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Should I correct a writing project my son is doing on his own?


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My 10 year old is writing a 'book'. I didn't assign it. It's super imaginative and has lots of great descriptive passages. I'm very impressed with it but it is riddled with misspellings, grammatical errors, punctuation problems, etc...


He has about 18 notebook pages worth so far and has taken great pains to write it as neatly as he possibly can. Messy handwriting has been an issue with him. He's definitely putting a lot of effort into it.


I'm afraid that 'marking up' his work will take the fun out of it and make him feel like a failure but then again the teacher in me thinks it might be a good learning opportunity.


What do you think?

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No! Let him just have fun. He'll figure it out.


Oh, if he asks you to edit then do so with love. But for now, just let it be. When he is done, put it away. You will treasure it in the years to come.


And good for him! 18 pages!? I am super impressed.


It's like when my boys improv on the piano. They perform some of them for their teacher and he just thanks them and tells them that he like it very much. It is their creative endeavor and not presented for critique.

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Ask if he wants editorial help?


For us, if DS is writing for an assignment or an audience outside the immediate family, he does a rough draft, then we go through and edit it together. I wouldn't make him do this for something he was writing totally for himself, but if he wants to publish it, he needs to polish it first.

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If he keeps going and finishes it (jump for joy) offer to type it with him and edit it for spelling and other errors at the same time.


Then together, side by side, you type while you work together reading through it. When you get to a spelling error, ask if he knows the correct spelling (often times spelling and creativity conflict), if he does not type it as it is spell and see what spell check does with it. Help him problem solve through the options spell check provides.


I too, would struggle to see these misspellings - but who would want to discourage the will to write!

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No. There's a time for editorial help, and that's in a class setting. This is creative expression and he should be given a long leash. :)



I like the idea of offering to type and possibly edit it after he's finished. You ladies are great!!


I love the idea of having it printed into a real book, but I still wouldn't correct everything. Part of the charm of reading back through the writings of a child is that they are childlike. :)

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No. Do not mark it up.


Do not even offer until he's finished it, if he ever finishes it.


I did the same thing at that age and worked on it for years. It was a great experience for me. It would have been ruined if someone had critiqued it while I was working on it or even after without my asking.


All of my professional work has involved writing, so I suppose it all worked out. :001_smile:

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I would not mark it up either. That would quickly squash any enthusiasm my son had for his project. However, I would take note of any spelling, grammatical, or other writing errors (without him knowing, of course!) and find ways of incorporating them into his upcoming lessons.

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