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My 12 year old son has Microcephaly (small brain), Phonological Processing Disorder, Apraxia, Expressive Language Disorder, Auditory Processing Disorder, and these are just the ones he has been diagnosed with. We were told he wouldn't walk or talk, then when he did that, we were told he would have no higher learning function, meaning he would not learn to read or do math. We had him tested for learning disabilities years ago and a standard deviation of 16 is required for learning disabilities, well his was 25 but in the opposite direction. His IQ is low, but he was performing 25 deviations(?) above his IQ. Anyway, we have struggled for years with all academics, but are pleased with his progression. He took his first standardized test, at a sixth grade level and we got the scores yesterday. He did great in math he actully scored at a G.E. of 9.9 in Mathematics Procedures, of course lower on problem solving (lots of word problems) since he has language delays, but still a 6.6, and overall math was 7.9. I was blown away. I think that Teaching Textbooks has really helped him to blossom in this area. Now he did very poor on all language areas, except spelling (7.7), scoring between a G.E. of 3.5-4.8. Does anyone know of a language program similar to TT for math? He has overcome so many challenges and I know he can overcome this one as well. Oh by the way, this kid who wasn't supposed to walk or talk just got selected for the All Star Baseball team, and a players choice game, where his teamates picked him as one of the best player on his team. What a miracle the Lord has blessed us with. Sorry this got so long.

Thanks for any recommendations,


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Thanks all, He really is a great kid. I just have to keep reminding myself how much he has overcome or I begin to compare him to my friend's kids, who are the same age and have already scored PHS on their standardized test. Thanks for the kind words.


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For language programs that are abundantly repetitive, from day to day, week to week, year to year, I think the 2 that stand out for me would be Shurley English or Rod and Staff. Now, Shurley is very verbal/auditory in its approach (used lots of chants/songs), and Rod and Staff is more standardly visual. The nice thing about R&S is that you can use it lots of way depending on writing skills. I've used both of these, and although they are praised for their "rigor", both of them can be used at a nice gentle systematic pace, both have cumulative type review every day (just about). Anyway, those would be my recs. I'm sure there are some great programs out there for special needs kids as well, I just don't know about them. HTH,


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For language programs that are abundantly repetitive, from day to day, week to week, year to year, I think the 2 that stand out for me would be Shurley English or Rod and Staff. Now, Shurley is very verbal/auditory in its approach (used lots of chants/songs), and Rod and Staff is more standardly visual. The nice thing about R&S is that you can use it lots of way depending on writing skills. I've used both of these, and although they are praised for their "rigor", both of them can be used at a nice gentle systematic pace, both have cumulative type review every day (just about). Anyway, those would be my recs. I'm sure there are some great programs out there for special needs kids as well, I just don't know about them. HTH,



I have found Rod and Staff too rigorous for him, although I haven't really tried to modify it. We did Shurley English this year. He really liked it, and I think it is great, I love the way they teach concepts. I understand things I never understood before. I just thought maybe I was missing something great out there, that is a little more visual and less auditory. I think he needs pictures, video or something on the computer. Thanks for the suggestions. Please keep them coming!


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That is wonderful that he has made so much progress.


I have not used this program, but you can sign up for a trial period to see if it would work for you. http://www.time4learning.com/ It only goes through 8th grade, but it does have a language arts program that is done on the computer.



I have tried this too. While I like it for up to 4th grade, I didn't like it for 5th and up,but I can't remember why. Thanks for the suggestion.


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