time, there aren't too many listings on ebay, but come April or so there will be a bunch of listings. I realize that many people would have an issue with buying it used when they say not to, but it wouldn't bother me personally to do so.


So to answer the question.......if I really wanted that curriculum but it would cause me serious financial hardship, I would buy it on ebay.

Edited by 5Wizards
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Lots of people sell it used. Try ebay.


Calvert is not all it's cracked up to be. That's all I'm sayin'. I said a lot more but then chickened out about posting it! (No offense to chickens intended!)



Edited by Peso
I hate saying unkind things about curricula!
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You found the perfect curriculum that works for your family, but it would be a serious financial sacrifice to afford it.


For the age of your children, no way. At those ages, direct involvement of mom in teaching (using just about anything) is by far the most important key to high quality education.


For high school courses that are beyond my capabilities (like AoPS math and AP chem), I am more willing to spend high dollar amts b/c the "what" and "how" matter.

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I didn't realize that you were that familiar with the program. If you know for sure, perhaps you could get the grade you want and see if it's still your dream - they have a great return policy. Then you would know if it's worth it.


Can you cut back on something else to get it? Use the payment plan?


Good luck!


Penny, who, of course, meant no offense to Calvert fans (or chickens) lol

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You found the perfect curriculum that works for your family, but it would be a serious financial sacrifice to afford it.


This is tough, because on the one hand, I think an excellent education is worth sacrificing to obtain (up to a point), but on the other hand ;) what I've seen of Calvert does not justify that kind of price tag (not a fan here). The money you and your husband work so hard to earn is worth more than what you get in a Calvert box, IMO.


What I do when I long for a big-ticket school-in-a-box is read negative reviews, LOL. :D Seriously, you could cure yourself "real good" by reading all the negative reviews of Calvert you can find. Works for me.


And, it is worth asking, "How can our money go farther?" At least it is worth asking in our house.

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You found the perfect curriculum that works for your family, but it would be a serious financial sacrifice to afford it.



:grouphug: i've been where you are and I scrimped and saved and bought the curriculum, but couldn't afford the books to go with it in order to do the program. So, I cried a bit and prayed a bit and then I sold my manual and was blessed with another program, found all the parts very cheaply and bought it and it has worked very well for us.

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