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How do I protect our new couch from destructo-cats?

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We just replaced our old tattered couch, and the cats are eager this morning to claw it to shreds. I've put foil over their favorite spot, a while back we bought a mega kitty scratching tree (which they love), we've trimmed their nails...

I have a bottle of spray which has an unpleasant (to cats) scent, it never seemed to work, but I'm going to douse the couch as soon as I'm done typing this.


Has anyone tried Soft Paws? http://www.softpaws.com/

I'm thinking about picking some up today.


I'd love any advice on this (except declawing).

Thanks :001_smile:

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You spray the cats with a squirt gun or spray bottle set on "stream" instead of "mist." And you yell at them at the same time, 'cuz they have to know that your voice means "bad cat!! something awful is gonna happen!" :D


Curiously, my cats wouldn't scratch the furniture if a folded afghan/blanket were hanging off the arm/down the back, even though it was physically possible to do so. I don't know why, but once I artfully draped afghans on the backs of chairs and sofas, the kitties gave up scratching the furniture. Go figure. And I had tried putting those clear plastic shields on the corners of the chairs (which were easily accessible and bore the brunt of kitty claws, more so than the backs).

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You spray the cats with a squirt gun or spray bottle set on "stream" instead of "mist." And you yell at them at the same time, 'cuz they have to know that your voice means "bad cat!! something awful is gonna happen!" :D


Curiously, my cats wouldn't scratch the furniture if a folded afghan/blanket were hanging off the arm/down the back, even though it was physically possible to do so. I don't know why, but once I artfully draped afghans on the backs of chairs and sofas, the kitties gave up scratching the furniture. Go figure. And I had tried putting those clear plastic shields on the corners of the chairs (which were easily accessible and bore the brunt of kitty claws, more so than the backs).


Yes, it's set to stream. :D I just got one of them!

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The softpaws worked for us EXCEPT they do fall off faster than 4-6 weeks. At any given time the cat would be missing one or two and for our smooth leather couch - that's terrible. I guess with a fabric couch it wouldn't make such a big difference, but when she jumps on our couch at all she's leaving claw marks. :glare: Obviously, the purchase of this couch was not well thought out.

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We would softly press the cat's paw to make the claws come out and apply the cover, done! It's about as easy as you can picture it-the most difficult part can be holding onto the cat!


They can still retract their claws, it's as if there isn't anything on them functionally though some cats do the foot shake dance for a while after application. Some would chew on them until they got used to them also.


Here's a list of faq's http://www.softpaws.com/faqs.html


and I think there are some youtubes of how to apply them.


good luck! :)

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I second the artfully placed blanket/throw/afghans. It has helped my cats avoid scratching those pieces of furniture.


Yep, after 5 years this is what I've figured out works too. I bought one of those super soft throw blankets from Target and draped it over the arm of the chair, works like a charm. The kitties haven't tried to scratch the sofa since and our guests are none the wiser :)


We had tried scratching post, squirt bottle, yelling, throwing things, soft paws, and double-sided tape and none worked well. The tape stopped them from scratching but collects hair and dust and looks terrible so quickly and is impossible to remove so that wasn't a good solution for me. A simple blanket was all we needed all along :)

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