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More math questions: Saxon, Singapore, etc.

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We used Saxon this year simply based on freinds rec's and WTM. While it worked for dd11 and ds8, it did NOT work for ds10 or ds7. We switched ds10 and ds7 to MUS. Ds7 was not thrileed w/ MUS either, but I think this has more to do w/ his lack of interest in ANYTHING academic as opposed to just math, KWIM? So, fast forward to now. I'm not sure we'll continue w/ MUS for ds10 past Gamma...ONLY b/c of the expense. Even used, MUS costs us over $50 per book (for all materials). I hate to keep switching. If there was a way to continue MUS AND keep costs at a minimum...I would. I'm thinking that Singapore might be a good compromise. Then there are my youngers who have never even started math. Ds5 will start math next year. I have a Sadlier Oxford Prog. In Math 1st grade book that he will use. Then what? I have Saxon 2 complete, purchased earlier in the year. I'm thinking about selling this and getting Singapore for him. What do you think? I didn't like Saxon for younger grades b/c of the time it took to teach it. We never did the meeting part and I always thought it was a waste of curriculum if we weren't going to use the whole thing, KWIM? That's why I thought switching to Singapore might be better. Less expensive and more complete. I don't like "scripted" curriculum like Saxon.


Please help me figure this out! Sell Sax. 2 and buy Sing. or use Sax. 2? Ds5 has never had math before so I don't know if he'd do well w/ it or not. Then for ds10, figure out a way to cont. w/ MUS or ditch it after Gamma and use Singapore? For ds7...I haven't a CLUE what to do. I don't want to start MUS and not be able to finish. So....do Singapore w/ him too? Oh ugh...I'm so confused!

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We started with Saxon but *I* hated it. I'm sure my dds would have been fine, but I couldn't stand doing it. We then used singapore, and I love it. I was worried (as only a mom can be) that maybe it was too easy, because the girls are so efficient with it. So I bought MUS. They missed the Singapore and we went back to it. I love the ease of it. The girls love that it's no muss, no fuss. Just do the math. All of the 'stuff' with the other programs seems to get in the way for them. My dd5 started earlybird math last year and is flying through it. The earlybird books are so bright and fun, she asks for them everyday.


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Not to throw another math program out there, but any K-2 graders I've come across have loved Horizons math. For K, my son always wanted to do math because he thought it was fun. Plus, it was a breeze as there are only two pages. TM for K is not needed.

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Well, one other thing you might think about (or maybe you already have and rejected it ;)), you could take all your youngers (including the 7 yo) through MUS as far as gamma. That way you would get max. usage out of the MUS only buying the student pack books each year (workbook and test book) because you'd already have the dvds and manipulatives. You could start supplementing with CWP in 2nd or 3rd grade or maybe IP in the 3rd grade and then go all singapore after that?


Just a thought.

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Well, one other thing you might think about (or maybe you already have and rejected it ;)), you could take all your youngers (including the 7 yo) through MUS as far as gamma. That way you would get max. usage out of the MUS only buying the student pack books each year (workbook and test book) because you'd already have the dvds and manipulatives. You could start supplementing with CWP in 2nd or 3rd grade or maybe IP in the 3rd grade and then go all singapore after that?


Just a thought.


Yes, I did think about that. I'm just not sure about it b/c MUS and Singapore seem so different, KWIM? AND, I just don't like switching if I don't have to. I'm thinking about just starting my ds5 on Singapore next year and seeing how it goes. As for ds10...he'll go through Gamma and then perhaps I'll do the placement for Singapore or maybe just try Saxon again once he's solidified those "facts". Maybe it'll be easier for him then. Who knows. I'm not "sold" on MUS but perhaps I haven't given it a chance. I'm much more used to traditional math programs scope/sequence. Thanks for your suggestions.

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Okay, so I'm reading some other Singapore threads and see that it might be necessary to purchase the texts, workbooks AND the HIG. That all adds up! Perhaps Sing. math isn't as inexpensive as I once thought! How much is Sing. curriculum for ONE year? I imagine my dc would go through A/B in one year. AND, where is the cheapest place to buy it? Oh, and I see they have Standards edition AND U.S. edition. WHAT is the difference and which should I buy? Why isn't this any easier?

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I bought the text and wb from Rainbow Resource for about $8 each, and the HIG $12 each. I'm sticking with the US Edition-I don't necessarily feel the need to follow California's math scope. I've bought the HIG for every other year because I only occassionally consult them, and there seems to be some review. So that would be about $32 for the text and wb for one year. I do buy some of the other stuff too (CWP) which I think is worth the small cost. I have 3 kids so I just buy one text and CWP, and a wb for each.

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Okay, so I'm reading some other Singapore threads and see that it might be necessary to purchase the texts, workbooks AND the HIG. That all adds up! Perhaps Sing. math isn't as inexpensive as I once thought! How much is Sing. curriculum for ONE year? I imagine my dc would go through A/B in one year. AND, where is the cheapest place to buy it? Oh, and I see they have Standards edition AND U.S. edition. WHAT is the difference and which should I buy? Why isn't this any easier?


I don't have any answers for you really, but I totally understand where you're coming from. The MUS scope/sequence issue had me ready to switch back in Feb. I went to the homeschool conference scouring all math to figure out what to go to. I had the same frustation with Singapore - just seemed like too many books to juggle. And I thought MUS was expensive until I added up the cost of everything else I was comparing to - then it seemed like a pretty good deal (especially realizing I would buy teacher packs and manipulatives only once.)


I'm not trying to talk you into MUS, I'm just sympathetic because I had the same frustrations! Another thing that sent me running back to MUS was the crazy overstimulation of so many of the workbook pages (Horizons comes to mind). I was overstimulated, and *I* already knew the math, LOL! In the end I decided to stick with MUS, but comforted myself with a couple thoughts - a) I could add in CWP and/or b) I could just speed them up (as long as they're doing well) so they hit the later MUS topics earlier. (Also several of my other curriculum choices i.e. SWR, FLL, CW are fairly teacher intensive and I felt I couldn't switch to a math that would demand more of me. I like to depend on the MUS dvds to teach the concept and then follow up to make sure they got it.)


Anyway, good luck figuring out what will work best for you! I forget - don't you have a conference coming up soon near you? Maybe that would be helpful to lay eyes on all these different options.


(I don't remember the specifics but I think singapore's websites discusses the differences between US Edition and Standards Edition).


Good luck!!!!

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Have you considered Rod and Staff? It is a very traditional math program. You can get more info on how well it works by doing a search of these boards. Lots of info out there. I'll let it speak for the curriculum and just address the cost portion. First and second grade are consumable workbooks but are reasonably priced. Third through 8th are hardback text books, again reasonably priced. For each grade you need the student text and the teacher's text (especially in the younger grades as the actual TEACHING is in the teacher's edition/unlike many other math texts). The upper grades you need the TE so that you can check the answers without having to actually work the problems. You can often find the books on the For Sale board for additional savings.

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Have you considered Rod and Staff? It is a very traditional math program. You can get more info on how well it works by doing a search of these boards. Lots of info out there. I'll let it speak for the curriculum and just address the cost portion. First and second grade are consumable workbooks but are reasonably priced. Third through 8th are hardback text books, again reasonably priced. For each grade you need the student text and the teacher's text (especially in the younger grades as the actual TEACHING is in the teacher's edition/unlike many other math texts). The upper grades you need the TE so that you can check the answers without having to actually work the problems. You can often find the books on the For Sale board for additional savings.



I looked at a Rod and Staff Math once and the pages just looked too "cluttered" to me and I knew if they looked like that to me, they would completely overwhelm my ds. He hated that about the Saxon text and R&S just looked even worse. JMO, obviously. I can't look at any more curriculums for math. My head is swimming. I must just decide on what we have...sell Saxon or not and then what from there. I looked at Horizons and it looks "okay", but I'm just not sure. I'll look into math on the level, but I think my head will simply explode!

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