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Miquon How to teach it?


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Yes, read over the First Grade Diary. The annonations you can read as a couple days ahead as you plan to do the workbook pages. Seriously- don't let the workbooks scare you. Miquon is AMAZING! Stick with it0 you'll be glad you did.


You can see c-rods in action here. Yes, its an old video...and rather long but skim through and get some ideas..

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Ah! Ok. I will try to find it. Does the teacher diary make the annotated book redundant then?

The First Grade Diary gives you a picture of what Miquon looks like in action. It's not a manual per se, but it shows you how a teacher has used it to teach children math. Then the Annotated Pages add to that for specific pages.


I think it helped me to know that lots of people see Chinese when they open the first few pages, as did I. I tried to relax (difficult for an over-planner like myself) and just let my daughters play with the rods for a bit. Then we started putting them in ascending order, figuring out how many white rods made up the other rods, and attaching numbers accordingly. That was when it really clicked for me.


After that I went through the Orange book and pulled out a few pages that I thought were appropriate for my daughters. (Different pages for each girl.) I checked the Annotated book to see how each page might work.


During our math lab times, they get to pick out any sheet from that selection that they wish to work on. If I need to introduce them to a concept, I do; otherwise they work away.


ETA: I don't know if this will help, but I blogged about how we use Miquon.

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Many of those "strange looking" first pages of Miquon (and yes, I found them weird on first glance too) are just showing "sets." If they used "flowers" and "bunnies" you would see the "sets." Instead they made choices our adult minds don't expect (certainly not in a children's program.


So pretend the alien-shape is a "bunny" if you need too, and all will be well.



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BTW just want you to know that if you don't find time to read the First Grade Diary (I didn't) and don't have much time to read the Lab Sheet Annotations, and if you can generally figure out what the worksheet wants the child to do (I can), then it is okay to just tear out the worksheet and work through it with your child.

That is what we have been doing. I have very rarely had to refer to the Lab Sheet Annotations. Most times, my dd just chooses a worksheet from the Red or Blue book and we do it together.

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We've been using Miquon for a couple of years now and even I had to get out the Lab Sheet Annotations the other day (for the blue book, I think). :D


Don't feel bad. And like everybody says, look at the First Grade Diary.


Also, I give them the workbook and tell them to choose ANY page they would like to work on.


Miquon is the only math program that my son has been able to stick with. It is awesome. Ignore the "it only goes to 3rd grade math" talk, too. There are some 4th and 5th grade topics in there (fractions, multiplying fractions, some exponents, multiples and someone said there are equations at the end).

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Many of those "strange looking" first pages of Miquon (and yes, I found them weird on first glance too) are just showing "sets." If they used "flowers" and "bunnies" you would see the "sets." Instead they made choices our adult minds don't expect (certainly not in a children's program.


So pretend the alien-shape is a "bunny" if you need too, and all will be well.




**Snorting with laughter**


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To start, FORGET the other books. Pull out your kid's orange book (or better yet your own copy), and the Lab Annotations. Look at the bottom of the Orange book page A-1 for the page reference in the Lab Annotations book. Flip to that page in Lab Annotations. Read the instructions for worksheet A-1, and write the instructions in a bullet list on the top of page A-1. Do the first 10 or so pages - copy instructions from Lab Annotations book to the Orange book. Work the pages using C-rods.


THEN, and only then, go read First Grade Diary. If you don't play with the rods some first, First Grade Diary is just overwhelming!

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To start, FORGET the other books. Pull out your kid's orange book (or better yet your own copy), and the Lab Annotations. Look at the bottom of the Orange book page A-1 for the page reference in the Lab Annotations book. Flip to that page in Lab Annotations. Read the instructions for worksheet A-1, and write the instructions in a bullet list on the top of page A-1. Do the first 10 or so pages - copy instructions from Lab Annotations book to the Orange book. Work the pages using C-rods.


THEN, and only then, go read First Grade Diary. If you don't play with the rods some first, First Grade Diary is just overwhelming!


I disagree. I think one should read Notes to Teachers first, get the kids playing with the C Rods, then read through the Diary quickly for exposure to get a big-picture view of how Miquon works before starting in on lab-sheets.



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I'm working my way through Mama Squirrel's long post about Miquan, and it's sooo nice to see how you've done it! I need to get out my 1st Grade Diary book and plow though it some more, if it's like the Treehouse "Diary"!


I just read the Jan/Feb 2004 entries and it's *such* an a-ha! moment for me, the idea f just playing games until it's mostly learned, and THEN going for the worksheet. And the game you describe with the 10s is exactly the game we need right now.


I have tons of family stuff going on this weekend because my brother's coming home from a 2 year mission and we're all excited to see him, but I can't wait to read some more of this post - and then head to the Diary! Thank you!

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