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Female content question re: me

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So I got the diva cup. I'm pretty much used to it and dealing with it. But here's my problem. I started martial arts last November and have to wear a white uniform. So far I have been avoiding class on "those" days.


I'm tired of living like this avoiding class so I went using the Diva cup one day. Also, if I have my period on a test/belt promotion day that would also be a pain. And if I had my period during black belt testing day (only 2 times a year!) I would just have to deal with it and take the test whether I have my period or not. I can't live my life around this. It's so annoying.


So I put in the Diva cup all nice and new at 10:30 in the morning. Class started at 11:00. I went through the whole class and everything was fine. Thankfully there are alot of mirrors around so when I kick I can take a peek. Then at 12:00 right at the very end I was doing sit ups and then I felt it. A surge of wetness. Uggh. I got up, we bowed out and I went straight for the bathroom and the found that the cup leaked because it was full. It overflowed. In 1-1/2 hour it overflowed!! It was day 2 of my period.


So now I'm all nervous and was wondering if anyone had any other tricks or any advice as to how to keep this from happening. I suppose next time I could go to the bathroom right at 10:55 before class and rinse it out (thankfully it's a one toilet bathroom) and put it in RIGHT before class and then go back to the bathroom at 12:00 right after class and rinse it again. But I also need a way to prepare for possible leaks.


This is all just such a pain. I used to be on BC pills and my period was so light, only lasting for a day or two. Now I am no longer on bc bills (dh got a vasectomy) and my periods are all out of control and I HATE IT!!! I absolutely hate it!!


What can I do??? I also thought of wearing tight black spandex/workout type shorts under my white pants (you may be able to see them through the white pants a bit) with a pad AND the diva cup.


Any ideas??? Please!! And my dd(11) is also going to be having the same problem because she just got "it" for the first time last month.


Also, (Yes there's more. Sorry. I'm just a wreck over this.) I may be on dinner cruise ship for a few hours in August and may have "it". How do you deal with your Diva Cup in a public restroom? You can't go out and rinse it in public. I was thinking maybe baby wipes would be good to have in my purse to clean it up in the stall.


Uggghh. Sorry so gross. I just really need some advice.


And speaking of "it" my dd is also having some problems with it and I would like some suggestions. I'll put that in another post.


Thank you!!

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I would simply wear a pad. I often wear a cloth pad with my keeper. but you could wear just an ordinary one just for those times you might overflow.

BCPills actually muck your cycles around, even though they 'appear' to balance them. It is an artificial appearance because they overwhelm your natural hormones.

You might like to look into chaste tree (vitex) and/or natural progesterone cream to help balance your cycles out to their natural pattern.

From my reading you can just empty your Diva CUp in the toilet, use some toilet paper to wipe it out, and pop it straight back in. Thats what I have done in a public restroom, even though it is slightly icky to do that, its not that unhygienic.

I use cloth pads more than I use my keeper cup though, and I must admit I always have tampons and commercial pads on hand for times when its likely I would leak before I could change. Only a couple of times a year for me but I don't have such a heavy cycle either. Maybe just for that cruise dinner, rather than stressing, you could use tampons/pads,and practice using your Diva Cup in public when its not such a big deal to you.


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While not perfect, taking Advil will slow the flow A LOT. I take 4 every 4 hours on the first 1-2 days so that i don't leak everywhere. It's not the best for your innards, but well, it's better than a mess in public. If i knew it was coming i'd take it the day before, but my cycles are really mucked up.


I really need to get to the doctor about this! LOL!! (The more i type this this week, the more i realize i just need to GO).

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During the first two days of my period, I always wore a pad with the Diva, because my flow was too heavy. But I had to do that with tampons too. After that I was always good to go. For that part, I'd probably invest in some white spandex pants and wear the backup pad, or use tampons.


As for going out, if we were going somewhere where I wasn't sure of the accommodations, I also used tampons instead, or did as Peela said--rinse, wipe, and reinsert. I knew someone who brought a bottle of water into the bathroom with her when she could to rinse her cup out in the stall.


*sniff* I miss my Diva! I loved that thing.

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I've done taekwondo for over 5 years and have used the diva cup about 6 months.


I'm taking a break from TKD but in the past I've always worn black biker shorts under my white uniform with a panty liner or very thin pad.


I had dd #3 12 months ago and I just noticed in the last 3 months ago my flow has gotten VERY heavy. on day 1-3 I might be having to empty every hour at times.


Mental note ... I did want to mention that to a dr.


If i'm in a public restroom and cant reach the sink I have emptied and put it back in. Not great but the other alternative was to buy a 2nd for those situations but would I really want to wrap up and carry the used one till I get home??



I have a 12 year old. Her flow is pretty heavy as well. I have not

decided to let her use anything else till I see she has the ability to handle the pad situation better. She doesnt always remember to change the pad so i think its better to have issues learning to remember pads instead of foretting tampons or the diva cup.

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I know now that I will be more conscience of public bathrooms!!!! I am very funny about using public restrooms now, but that is just FILTHY, NASTY, GROSS!!!


Blood is very nasty and to know that someone has done that is very unsanitary!


I would suggest getting a second or third cup and washing it out when you get home or even carry a bottle of water in your purse for this and rinse it out while you are in the stall!

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I know now that I will be more conscience of public bathrooms!!!! I am very funny about using public restrooms now, but that is just FILTHY, NASTY, GROSS!!!

Blood is very nasty and to know that someone has done that is very unsanitary!



Lol, I don't find it nasty at all. Part of life. I guess you're not the type who would pour your blood onto your pot plants either, huh,to stay more in contact with nature? Just joking with you. :001_smile:

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Lol, I don't find it nasty at all. Part of life. I guess you're not the type who would pour your blood onto your pot plants either, huh,to stay more in contact with nature? Just joking with you. :001_smile:


I find blood in general nasty due to all the diseases.


I can't even stand to see blood on my plate from raw meat!:ack2:

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I find blood in general nasty due to all the diseases.


I can't even stand to see blood on my plate from raw meat!:ack2:


Teehee! There are women who use cloth pads and have special jugs to soak their pads and get the stains out, then they pour the water into their gardens or plants :D That's a little more crunchy than I can get, though I do believe the blood is very rich in all sorts of nutrients. I mean, it's what feeds a growing baby, after all. And it would be your own blood, not a stranger's.


See, now the idea of rinsing a menstrual cup (very carefully) into a public sink doesn't bother me, but the idea of chicken poop on my eggshells does. Why is that??? :lol:

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LOL! Thanks for all your suggestions. I guess I will go with the Diva Cup, Pads and bike shorts and hope for the best!


As far as rinsing it out, well I just would not do that in a public restroom unless it was one of those restrooms with just one toilet (not in a stall)where you are the only person in the restroom. And then I'd be REALLY careful to rinse out the sink well too. You know if you're not careful you can get little blood splats on the counter and on the wall.


Yes it is just plain gross. I was totally repulsed at the idea of the Diva cup but now with martial arts I decided to give it a try and while overall I don't really like dealing with it, I do it because it is the best thing for not having leaks (providing you keep on top of it).

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I agree with Peela. If I had to wear a white uniform or go on a dinner cruise and I were filling the Diva that quickly, I would wear a tampon just for those times. Having said that, I think it's a bit unusual to fill the Diva in that short of a time. You might want to look into that medically. My flow is pretty heavy, but it would take me at least 3 hours to fill it to the point that it is spilling.


As for the rinsing, I see no reason to purchase a second Diva. When I have to change mine in a public restroom, I just wet a piece of paper towel before going into the stall, and then I can wipe the Diva clean after emptying it into the toilet. But honestly, there have been many times that I've forgotten to do that and I just empty it, wipe it off with toilet paper, and reinsert. It's just going to get covered by the same stuff that it was covered with before. What can really happen?


I think that wearing black biker shorts or something underneath your white pants is a great idea, btw.

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If I had to wear a white uniform or go on a dinner cruise and I were filling the Diva that quickly, I would wear a tampon just for those times. Having said that, I think it's a bit unusual to fill the Diva in that short of a time. You might want to look into that medically.


I think that wearing black biker shorts or something underneath your white pants is a great idea, btw.


I agree with the biker shorts too.


My flow used to be so heavy that I had to use a tampon and pantiliner, then I switched to the Diva and pantiliner. I still use a pantiliner with the Diva just for that extra protection even though my cycles are not as heavy anymore. I would fill it up within 1-1.5 hours.


I would probably mention it to your dr. too. Mine was so bad it had me laid up for day 1 and 2 each month and I had to stay SUPER close to the bathroom (to empty every hour or so). I had a uterine ablation done. VERY worth every penny our insurance didn't cover. Now I have a cycle for about 3 days and no worries about the Diva overflowing. I have to empty it once/twice a day (morning and evening).

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