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Dr Hive

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Any clue? I'm thinking possibly something auto-immune related.


Sores/lesions that have difficulty healing. Off and on since childhood on the scalp. Sores from dry skin/hives elsewhere. Sores from PUPPPS during the pregnancy (baby was born in April) scale over, but some aren't fully healing. Baby is antsy when nursing and scratches at me something fierce. Those aren't healing well either.


Short term memory has gone downhill in the past several years. Sometimes I will speak and will replace words with the wrong words. If I want my daughter to put something in the fridge, I will hand it to her and tell her to hang it up. Not sure if this is just mommy-brain or not.


Sore joints, particularly in the hands. I've also lost use of my left arm every once in awhile for the past twelve years, but this has gotten worse.


I've been entering key words into google and keep getting the same thing. I was curious what the Hive doctors would say. My doctor wanted me to see an allergist, but I don't think that's the issue, and neither does Google. I don't want to waste time where I don't need to (and money I don't have).

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I have had many of those same things, and last year I was told I have some sort of connective tissue disease which is an autoimmune issue. I make antibodies for several CTDs but at low levels, so there is no real answer yet. Can you go see a rheumatologist? They do lots of bloodwork that others docs don't do. There are meds you can take that may help put it in to periods of remission, but I have not gotten to the point of the benefit outweighing the risk in my own life yet.


A few things that help me are magnesium to calm the nerves, krill oil to help with the swelling of my joints, b complex vits to help me stay awake, and vit d seems to help with the healing of cuts and scratches. I also went gluten free, and that has helped a lot with my fingers and toes swelling as well as other unpleasant things that I won't mention lol. I may see an allergist at some point, but that is just a symptom of my bigger problem.

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off the top of my head I'd say Psoriasis.

I've had people that have had psoriasis look and say that it doesn't resemble psoriasis. It also doesn't explain losing use of my arm, my occasional brain fog, insomnia, and joint pain.


I tried to add a thank you to a previous poster earlier, but it looks like it didn't go through. Thank you. Lupus, RA, and lupus related skin disease show up on google. I think I will skip the allergist and speak to another doctor at our current practice about where to go from here.

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I've had people that have had psoriasis look and say that it doesn't resemble psoriasis. It also doesn't explain losing use of my arm, my occasional brain fog, insomnia, and joint pain.


I tried to add a thank you to a previous poster earlier, but it looks like it didn't go through. Thank you. Lupus, RA, and lupus related skin disease show up on google. I think I will skip the allergist and speak to another doctor at our current practice about where to go from here.


Gotcha. Although the joint pain is fairly common with psoriasis....it is called psoriatic arthritis. But I know nothing about lupus, so will bow out now, lol.

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Often people with PsA (Psoriatic Arthritis) will develop the symptoms of PsA before the symptoms of psoriasis.


I have RA and FMS. Periodically I will get hives (from my palms up both arms) but they usually only last a few hours. My skin is clinically dry. There are some skin issues that develop due to RA. Speak to a doctor and get a thorough blood test. It will rule-out a lot.

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Short term memory has gone downhill in the past several years. Sometimes I will speak and will replace words with the wrong words. If I want my daughter to put something in the fridge, I will hand it to her and tell her to hang it up. Not sure if this is just mommy-brain or not.


Sore joints, particularly in the hands. I've also lost use of my left arm every once in awhile for the past twelve years, but this has gotten worse.


I've been entering key words into google and keep getting the same thing. I was curious what the Hive doctors would say. My doctor wanted me to see an allergist, but I don't think that's the issue, and neither does Google. I don't want to waste time where I don't need to (and money I don't have).


Regardless of the other symptoms, if I'd had episodes of losing the use of my arm that was getting progressively worse, I would be seeing a neurologist, not an allergist. Certainly I'd take my own research into account but I wouldn't trust google to diagnose a medical condition with high stakes such as loss of mobility of a limb.

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Regardless of the other symptoms, if I'd had episodes of losing the use of my arm that was getting progressively worse, I would be seeing a neurologist, not an allergist. Certainly I'd take my own research into account but I wouldn't trust google to diagnose a medical condition with high stakes such as loss of mobility of a limb.

I agree about the google thing. But I've learned to not trust doctors very much. One neurologist was supposed to run an MRI of DH, as requested by his primary. The neurologist spent five minutes with DH, refused to run the MRI, and immediately prescribed a heavy-handed anti-depressant that had the same side effects as the symptoms my husband was already experiencing (and why he was seeing a doctor in the first place). One call to my MIL/RN confirmed that the Dr was being a lazy jerk, tossed the script, and later found out DH had Lymes. I like to have a bit of an idea before heading into the dr. Again, I have no insurance and can't afford the run around.


On the arm issue, it started when I was younger, trying to carry two babies, a stroller, and a bucket across a bridge, across a couple of fields, spent my morning picking asparagus in the heat, and then trotting back the same way....got to the house and I was in severe pain with a useless arm. It's been off and on since. I have a knot behind that shoulder blade. It started acting up again when I was in college the other year and trying to reach 100wpm in my typing. Then a few other times when I'm either stressed or have done too much.


Thank you for the information about Psoriasis and RA. I've had the sores on my head come and go since childhood. I also had joint pain since my teens, but doctors all insisted that I was "too young" for arthritis (again, see my issue with dr's).

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Gotcha. Although the joint pain is fairly common with psoriasis....it is called psoriatic arthritis. But I know nothing about lupus, so will bow out now, lol.

I want to apologise for being so blunt last night. I didn't mean to sound ungrateful. I was dealing with a restless baby off and on last night. Thank you for your suggestions :001_smile::grouphug:

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Ask your doctor to screen your ANA and ANA titer. I have systemic lupus, but there is another called discoid lupus that affects the skin. That was one of the first things that popped into my head as I was reading your post.


If your levels come back abnormal, ask for a referral to a rhuematologist.


I hope you are able to get some answers quickly to what is going on.

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On the arm issue, it started when I was younger, trying to carry two babies, a stroller, and a bucket across a bridge, across a couple of fields, spent my morning picking asparagus in the heat, and then trotting back the same way....got to the house and I was in severe pain with a useless arm. It's been off and on since. I have a knot behind that shoulder blade. It started acting up again when I was in college the other year and trying to reach 100wpm in my typing. Then a few other times when I'm either stressed or have done too much.


Do you have a good chiropractor that you see on a regular basis? One of my arms occasionally starts feeling week and adjustments clear it right up.

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Do you have a good chiropractor that you see on a regular basis? One of my arms occasionally starts feeling week and adjustments clear it right up.

No. I have seen a chiro a couple of times since it started and they were never able to do anything about it except to ask me to sign a "treatment plan" that was outrageous and out of pocket.


I have no insurance and no money. My primary is willing to see me only because she is also a friend. A specialist would be through an organisation and only as the specialist is willing/able/offering to donate their time and any treatment.

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No. I have seen a chiro a couple of times since it started and they were never able to do anything about it except to ask me to sign a "treatment plan" that was outrageous and out of pocket.


I have no insurance and no money. My primary is willing to see me only because she is also a friend. A specialist would be through an organisation and only as the specialist is willing/able/offering to donate their time and any treatment.


Do you have any way to be insured--high deductible plan perhaps? I'd be concerned about obtaining certain dx. without insurance based on my experience. Would your friend be able to run tests out of pocket without putting it in your medical file?

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Do you have any way to be insured--high deductible plan perhaps? I'd be concerned about obtaining certain dx. without insurance based on my experience. Would your friend be able to run tests out of pocket without putting it in your medical file?

No. We literally cannot afford any insurance. We both just lost our life insurance because we can't afford it anymore. I told DH that nothing had better happen to him or I'm up a crick.

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I also get "sores" on my head, not as bad as yours I think. No real skin issues other then occasional hives. I often have the "foggy" problem though. Sometimes it's so bad I feel like I'm asleep. For the past 10 years I have had weakness and numbness in my arms/hands. The last I think is caused either by a previous injury to my neck or to the damage I've done to my ulnae nerves. I don't have insurance either and not sure I would trust a Doctor to get it right anyway. I just kind of deal with it. I think, like you, I may have to bite the bullet at some point and do something.... but I'd rather know what the possibilities are before seeing a Doctor. Much easier to guide them to the right answer that way.

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Glucose issues can cause wounds to be slow to heal. You can buy a cheap glucose meter and some test strips at Wal-Mart. Test every 20 minutes for two hours after meals for a week. Write down what you ate and make a chart of the results. From my reading keeping your glucose under 120 at all times is ideal. Most doctors don't worry until it's higher and already causing damage. I'd personally not want to let it get above 140.

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No. I have seen a chiro a couple of times since it started and they were never able to do anything about it except to ask me to sign a "treatment plan" that was outrageous and out of pocket.


I have no insurance and no money. My primary is willing to see me only because she is also a friend. A specialist would be through an organisation and only as the specialist is willing/able/offering to donate their time and any treatment.


I was very skeptical about the treatment plan but it didn't just relieve pain and address muscular issues--my overall health (sinus, allergies, ear problems) have been much better as well. It did take going through the initial treatment until I saw good results though--a few visits won't address a longtime problem.


Have you checked into insurance through your state? Or other types of clinics, such as faith-based?

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I checked into what I could. The only thing available is what I stated above...an organization where doctors donate certain procedures and time. I already had one appointment (for my gallbladder) where basically the donated time was me being dumped on a NP that had just transferred to the department that day and knew very little about gallbladders (she had to do reading right before coming in to see me and consult with someone else to verify that she hadn't mucked it up).


So even if I can get treatment, it would not be regular and they may or may not even be donating for what I might need. I'm stuck with any testing fees.

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