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The secret to getting it all done....

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I have posted a number of questions on this topic and thought about the responses for a while. Then I found a solution and used it a few times in the last few weeks. Each time I used the SOLUTION I had a good day.


This is it:


NO MULTITASKING during school hours. Only things like diapers, helping little ones etc. are allowed. Those are the sort of things that are really important. But no laundry, no kitchen work, no cleaning, mending etc.


It is too simple I know. But it took me about two years to discover it.

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Yepp, those two things you mentioned did resonate with me.


But I have to admit that outside of school hours I always multitask. I listen to books and talks on tape...I also read when I brush my teeth, go to the bathroom, wait in the car, go to the park....

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Yes! My kids are at different ages/stages. My 17 yo doesn't need me at all for his school work. He's completely independent now (except for dissections. hehe).


My 13 yo does about half of her work independently. So I sit with her and focus on the work she needs me for. We do it all in one sitting. Every day. Whaddya know....we're making progress!


My 9 yo is completely dependent on me. So I sit with him when I'm finished with my dd, and we do all of his work. In one sitting.


Then I'll do some laundry, do the dishes, sweep the floor, etc.


I have a list of all household chores that need to get done. Everyone needs to pick one and work for 20 minutes a day. Whaddya know...the house gets clean.


Focus is good. Multi-tasking is appropriate at times. Delegating is wonderful. It takes all 3.

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I used to think that multi-tasking while homeschooling was a good thing but I too have come to the conclusion that it has a place....just not while we are actively schooling. I multi-task when we aren't focused on school. It is a personal decision but it worked best for us.

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Yep. That has definitely been a key for me.

Although, I do play on the computer while the kids do schoolwork, in the same room as they work, when they don't need me, and I am sure if I cut that out too, I would get more marking done, the room might be tidier, and I might be more focused when they do ask for my help.

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I've found as mine get older that the key is to be in the same room with them and available, but not necessarily "right there." They need me to check their work or answer questions, but the one-on-one teaching is sigificantly less now than it once was and "hovering" actually interferes with their work. If I'm paying bills, reading, making a shopping list, etc. while they work, that's fine. If I run off to water the flowers...they might get off track.

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I have posted a number of questions on this topic and thought about the responses for a while. Then I found a solution and used it a few times in the last few weeks. Each time I used the SOLUTION I had a good day.


This is it:


NO MULTITASKING during school hours. Only things like diapers, helping little ones etc. are allowed. Those are the sort of things that are really important. But no laundry, no kitchen work, no cleaning, mending etc.


It is too simple I know. But it took me about two years to discover it.

You're not alone!! This just hit me like a ton of bricks, too... and it does sound so simple, lol. For myself, however, I always find that the hardest things really aren't that hard; it's the simple things that I just can't leave simple! I have to find some way to make them more difficult that they need to be :o)


Anyhoo, thanks for the reminder-- I've been rolling this thought around in my noggin for the past few days and need to commit it to memory!

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This is it:


NO MULTITASKING during school hours. Only things like diapers, helping little ones etc. are allowed. Those are the sort of things that are really important. But no laundry, no kitchen work, no cleaning, mending etc.


It is too simple I know. But it took me about two years to discover it.


So true!:001_smile:The simple things are the hardest to learn, right?

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I agree! I let the answering machine get the phone and completely focus myself on the school work. I don't answer the door unless I'm expecting someone and I don't try to do other things around the house, which will distract me and leave my children waiting for more work. (Now that I'm down to one at home, I can sneak in a quick load of wash after I get him started on his written work, but that's about it.....)

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I agree! I actually have a barn that has been remodeled to be our schoolhouse. It is 200 feet from the house. It has no internet connection. I can't do laundry or dishes, so when we are schooling there are no distractions. I sometimes wish we had more of a non schoolish environment, but with boys sometimes you have to focus!


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