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The Vampire Diaries

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If you watch this, can you tell me about it? Is it sleazy? I'm not big into vampires and the like, but I do enjoy Twilight for what it is...fiction...and I remember hiding behind the recliner when I was a little girl and watching Dark Shadows when I was supposed to be napping (my sisters watched it and all the soaps...they got me hooked on General Hospital at a young age. :lol:)


Anyhow, I thought about trying the first season of Vampire Diaries as it's only $14.99 on Amazon right now, but I don't want something sleazy and uncomfortable to have in a house full of young men, KWIM?


So I guess what I am asking is this,,, Does it have a lot of gratuitous sex, women wearing super sleazy apparel, or the like? And more importantly, is it worth watching?? :D


ETA: We don't have television and either get our movies/TV shows via Netflix or purchase them.

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First of all, I think Vampire Diaries is available to stream on Netflix. So, you might not need to make the $15 investment.


I watch the show and enjoy it, but I won't pretend it has many (if any) redeeming qualities. It's very soap opera-ish.


The characters do have sexual relationships. I don't think there's anything terribly explicit, but I haven't spent a lot of time evaluating it on those terms. (My kids have no interest in the show and make fun of my for watching it.) No one walks around naked. The women on the show pretty much dress like most teens, I think.


I'd recommend trying the first couple of episodes on Netflix and just seeing what you think.

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First of all, I think Vampire Diaries is available to stream on Netflix. So, you might not need to make the $15 investment.


I watch the show and enjoy it, but I won't pretend it has many (if any) redeeming qualities. It's very soap opera-ish.


The characters do have sexual relationships. I don't think there's anything terribly explicit, but I haven't spent a lot of time evaluating it on those terms. (My kids have no interest in the show and make fun of my for watching it.) No one walks around naked. The women on the show pretty much dress like most teens, I think.


I'd recommend trying the first couple of episodes on Netflix and just seeing what you think.


Thanks Jenny. :001_smile: We live in a rural area without cable of any kind, so watching it via Netflix stream is not possible, and my family have our Netflix queue so full that I wouldn't get to see an episode for weeks and weeks! :lol: So, I am asking myself, should I try it by paying the $15 for the season...with popcorn and soda I spent more than that to just see Breaking Dawn...or will I regret it because it's just awful. And I have no idea how long Amazon will have it on sale. Arg. Decisions, decisions.

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First of all, I think Vampire Diaries is available to stream on Netflix. So, you might not need to make the $15 investment.


I watch the show and enjoy it, but I won't pretend it has many (if any) redeeming qualities. It's very soap opera-ish.


The characters do have sexual relationships. I don't think there's anything terribly explicit, but I haven't spent a lot of time evaluating it on those terms. (My kids have no interest in the show and make fun of my for watching it.) No one walks around naked. The women on the show pretty much dress like most teens, I think.


I'd recommend trying the first couple of episodes on Netflix and just seeing what you think.



:) My kids make fun of me, too! It really is shallow, but I enjoy it. The characters, in addition to some s*x, seem to always be drinking alcohol. Not just the legal characters, but the teens as well. I think if you like Twilight, you'll like this. Can't you have it shipped from Netflix or is it just streaming?



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This has been my guilty pleasure lately! It certainly isn't high-quality or anything, but I wouldn't really call it sleazy either. I've been watching it (via Netflix streaming) after my littles are in bed- because it is violent and scary for littles. But I'm really enjoying it! If you do get it- let us know what you think!

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I watch this every week with my 17yo dd. Yes, it is silly and cheesy, and a couple of times we have had to fast forward through sex scenes or gore. But Damon is just so dang cute!


And I must say that while I am one of those obnoxious, "I figured out the twist" people Vampire Diaries has at least once made me scream out loud when something completely unexpected happens.


It is a guilty pleasure for us. If you liked the Twilight series you should like this one too.


Amber in SJ

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I watch this every week with my 17yo dd. Yes, it is silly and cheesy, and a couple of times we have had to fast forward through sex scenes or gore. But Damon is just so dang cute!


And I must say that while I am one of those obnoxious, "I figured out the twist" people Vampire Diaries has at least once made me scream out loud when something completely unexpected happens.


It is a guilty pleasure for us. If you liked the Twilight series you should like this one too.


Amber in SJ


Glad I'm not the only one that likes Damon more!

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Glad I'm not the only one that likes Damon more!


I don't think you are supposed to like Stefan as much. I mean, why cast such an inferior looking guy if he's the one the audience is supposed to fall for :confused:



Team Damon, all the way

Edited by Margaret in GA
edited because I accidentally typed d*mn instead of Damon. ha!
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First of all, clearly Damon is fifty million times more awesome than Stefan.


Is it sleazy? Yes. Is there s*x, drugs, drinking, violence and murder? Every week! Do the characters seem to sometimes even forget they're in high school and not in their early 20's? All the time. Does the town of Mystic Falls have some sort of historical ball every other week? Yes, I have no idea how they can afford it in this recession.


But... I swear, you guys, it's the best guilty pleasure on TV. It's excellent fun. And the pacing for the writing is really good. The plots are over the top, but it's consistent and well scripted and decently acted (by pretty, pretty young things, of course).


ETA: It took me the first 4-5 episodes to really get into it though... Just remembering that now.

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Dh and I are big Vampire Diaries fans. Dh got me hooked (he's into all things vampire) and we have been watching religiously since the first episode. It's violent, sometimes gory, there's underage drinking, premarital s*x, and teens acting like they're adults. I think VD has one of the highest character death rates too. But it's fun and entertaining.


I too am team Damon. He's obviously amazing and I wish Elaina would wake up and realize it.

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I love Vampire Diaries! I have to say that Stefan has become a little more likable since he turned bad. No???


I am also finding this conversation so entertaining. Do people really think this show has a lot of smut? Seriously. It's on regular tv. I'm guessing no one here watches Cinemax. Ha ha ha!

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I love Vampire Diaries! I have to say that Stefan has become a little more likable since he turned bad. No???


I am also finding this conversation so entertaining. Do people really think this show has a lot of smut? Seriously. It's on regular tv. I'm guessing no one here watches Cinemax. Ha ha ha!



While the smut level is *far* below True Blood (another guilty pleasure of mine), my point is that if she has young kids around, she may need to wait till bedtime. I believe that was one of the OP's questions. Honestly, I am kinda bothered that the show is clearly geared toward teens and yet they are doing lots of things I'd never want my teen to see other teens doing on TV. 'Course reading this thread now has me wondering exactly who their target audience is. :glare: Seems like it might be us!



PS I've been to the Mystic Grill


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If you watch this, can you tell me about it? Is it sleazy? I'm not big into vampires and the like, but I do enjoy Twilight for what it is...fiction...and I remember hiding behind the recliner when I was a little girl and watching Dark Shadows when I was supposed to be napping (my sisters watched it and all the soaps...they got me hooked on General Hospital at a young age. :lol:)


Anyhow, I thought about trying the first season of Vampire Diaries as it's only $14.99 on Amazon right now, but I don't want something sleazy and uncomfortable to have in a house full of young men, KWIM?


So I guess what I am asking is this,,, Does it have a lot of gratuitous sex, women wearing super sleazy apparel, or the like? And more importantly, is it worth watching?? :D


ETA: We don't have television and either get our movies/TV shows via Netflix or purchase them.

Yes, it's sleazy.


If you feel the need to, you can watch a few episodes at cwtv.com.

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I watch it and like it. I wouldn't allow kids under 16ish to watch it. It's hard to say if I would push that age up or down when my kids get that age because my oldest is only 10.


I do not watch it for drama. I watch it because it is so entertaining because it is so bad. The storylines make me and DH LOL because they are completely ridiculous, but it is still fun. It is not even close to as good as Buffy or Angel but I agree it is much better than Twilight.

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I watch it and like it. I wouldn't allow kids under 16ish to watch it. It's hard to say if I would push that age up or down when my kids get that age because my oldest is only 10.


I do not watch it for drama. I watch it because it is so entertaining because it is so bad. The storylines make me and DH LOL because they are completely ridiculous, but it is still fun. It is not even close to as good as Buffy or Angel but I agree it is much better than Twilight.


I was a big Buffy fan, but uh, near the end that show got downright stupid. And I couldn't even get through the first few episodes of Angel. Maybe my standards are lower now, but I don't think this show is any sillier than those shows. Just my .02



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OK, I ordered it! If it's over the top, then I'll just watch it once and sell it on Amazon. =)


I think everyone has a different sleazy meter. Mine is not so much that they're having premarital sex, we see that on all sorts of popular TV shows, it's the way of the world...the show Friends comes to mind...and my boys totally know that sex outside of marriage is soooo not an option, but I don't want to HEAR them or SEE them 'moving' during sex. Arg! That is the line for me. So, we'll see if this show tips the sleazy meter. Like I said, it may be one of those watch um once and get um outta the house shows. :lol: I have had great results reselling DVDs on Amazon.


It should arrive on Friday....Yay! I'm ready for something new. By the way, I NEVER watched Buffy!!?? or Angel (don't even know what that is) Now you all have me wondering what I missed. :lol:

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It's true that it's not Buffy level good... but it's got a different arc and a different storytelling goal, I think. It's done much more like an evening soap than anything else. Besides, David Greenwalt has put the Buffy vibe all over Grimm, so I have high hopes there.

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I was a big Buffy fan, but uh, near the end that show got downright stupid. And I couldn't even get through the first few episodes of Angel. Maybe my standards are lower now, but I don't think this show is any sillier than those shows. Just my .02




I don't know, the last two episodes were down right drool worthy. :D (I'm a huge Buffy/Angel fan) but agree with you. I watched Buffy in college, but pretty much stopped once I was out. I recently, like this past month, started rewatching it. I got through the first 3 1/2 seasons of Buffy and then just picked and choose my episodes. Did the same with Angel. Buffy shows up a couple of times in the first season and then the last season Spike is there and the interaction between him and Angel is *great*.


Buffy (and it's spin-off Angel), is a great teen Vampire show. It's the standard which all else is held to. IMHO, they usually fail, but I'll admit to my bias.


And the movie, which I think is hilarious, is nothing like the show.


Not OT: I've seen a few shows, but I've read some of the books and they just didn't mesh with me so I never bothered to watch more. And I stopped reading the books too. So I don't know how the series is, but it didn't seem too bad.

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