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Hey everyone, I am a recent addict to Pinterest and while I am following lots of other bloggers and friends on there I would really love to find more homeschoolers to follow on there to gather ideas from. My profile is http://pinterest.com/alainaforbes/ if anyone would like to share their profile too I would love to find some new homeschool friends to follow. Thanks!

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I've just started to accumulate stuff there - it's mildly addictive so I'm trying to only go on when I know everyone will be gone for a few hours at a time and I've got nothing else to do. I'm not even sure I understand what "following" means, to be honest. Off to find you. I'm Laura P. over there (I think).

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It has only been recently that I've become aware of Pinterest. Hopefully I'll have my blog up during the next week or two (once I have a moment free from all the packing/painting). It seems that I need an email in order to receive an invite to join the site. Is there anyone willing to let me request an invitation? I'd appreciate it. If there is another way to join, let me know. Thank you! :001_smile:


Edit: Well, I think that I understand it better. They wanted my email address to send me an invite, which appears to be closed or wait listed. I suppose that is what happens when trying to figure out a website at 3am. I suppose that I will wait and see if they invite me. Thanks again.

Edited by Myeightkiddies
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