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Wow! Another earthquake in OK!

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Yes! It was crazy. I live in an underground home so I'm pretty freaked out right now. The whole house shook and I could literally feel it swaying. The lights, pictures and ceiling fans were shaking and some books fell off of our shelves.


The USGS is reporting that there have been a total of 9 quakes here in OK in the last 24 hours. Two of them were pretty big. The first was around 2:00 CST Saturday morning and was a 4.7 and the last one was around 10:50 CST and was a 5.6. That's almost a whole point higher in less than 24 hours!


I'm a little nervous right now. Especially since my home is undergound. Normally, living here in Tornado alley, that's a great thing but in the case of earthquakes, I can't imagine a worse place to be. The walls and the ceiling is made of 10" 10,000 PSI concrete so if the ceiling collapsed it would completely crush us since it's solid concrete.


Now I'm paranoid and afraid to sleep. :glare: I just need to :chillpill:

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We're north of Dallas -- about an hour from the OK/TX border. I did not feel a thing but my family swears they felt something. The only clue was a lamp slightly (very slightly) moving as if it was moved. :confused:


Tons of people here in DFW are freaking out on FB. Heck, I'm more worried about OK instead of us.

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I was the only one in my house who felt the first one (4.8 on Saturday am) and I thought I was dreaming until I woke up and checked online. Last night I was up on a step stool when the 5.6 rumbled through. It felt like it lasted forever! That time 3 of the 4 of us experienced it. Scared my youngest, but I tried to make light of it by laughing and telling her that now they knew I didn't make up the one from earlier.

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I felt the one Sat. p.m. but didn't realize it was a quake. I thought the cats were shaking my bed. haha. It never occurred to me that it could be an earthquake because we don't get those here! Last night's quake really shook the second story of our house. The dishes were rattling in the cabinet. I was pretty shook up myself. I think I'd rather have a tornado. At least then we feel safe and snug underground....and we know ahead of time that it is coming.

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Yes! It was crazy. I live in an underground home so I'm pretty freaked out right now. The whole house shook and I could literally feel it swaying. The lights, pictures and ceiling fans were shaking and some books fell off of our shelves.


The USGS is reporting that there have been a total of 9 quakes here in OK in the last 24 hours. Two of them were pretty big. The first was around 2:00 CST Saturday morning and was a 4.7 and the last one was around 10:50 CST and was a 5.6. That's almost a whole point higher in less than 24 hours!


I'm a little nervous right now. Especially since my home is undergound. Normally, living here in Tornado alley, that's a great thing but in the case of earthquakes, I can't imagine a worse place to be. The walls and the ceiling is made of 10" 10,000 PSI concrete so if the ceiling collapsed it would completely crush us since it's solid concrete.


Now I'm paranoid and afraid to sleep. :glare: I just need to :chillpill:


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Until last August I would not have been able to relate at all, but now that a 5.8 has hit our area I totally understand why you are so afraid. It is very, very unsettling to say the least. I can't imagine how much more scary it would be in your situation.


Praying for safety for all you Okies affected by these quakes.

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No, you don't think OK would be earthquake-prone. I don't like tornadoes, but at least you can see the storm and have a clue that there may be one headed your way. With earthquakes, you don't have ANY clue. That's the scariest part for me. DH and I were pretty freaked out, and so were our cats. Ironically my dog who is petrified of thunder woke up, looked around, waited (and waited... and waited...) for the shaking to stop, then went back to sleep.

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:001_smile:Thanks Cyndi and Kathleen,


I'm feeling better this morning. I was able to finally get a little sleep. I even lost my first home in the big May 3rd tornado in 1999 but for some reason this freaked me out more. I guess it's because I felt I had no control or warning. With tornados, we at least usually get notice to prepare and we know what to do. Since earthquakes are new here most of us really weren't prepared so I think that surprise and lack of experience wit them made it worse. I don't think being underground when it happened helped much either. :glare:


I'm not in a big hurry to experience that again. I think I'd just rather keep our tornados. :tongue_smilie:


Thanks again guys. You ladies are so sweet. I'm glad that it seems like all of of here in Okie Land are okay.

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