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Teachers Lodge 11-3-2011

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Happy, ouch, Thursday!


Yes, I said, "Ouch". See my "Sore Muscles" thread for more info.


What's for breakfast/lunch today? Breakfast will be Tyson Sweet n Sour chicken tenders. Lunch will probably be left over Loaded Baked Potato soup. (That was quite a hit at my house!)


Going anywhere today? We were supposed to go see another play (The Sun Serpent) BUT dd is sick, ds has an attitude issue, and my body can't decide if it's sick or not!


Are all of you aware of www.homeschoolfreebie.wholesomechildhood.com/


Along with




You may find them interesting!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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What's for breakfast/lunch today? Breakfast was toast or waffles for the kids and an english muffin for me. Lunch was leftover pork and butternut squash from last night's dinner (that was a HUGE hit). Dinner will be Sicilian Meat Roll with a side of steamed broccoli.


Going anywhere today? I have to drop dd14 off at dance, but that doesn't require us getting out of the car! DD4 is kind of sick...she has a slight fever and a very stuffy nose. We're lying low and letting her fight this off--it's the first sign of sickness for this school year. I pray it passes quickly and no one else comes down with it. I do have to go to the grocery store at some point, but I may wait and do that tonight. I'm also supposed to take dd7 and ds to church so we can serve at our community clothing closet.

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Yes, it is an ouch Thursday (as was Wed.) but Monday and Tuesday were good, so I'm happy.


Breakfast - one piece of dd9's pumpkin choc. chip bread with cheese to give me some protein to hopefully head off all the sugar.


Lunch - will be back to salad with protein since I've neglected that lately.


Going somewhere? Not until Zumba tonight. I need a day at home very badly after a day out all day yesterday.


I'll have to look at those sites later. Right now I'm late to breakfast!

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No ouches here--my muscles are mostly screaming for something that would make them a bit sore. Instead my body is screaming for sugar. I've realized I'm addicted to sugar, so am going without it the next three weeks to break the habit.


Breakfast was a piece of toast for me and toast and eggs for the kids.


Lunch I hadn't thought about, but think I will make some potato soup now that you've mentioned it. That still leaves supper to figure out! Blah!


I'm trying to motivate myself to get up and do some of the chores I've determined are important this week.


I've enjoyed the comic at the bottom of this blog post: http://ourmothershipadventures.blogspot.com/p/homeschooling.html


20 reasons we homeschool.

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Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins


Lunch was cabbage, carrot, green pepper, chicken, and mandarin orange stirfry.


I baked black bean brownies today, for the first time. Probably the last. They taste good, but... they are not addictive like regular brownies, which was the whole reason I made them. No white flour. Very filling. Now, after 2, I've got a sugar headache and no desire to ever eat another brownie in my life. Avoiding white flour products has been very enlightening, and my stomach is getting flatter. Yeah.


Going: nowhere, which is most of the time.

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I just have to say that Jean in Newcastle is not very nice today.

:leaving: :001_tt2: :D


Ask Roughcollie - this is my usual orneriness. ;)


BTW - I had no salad fixings in the house! Can you believe it? :svengo: I had to go with green beans, cheese and some inari sushi.


I am trying to clean/declutter my house 15 min. at a time. It's a spin-off from FlyLady's crisis cleaning. Today I did 15 min. in the linen closet. I still have 15 min. to do in the kitchen (besides the normal cleaning). And I plan to do 15 min. on the stairs and landing.

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What's for breakfast/lunch today? Breakfast, cherry Greek yogurt. Lots of protein, low sugar. Yay! Lunch, sesame chicken, steamed rice and cheese wontons. Yummy! Yay! Don't ask about dinner.


Going anywhere today? Work, yay! No, not yay, but it pays the bills. DD is begging to go shoe shopping, and I really need to take her, she's nearly outgrown the shoes she has. I'm trying to put it off until this weekend. We might go out for dinner.

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I had a glass of iced tea, and a big mug of echinacea tea this morning; a bowl of chicken noodle soup and crackers at Chick-fil-A for lunch (more tea).... I've been munching some crackers and cheddar cheese this afternoon (as well as some good chocolate I bought while my son was at co-op).... It is a rainy, blustery fall day here and all the leaves are coming down....

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Reading all the yummy dishes you all had for lunch makes me wish I was a better organized person. Hmm, maybe I can get dd to prep some meals while I supervise. But first I'll need those Ziploc freezer bags. Maybe I'll make hubby go to the store tonight so we can do that!


I entered Leann Ely's drawing to win an upright freezer. I could really use an extra freezer! The grand prize includes her coming to your house to help you prep all those yummy meals she has recipes for. I don't need the grand prize, because that would require serious organization and cleaning on my part. No thanks. Just want the freezer!:D

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black bean brownies:


1 can black beans, drained and rinsed

3 eggs

3 tbsp oil

1/4 cup cocoa

3/4 cup sugar

1 tsp vanilla

a dash of salt

1 tsp baking powder


Put everything in the blender and blend till smooth, pour into a greased 8 inch square pan and bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Enjoy! I'm told these are better the second day. I haven't tried them yet today.

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