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If your children (ages 9yrs) got a lot


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wrong on Key To Fractions book 2 like 14-16 wrong on a some pages...what would you do?


Would you make them do the whole booklet over again?


I have learned my lesson with them....I will no longer just hand them over Key To Fractions and expect them to be able to do them independently. I will have to go over the book page by page and problem by problem with them.

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wrong on Key To Fractions book 2 like 14-16 wrong on a some pages...what would you do?


Would you make them do the whole booklet over again?


I have learned my lesson with them....I will no longer just hand them over Key To Fractions and expect them to be able to do them independently. I will have to go over the book page by page and problem by problem with them.


Yep. Perhaps a concept isn't solid. I would write the missed problems on your white board and go through each one together.

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My 9 yr old would have to go through and correct each one missed. I wouldn't go over every one together on the white board though. I would do a few together, then have her do one or two that I could see her do correctly, then have her go do the rest on her own in a notebook. Then I would check them the next day and repeat until there were no new mistakes. We are currently doing this with 3 digit multiplication right now. She gets it, and can do it, but is making careless mistakes and missing half out of a lesson. We will just keep at correcting and redoing until she gets it, before we move on.

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My 9 yr old would have to go through and correct each one missed. I wouldn't go over every one together on the white board though. I would do a few together, then have her do one or two that I could see her do correctly, then have her go do the rest on her own in a notebook. Then I would check them the next day and repeat until there were no new mistakes. We are currently doing this with 3 digit multiplication right now. She gets it, and can do it, but is making careless mistakes and missing half out of a lesson. We will just keep at correcting and redoing until she gets it, before we move on.


:iagree: I would go over some together, watch her do some, and then let her redo the rest on her own. Repeat as necessary...

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I had my 11yo 6th grader do Key to Fractions last year.

9 seems a little young to me. Maybe they need more work with basic multiplying and dividing first.


Good point about needing basic multilpying and dividing skills first.


Looking back at their problems and what they got wrong though were just silly mistakes....like forgetting to simplify....


trying to help one of them remember to ask herself which number they are dividing the two numbers with ....or else she comes up with some strange numbers.....



Now my next question:

I was hoping that key to fractions would explain more about why we have to change the division sign to multiplication and then dividing....then multiply by recipricals....

I was hoping they could have shown it by using fractions circles or something like that...explain the why we are doing that...heck I would like to know...he was never explained to me WHY just the how......



Does anyone have a good source that explains it and shows you how to teach that?


Also one of the word problems totally stumped us..... The November 18 homework one in level 2. I don;t totally understand it myself to explain it to them....

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Good point about needing basic multilpying and dividing skills first.


Looking back at their problems and what they got wrong though were just silly mistakes....like forgetting to simplify....


trying to help one of them remember to ask herself which number they are dividing the two numbers with ....or else she comes up with some strange numbers.....



Now my next question:

I was hoping that key to fractions would explain more about why we have to change the division sign to multiplication and then dividing....then multiply by recipricals....

I was hoping they could have shown it by using fractions circles or something like that...explain the why we are doing that...heck I would like to know...he was never explained to me WHY just the how......



Does anyone have a good source that explains it and shows you how to teach that?


Also one of the word problems totally stumped us..... The November 18 homework one in level 2. I don;t totally understand it myself to explain it to them....


I use the Key to... series to reinforce skill work. It doesn't do much with explaining concepts. My children have used Singapore Math, Teaching Textbooks, and this year we are using Saxon for the first time.


Math is a sore spot for me. I was never really good at it and I really worry about teaching it properly. Dh is really good at math, but is terrible at teaching it ... he just confuses us more.


I am bumping this for you, hoping that someone else could answer your questions for you.

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Also one of the word problems totally stumped us..... The November 18 homework one in level 2. I don;t totally understand it myself to explain it to them....


Please refer to the attached picture.


So, students who turned in their homework = 2/3 X 4/5 of Total

= (2 X 4)/(3 X 5) of Total

= 8/15 of Total.


And, students who turned got it right = 1/2 X 8/15 of Total

= (1 X 8)/(2 X 15) of Total

= 4/15 of Total.


Hope that helps.



Edited by nansk
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