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I don't like it...my baby is growing up too fast.

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My younger DD and I went to pick up my oldest dd at a Halloween dance tonight. A young man that they see off and on was there. (He's 16..maybe 17 by now) He was chatting it up with my younger dd...asked why she didn't come. She said I'm too young...he laughed and then realized she was serious. He then asks...how old ARE you? Eleven. He was like this: :001_huh: He thought she was at least 14.


Crazyness. She's still a baby! I don't like the male attention she and her twin sister have been getting lately. :glare: (like grown men whistling...where is my gun?!)


Anyone else in this boat with their 11 year olds? They are very tall, and have curves. They look mid-teens at least. Can I just lock them up? :tongue_smilie:

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My younger DD and I went to pick up my oldest dd at a Halloween dance tonight. A young man that they see off and on was there. (He's 16..maybe 17 by now) He was chatting it up with my younger dd...asked why she didn't come. She said I'm too young...he laughed and then realized she was serious. He then asks...how old ARE you? Eleven. He was like this: :001_huh: He thought she was at least 14.


Crazyness. She's still a baby! I don't like the male attention she and her twin sister have been getting lately. :glare: (like grown men whistling...where is my gun?!)


Anyone else in this boat with their 11 year olds? They are very tall, and have curves. They look mid-teens at least. Can I just lock them up? :tongue_smilie:


:lol::lol: Love the reaction, sorry about the cause :grouphug:

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My dd11 looks older too. She matured faster physically, much earlier than I did. But we're not getting a lot of male attention the way you describe it, though. Probably because she's my oldest and I don't have a teen to drive from place to place where my 11yo would run into older teens/young adults.


I guess I should mentally prepare myself for this sort of thing. I'm not much help to you, am I? But I appreciate the heads up.



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I have the opposite problem with girls throwing themselves at my ds11. I promise you it doesn't feel any better just because he's a boy. He's too young!! Why do girls do this nowadays? I want to parent those girls and let them know that boys prefer to do the chasing, and that they just look desperate.

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People thought my dd was in high school at 11. Now, she's almost 14 and gets asked what college she attends.


I appreciate the young men who have surprised expressions. That usually means they know she's off limits.


That happened to me in high school. I was enrolled in the local university my senior year and worked during the day, so people thought I was older. I'd skipped a grade so I was a young senior (16). I remember one man who asked me out upon finding out my age asked me not to tell anyone he'd asked me out.


Just keep a good relationship with your dds going. That goes a lot further in protecting them than locking them in a closet.

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Just keep a good relationship with your dds going. That goes a lot further in protecting them than locking them in a closet.


We do :) My oldest still talks to me about pretty much every thing. Doesn't stop the closet locking urge though...lol.


I think it doesn't help that I had the same problem as a child. And then add the fact that dh and I began dating at 15 and I remember the things we got into.


The younger two have little interest in boys right now anyway...so at least I don't have to worry too much about reciprocation yet.

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Just keep a good relationship with your dds going. That goes a lot further in protecting them than locking them in a closet.


This is definitely the most important thing.


My oldest was like your dds. We went to a retirement party for one of dh's college professors when she was 13. A few people thought ds was her child and more than one person asked her what classes she was taking and what she had Professor X for. She was in Junior High!

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I think the tendency is for girls to start to want to dress more womanly when they begin to look older regardless of their age. Dressing them as 11 yos sends a signal.


They do for the most part. My girls are probably more modest than I am. But it IS hard to dress them like 11 year olds when they are wearing 9/10 in womens clothing. Maybe I should make them wear mom jeans :lol:


They don't send out "flirt with me" signals. In fact, the dd I was posting about has the BEST "Get back stare" ever.

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