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This story represents a sad take on communities or lack thereof

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I just read this story and it saddens me to think that people are unwilling to help others.


I think this is having an impact on me now in part because I just finished reading a book called Hard Times and High Spirits on an Iowa Farm During the Great Depression by Mildred Armstrong Kalish. It really hit me while reading this how families and the community were there for each other. It also hit me how that is not so much the case anymore. I see it in my own community and in talking to my brother about this topic he sees it in his.


It is like people live in their own little bubble and what goes on outside of that doesn't concern them. Now, I know it seems like I am making a sweeping generalization. I do know there are many people who can and do help when they see a need. But, I also think these types of people are becoming the minority and it saddens me. :sad:


Anyway, I just needed to get that off my chest.

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I watched the video on the news link, and it was heartbreaking. I kept waiting for people to rush to his rescue, and was so happy when someone walked up . . . and then they walked right on by! :confused: How could ANYONE see an old man lying injured in the street and not stop to help? I just don't get it. :sad:

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We had a similar accident in our part of the country within the last month. A pedestrian walked away from his car for help, and got hit and then run over, over twenty times before anyone stopped. Word has come out that the there may have been alcohol involved, nonetheless, it is terribly sad when an agenda or destination is more important than another person.


The publicity of such events is a reminder of the 1960s well known/studied Kitty Genovese murder where people were not willing to become involved. It would be sad to think we need to be reminded. Or that we need a huge national case to get more good Samaritan laws and protections on the books again.

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This indifference and utter lack of compassion has been around since Creation. But, it doesn't make it any less sad or disturbing.


Slight disagreement...since the Fall.


And I'm skeptical that things are worse now than they were "back in the day". I think the main difference is that we now have the media to tell us what the latest outrage is so that we get our 15 minute hate in every day.

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Slight disagreement...since the Fall.


And I'm skeptical that things are worse now than they were "back in the day". I think the main difference is that we now have the media to tell us what the latest outrage is so that we get our 15 minute hate in every day.



Yes, you are right...since the Fall. :) I also agree w/ the rest of your post. It just seems worse b/c we SEE it more and hear about it more.

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Yesterday we had a string of violent thunderstorms move thru. They ripped up trees and spread debris all over the area, and driving the local roads the hour after was tricky for dodging all the downed limbs, etc.


When I finally got to DS's fencing (sport) center, many other families were also arriving with their kids and the topic quickly turned to "how 'bout those roads." It was at this point that I had this conversation:


Woman: A man was parked on the side of the road, then a nearby tree was struck by lightning and fell on his car. Killing him.

Me: Oh! That's horrible!

Woman: Yeah, but what an idiot - what did he expect parking next to a tree in a thunderstorm??


:confused: What ever happened to respect for the dead? What ever happened to reverance for life? What ever happened to grace?


Okay, forget those: What ever happened to common sense? If I'd been caught driving in that truly torrential downpour, I would just have likely pulled off to the side to wait out the storm - I certainly wouldn't consider anybody who did something so prudent to be an "idiot." I certainly wouldn't fault someone for choosing a roadside that was adjacent to TREES. TREEs are very prevalent in this part of the country.


Blah. She made me mad. I wanted to slap her. Instead I just said my most noncommittal "Huh!" and walked away. Afterwards I wished I'd been bold enough to challenge her on her cavalier and demeaning attitude.

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Slight disagreement...since the Fall.


And I'm skeptical that things are worse now than they were "back in the day". I think the main difference is that we now have the media to tell us what the latest outrage is so that we get our 15 minute hate in every day.


Yes, it is probably true that we hear more about these types of things now because of tv/internet. I guess I am mixing two different (but related) topics. I do think that communities that support each other are falling by the wayside.


But, I do think you are right that things are not necessarily any worse now in regards to these types of incidences.

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DH works in Hartford, too. That story was the front page story on the Hartford Courant today. The whole state is pretty sickened by it. (CT is a small state.....so EVERYONE is pretty local to Hartford.)


So, so disheartening.

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We had an incident this last weekend. Someone ran into the sanctuary where we were all waiting for the play to start asking for help with the Heimlick manouver because someone was choking. Immediately, maybe twenty people ran out to help. No one in my family did since we saw all those others running and thought no more people were needed. We also figured one of those twenty is probably a medical person or a paramedic type or something like that and we are not anything like that. The responses to tragedies depend so much on the community or group involved.

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Well I think this is probably an isolated incident since I've seen people collapse on the street (dizzyness), trip and fall, etc, and people are ALWAYS are ready to help in my experiences. Sometimes there are too many helpers!


Now the cars driving around him is pretty bad. But as for the bystanders "gawking" at the man, well he just got hit by a car and they don't know what injuries he has and it's not always good to start moving people with injuries willy nilly. Perhaps one of them called 911? How did help finally get to the man? If they didn't want to move the man they could have formed a protective barrier of people around him and called for help. The video was cut off so what happened next after the group of people saw him?


This looked like a wild fast road and you don't want to get hit by a car yourself either. There looked like a pretty constant fast stream of traffic. It's just something to take into consideration.

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who was filming anyway? How come this was caught on tape? Was it an automated camera? Or is the cameraperson just as guilty as everybody else? Even worse, because he's making a buck out of this misery.


btw, I didn't see the video in question. I can't stomach such things. Too awful.

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who was filming anyway? How come this was caught on tape? Was it an automated camera? Or is the cameraperson just as guilty as everybody else? Even worse, because he's making a buck out of this misery.


btw, I didn't see the video in question. I can't stomach such things. Too awful.


No one was actually "taking" the video. It's a police survellience video. They are popping up all over the streets to "protect" us. Big brother.

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I guess no one was really doing the surveillance either...


These cameras may not be constantly being watched by someone. They are just taped and at a later time they are reviewed to look for anything suspicious or help solve a crime. These cameras have been used to identify robbers and rapists and other criminals.

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