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Does Singapore 2A ever end?


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:svengo: Part of it is that my dd really enjoys it, and couldn't care less if math takes all day. And ever since she made a couple careless errors, she's double/triple checking. Every. Single. Subtraction. Problem. I think she started making mistakes because she was getting a little bored.


What do you think? Cut the number of workbook problems in half? Number of textbook problems in half? Stick it out? 33? :tongue_smilie:

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we switched over to SM after using MM which was just visually unappealing and somehow we were dreading math. We started in 2A even though we were quite a ways through MM, because there is some overlap and differences in when they teach what. I started going through some of it orally and just plan to somehow condense the rest of it. He gets this stuff really quick, but still doesn't want to do countless number of pages so if something is that easy we do it out loud, and some written. Today her rambled off to me like 3 pages worth, then I had him do one page.


I would make sure she knows the material well but if you can get through it quicker it's not going to hurt.


Oh BTW, we do not actually do the textbook, but just look it over. DS is JUST like his dad. A smart cookie and wants to do just enough to prove he knows it all LOL

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yeah, we skipped a few of those workbook exercises. The were boring DD to tears. We skipped to the review and she did fine. I do bring in a few of those sort of problems now and then (either IP, Mental Math or through Miquon) just to remind her.

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Brace yourself; 2B is even longer. I am looking at 3A and thinking "What a breeze, by comparison!"


I would avoid being impatient. The skills they pick up in 2A and 2B are absolutely amazing if they take the time to really solidify them. If they really GET those place values and the mental math strategies, they are set. Adding one more place value in 3A will be piece of cake and it will move faster. He used that time to learn how to THINK as well as learning the math.



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:lol: It doesn't feel like it! Esp. b/c right now we are taking a break to get the multiplication facts down cold. That's one of Singapore's only downsides... they sort of ignore the fact that you really need to memorize those.


At least your dd is thorough. I wish my older kids had that kind of math ethic!

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I dunno...not crazy about Rolling Rock...


:lol: I'm teaching math at 7 a.m. Do you dislike it less if you consider it a breakfast beer? :tongue_smilie:


OK, in all seriousness... I was laying out our second quarter schedule and thinking how long things are taking now, and :001_huh:. We also do LoF, and Miquon, and she has MathWraps and Triangle Flash cards for drill. I guess what's eating up the time is the checking of work, which is partially diligence. But part is not believing something is a "fact" yet. So, she'll know 8-3 is 5, but she'll still grab linking cubes and check that. This is the same girl who's still checking that h-i-s does say his, so....


Thanks to each of you for your replies. It definitely has helped me think through how things are progressing here. :)

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It does not ignore that they need to know their facts. The guides say they do, and have games and mental math pages. They just don't put lots and lots of pages of math facts within the textbook and workbook. I saw something called Sprints on their site for drill. My kids needed different amounts of time and different ways to learn them.

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I almost never skipped workbook (or text) stuff. I figured that if it takes a long time, that means the skills need practice. And, if it went really quickly, then, well, no harm in doing them all. Maybe a handful of times, ever with all 3 kids through all of SM, I might have skipped half of a page of time-consuming lengthy arithmetic (or writing out the names of numbers) if and only if I was certain the kid 1000% got it. I'd never skip anything if the kid was struggling.


Be sure to drill FACTS separately each day. Just 5-10 min a day, and you'll see those problem solving times increase dramatically. If a page of basic arithmetic is taking a long time, that means the facts are not solid yet. I learned this lesson the hard way with my first child, and for #2 & #3, I knew to drill ahead of the game by looking a week or two ahead and drilling facts before they came up. Then the exercises flew by.


FWIW, I also did Miquon in parallel with SM, and that helped speed things along. Also, we used Peggy Kaye's Games books for drill and reinforcement.



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Anne-on-Cape-Cod, I printed out the subtraction part of the test. I asked her about it last night and she admitted she might be a bit bored with subtraction because she doesn't see subtraction as any different than addition. She calls it computation. So I asked if she wants to take the test, and if she does well, she can move on. She loves taking tests, and challenges in general, so that's what's on tap this morning.


StephanieZ, and I agree with everything you've written. So it bothered me I wanted to skip (With my frugal nature, it's doubly-hard -- darn it, I paid for the whole program, I want to USE it!). Then it hit me...I don't have to skip it forever. You are right. Her math facts aren't cemented. She knows them, but keeps checking them with C-rods. Her abacus. Her number line. Her linking cubes. Perhaps a rest and then circling back once she's gained the confidence she knows the answers will work!


Thanks everyone for all the thoughts. Off to issue a test to a giddy 7 yr. old. :tongue_smilie:

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My son was borred with the addition and subtraction. It would talr an hour to do one page....he would do a problem, then stare at the wall. If I kept on top of him it took a few seconds to do the problem. I made him finish all the exercises, but we skipped some writing out numbers problems. Once we got to measurement, life was more pleasant. Now we are on the final reviews amd he is taking forever again....two days and we move on!

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She only got 80% on the portion of the placement test she took. So, we're going to postpone for 3 weeks, and then finish up subtraction.


I also think I need to develop a reward system for correct answers within a certain time frame. Maybe if you can do these 6 problems correctly in 5 minutes, you don't have to do the rest of the page type thing. Things to ponder while we skip on to measurement! :D

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