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Tell me I'm doing right thing here or will I go insane

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My 3 1/2 year old goes to daycare twice a week for 6 hours a day. On these days I can focus on work more with his homeschooled brothers and I can also relax and have a little me time after lessons are finished. There is also less squabbling on those days.


However, I am having issues with daycare now:

1. my 3 1/2 year old complains every morning that he wants to stay with me and it breaks my heart

2. Its a pain to get all three boys into the car because everyone is complaining. I think 8 years is too young to leave alone at home.

3. The especially caring daycare workers have left and I don't think the new staff are as patient or warm.

3. Since I am working part time less often, I don't make very much and can't really justify the expense.

4. It would be nice to not drive in the mornings with bad weather coming up.


So I have basically decided to take him out in a month or so. Any advice on how to have him home all the time? How to handle his periodic disruptions?

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You don't need anyone to judge your decisions! Who cares what people think they would do in your situation.


I enjoy having my 3 year old go to preschool. The break is wonderful and the structure is good for him. That said, he has difficulty behaving at school, partially because it is in the afternoon when he needs a nap. It has crossed my mind MANY times to pull him out and let him nap instead.


He has gotten much easier at home. 3 months ago, it was still impossible to concentrate on anything with him around. Now that he is obsessed with Legos and starwars.com, he can amuse himself pretty well. He gets a lot of mileage on more.starfall too.

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My 3 1/2 year old goes to daycare twice a week for 6 hours a day. On these days I can focus on work more with his homeschooled brothers and I can also relax and have a little me time after lessons are finished. There is also less squabbling on those days.


However, I am having issues with daycare now:

1. my 3 1/2 year old complains every morning that he wants to stay with me and it breaks my heart

2. Its a pain to get all three boys into the car because everyone is complaining. I think 8 years is too young to leave alone at home.

3. The especially caring daycare workers have left and I don't think the new staff are as patient or warm.

3. Since I am working part time less often, I don't make very much and can't really justify the expense.

4. It would be nice to not drive in the mornings with bad weather coming up.


So I have basically decided to take him out in a month or so. Any advice on how to have him home all the time? How to handle his periodic disruptions?


I think you have good reasons for keeping him home.


There are many threads about keeping preschoolers busy while schooling older children. If you search the forums, you will find lots of wonderful ideas.

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Guest submarines

You might even enjoy having him at home, after an adjustment period. Driving him there and back, with unwilling siblings, would make me nuts. Your mornings will be much more relaxing!


I think you have too many factors going AGAINST keeping him in daycare. At home you will settle into a rhythm and things will work out. :grouphug:

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Oh and I forgot that he takes a nap at preschool and then that night stays up quite late. Another reason right there.


Thanks- I will go through those threads to find some ideas to keep him busy. We often let him participate in class but sometimes its hard.


I hope you find many workable solutions. The fact that there are multiple threads about this speaks to the fact that it's something many of us need help with.


Enjoy your winter mornings at home. ;)

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Another option would be to hire a mother's helper for a few hours a week. I'm sure it would cost MUCH less than daycare. My youngest dd does that for a family with four little girls a few days a week. My daughter spends time with the two middle girls who are 4 and 3 while the mom works with the 10 year old. They play games outside, read, color, have snacks, etc. It gives the mom one on one time with the 10 year old and the little girls LOVE having my daughter come to play with just them. It's a win-win situation for everyone.



Elise in NC

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:grouphug: I agree-I would take him out and take a little while to get into a new schedule with the things at home......I would get little coloring books or little books and have him do that while schooling the other kids (if that is possible)--Once you find a rhythm I'm sure the mornings will settle down....good luck....

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It sounds like a once-great situation has just changed so it's not the best fit anymore.


When I had three year olds, I tried to break my older kids' time with me down into 15-20 minute chunks, after which I'd put them on something independent (even it if was just a coloring sheet from the SOTW activity book on the chapter we just read, even if my oldest never liked to color), and go check in on the little one. I used educational videos and PBS kids, Nick Jr. etc. a lot -- my youngest was signing long before she was talking because she and her preschooler brother watched Signing Time A LOT. She also learned to read VERY early from the Leap Frog letter videos. And they gave me 20 minutes at a stretch to get through something with the others.

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