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Christian based elementary science suggestions


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I am in need of a christian/creation based science curriculum for 2nd grade.




1) One subject per year (example: Biology or Earth science)


2) Prefer text book style as opposed to finding books at the library every week


Besides Apologia.....Does this exist with any other curriculum?

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Christian Kids Explore has a Biology and Earth and Space curriculum that is geared toward the 2nd - 6th grade range. It's not a textbook persay, but the lessons are all in the book, easy to teach, neat exp/act. and not hard to do at all. You might have to adapt "down" for a 2nd grader, but it's not hard to do. I LOVE the looks of Earth and Space and we did Bio. this past year (well, not all of it, but most of it!). I highly recommend it.

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Christian Kids Explore has a Biology and Earth and Space curriculum that is geared toward the 2nd - 6th grade range. It's not a textbook persay, but the lessons are all in the book, easy to teach, neat exp/act. and not hard to do at all. You might have to adapt "down" for a 2nd grader, but it's not hard to do. I LOVE the looks of Earth and Space and we did Bio. this past year (well, not all of it, but most of it!). I highly recommend it.


That was my first thought too. I've only looked through the CKE Biology book and haven't used it yet, but it starts out with Creationism and has Bible verses throughout.

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Thanks everyone!


I do have the God's design science (answers in Genesis) books, but they are just way too much for a 2nd grader, a bit on the dry side too. Also not much fun hands on stuff.


I did look into Christian Kids Explore Science, but I read some pretty bad reviews that it was boring and had poor experiments.


RS4K and R.E.A.L science look pretty good but I miss that Christian perspective.


Easy classical looks interesting, but a bit pricey and then you still have to buy the book list too.


Elementary science is so difficult to find!


Any other recommendations?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm looking at these as possibilities - I'm in your same situation and needing to find elem. science for 3rd and 6th graders. Just curious about the bad reviews on CKEB... I didn't read any bad reviews. Where did you find those? Thanks.



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Elementary science is so difficult to find!


I was going to read leisurely reading through the Apologia elementary series, but I see you were looking for other suggestions. Keep in mind you needn't formally study science with a second grader. If your oldest child is only in early elementary, exposure to the natural world, accompanied by interesting books, is an ideal approach. I understand the preference to have one spine, though, and to my mind, the Apologia elementary texts are ideal in that respect.

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Apologia, until you said you wanted something else besides. Isn't Real Science 4 Kids supposed to be Christian? The author is a Christian, I believe.


Personally, we used Apologia's Exploring Creation Through ________ series here with my youngest and she loved it. I too liked the idea of having everything in one book and not having to run to the library all the time. We simply read a section every time we did science, reviewed questions, and then she wrote narrations. We also did an occasional science experiment or project.

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We have done the Apologia elementary science, I know you said besides that, but, we've enjoyed it. Also doing nature study and nature journaling has been huge at our house and my dc love nature and studying nature.


I just picked up Christian Kids Explore Chemistry, and I like the look of it. I've been reading through it and love the layout. I have several friends back in MN who have done it an highly recommend it. Their kids love it too. Our co-op back home is using it and having a great time. We will be adding the Fizz, Bubble, and Pop (I think that's the title) book to it for more experiments.

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