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I give up on probiotics (Don't open this if you have a weak stomach.)

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I'm really annoyed that we just had a NASTY stomach virus pass through all six of us despite:


-Diligently taking double doses of probiotics 3x per day

-drinking kefir regularly

-consistently eating 1 gallon of quality yogurt per week (for all of us)

-Activated Charcoal

-Obsessive hand washing-the kids sing "Happy Birthday" twice while washing with soap and warm water (my hands are cracked, bleeding and look like lizard skin, I've washed so much)



What am I doing wrong here? I vary the brand and strains of probiotics we take. I was extremely careful to disinfect and area where vomiting occurred-only one child didn't make it to the toilet. I isolated the current puking person, but still, each person got it. Including my husband and I. :tongue_smilie:


Is it all hype? Do they work at all? I'm disgusted that we spend a fortune on things like kefir and organic yogurt when we're just going to get sick, anyway.

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There are so many variables that work in synergy to make a person healthy. There is no one magic bullet. And we can do everything right and still get sick. What we try do is make sure the body is getting the vitamins and minerals it needs to keep the cells healthy and for the systems to be in balance. What that entails looks different for each person in our family. If we do get sick, we add in additional measures to either rev up the immune system or kill the pathogens. Yes, a healthy gut is part of the puzzle but the body is so complex that it is only a part.

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I'm so sorry. I don't know about probiotics for everyone. I don't take them. My dh has added probiotics to his diet along with greek yogurt and his life and tummy troubles have changed radically.


I think for people that have digestive/intestinal issues it is worth a try. If you don't normally have these issues it may not help.

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There are so many variables that work in synergy to make a person healthy. There is no one magic bullet. And we can do everything right and still get sick. What we try do is make sure the body is getting the vitamins and minerals it needs to keep the cells healthy and for the systems to be in balance. What that entails looks different for each person in our family. If we do get sick, we add in additional measures to either rev up the immune system or kill the pathogens. Yes, a healthy gut is part of the puzzle but the body is so complex that it is only a part.



But, what other additional measures could I have taken? I would gladly do what I could, if it meant we could avoid a week like we've just had!



I've tried to make my own kefir, but haven't been successful. It's been cheaper for me to buy it than make it.



We are all better now. It's not the end of the world that we were sick...I'm just annoyed because I thought we could avoid this type of thing by using the fermented foods and probiotics, etc.

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My understanding from doing some minor internet research is that probiotics are said to help lesson the duration of Influenza A and rotavirus. But that is only two sources of what is popularly call "stomach flu". And while it boosts your immune system, it doesn't prevent you from getting them in the first place.



Oh, rats! LOL!

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My understanding from doing some minor internet research is that probiotics are said to help lesson the duration of Influenza A and rotavirus. But that is only two sources of what is popularly call "stomach flu". And while it boosts your immune system, it doesn't prevent you from getting them in the first place.


Exactly what I was thinking. People with plentiful and healthy gut flora are less prone to digestive issues, and pathogenic gut bacteria (e. coli) have a harder time taking hold (because there's nowhere to settle in) but I'm not sure viral tummy issues aren't transferred by the regular means: through the respiratory tract. In that case, having healthy gut flora just minimizes the illness.

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But, what other additional measures could I have taken? I would gladly do what I could, if it meant we could avoid a week like we've just had!



I've tried to make my own kefir, but haven't been successful. It's been cheaper for me to buy it than make it.



We are all better now. It's not the end of the world that we were sick...I'm just annoyed because I thought we could avoid this type of thing by using the fermented foods and probiotics, etc.


I completely understand your frustration! I have been there more than once.


Bummer on the kefir. I bought the berries from Cultures for Health. I just put the milk over the berries and in 24 hours it is solidified. Fish out the berries and add more milk to them in a new container.


I can't answer what else you could do. Each person in my family responds best to different things. I try figure out what body system is weak for each person and then address building that up. We are making progress in finding things that work but it is an ongoing process and it has taken a lot of research. The other part I have to do is figure out what we can sustain financially and stick within our means even if it means not doing everything we could be doing.


The biggest thing I had to realize is that germs are still going to come and we are still going to get sick. The part I concentrate on now is making sure those illnesses work through as quickly as possible and don't turn into something more serious like bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. Having more realistic expectations has helped tremendously.

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I think you're putting too much pressure on yourself! Occasionally everyone gets sick no matter how many precautions we take. It's just the world we live in. It doesn't sound like you could have done anything more to prevent this bout of illness, but I'll bet you're still preventing most sickness from taking hold in your family. That's something.

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I think you're putting too much pressure on yourself! Occasionally everyone gets sick no matter how many precautions we take. It's just the world we live in. It doesn't sound like you could have done anything more to prevent this bout of illness, but I'll bet you're still preventing most sickness from taking hold in your family. That's something.


I think you are right. It is unreasonable to expect that we won't ever get this stuff that goes around.



I completely understand your frustration! I have been there more than once.


Bummer on the kefir. I bought the berries from Cultures for Health. I just put the milk over the berries and in 24 hours it is solidified. Fish out the berries and add more milk to them in a new container.


The biggest thing I had to realize is that germs are still going to come and we are still going to get sick. The part I concentrate on now is making sure those illnesses work through as quickly as possible and don't turn into something more serious like bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. Having more realistic expectations has helped tremendously.


I'll look into Cultures for Health. Thanks for the tip! That's an excellent point about working to keep the bugs from becoming more serious. It is silly of me to think we can avoid these things altogether.


And, to Jean, thanks for the recommendations.

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I'll look into Cultures for Health. Thanks for the tip! That's an excellent point about working to keep the bugs from becoming more serious. It is silly of me to think we can avoid these things altogether.


I know all about putting pressure on myself to ensure that no one ever gets sick. But it isn't realistic and I am finally starting to get that through my head. The hard part about supporting the body is you have no idea what you are preventing that could be a lot worse.


I ordered my kefir berries through Amazon. This is the link that comes up when I go to my past order. Looks like the price is down as I paid $16.99.



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I know all about putting pressure on myself to ensure that no one ever gets sick. But it isn't realistic and I am finally starting to get that through my head. The hard part about supporting the body is you have no idea what you are preventing that could be a lot worse.


I ordered my kefir berries through Amazon. This is the link that comes up when I go to my past order. Looks like the price is down as I paid $16.99.





Really appreciate the link. Thanks!

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Most beneficial bacteria don't help in a specific sense, only in a general sense. There is a beneficial yeast, S. Boulardii, that has been medically proven to help with immediate urgent needs. My 1 1/2 year-old son had rotavirus for weeks just recently, and when we finally were able to get some S. Boulardii in him, he was cured within a day.


Look into it, it's even prescribed by "regular" doctors. ;)

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Most beneficial bacteria don't help in a specific sense, only in a general sense. There is a beneficial yeast, S. Boulardii, that has been medically proven to help with immediate urgent needs. My 1 1/2 year-old son had rotavirus for weeks just recently, and when we finally were able to get some S. Boulardii in him, he was cured within a day.


That is a really good point. I had forgotten the different bacteria and yeasts have specific purposes.

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