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I'm just on here to irritate some of you!!!

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Well, we're going out to a five star restaurant and there will be no dishes to clean up by anyone in my family. Plus, I'm planning on order enough to have leftovers. Then, we're doing family game time and tomorrow dh is taking the kids to his family, and I will have two days alone to do anything I like. It's been a long time since I've been child free.


Happy Thanksgiving.



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Here's ours from a couple of years ago. It was a kit....but we had to bake it. I like the pre baked or Graham cracker ones better...but we had fun.







Well dh and I are wondering where the American population in Keptwoman's backyard is hiding. There were a pile of massive turkeys down at the supermarket earlier in the week. :001_huh:



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I have four pies baked, homemade rolls finished, about four dozen cookies, the turkey and the pork loin are smoked. All the veggies are in their crockpots waiting for me to turn them on later, and our exchange students just finished decorating my gingerbread house.


Now, what movie shall we watch and who wants a drink?


I didn't do anything except bake an apple pie with the girls yesterday.



My husband loves to fuss in the kitchen. :p




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