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s/o Fat, Sick, and nearly Dead....and Pregnant

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I was reading Pamela H's thread and took the advice of some of the posters to watch Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. (BTW- it is on netflix streaming)


I am so inspired!!


My question is, I am newly pregnant and wonder if it is even feasible to do a juice diet. I assume I would have to eat more protein too.


Now, I KNOW I need to run it by my Dr. but for now, what says the hive?

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My first thought would be not to do a complete juice diet. Maybe juice as snacks to keep portions down for breakfast/lunch/dinner? Juice in the morning, followed by a smaller breakfast, etc. Just a thought and by no means a medical opinion.

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I imagine the amount of detoxing that would occur would be dangerous to the baby. This is just an assumption on my part. I do think it would be quite healthy to add some fresh juices and fruit/veggie smoothies to a healthy, balanced diet while pregnant.

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I imagine the amount of detoxing that would occur would be dangerous to the baby.


I hadn't thought of that. That's a good point and something to definitely ask, but yes I think a major point of a juice diet is to detox which may be safer to do without baby.

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Right! And I have been overweight for a long time, I am not going to jeopardize the baby just because I finally want to get it together now. I can do it after.


I do lose weight when I am pregnant and it is not bad for the baby. So that is good. I could maxamize that when the baby is born and juice then.


In the meantime I may subsidize my diet with juice.

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Babies need FAT too for growing brains (especially). I would not do it while pregnant -- though if juicing allows you to incorporate more fruits and veggies into your diet, that's certainly a good thing.



I eat lots of veggies and fruits normally but when I am pregnant I crave them over my normal unhealthy cravings. That is why I usually lose weight while pregnant.


I wonder if I could put avocados in the juice for more fat.

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I eat lots of veggies and fruits normally but when I am pregnant I crave them over my normal unhealthy cravings. That is why I usually lose weight while pregnant.


I wonder if I could put avocados in the juice for more fat.


Avocados add a nice creaminess to smoothies. You could also add coconut oil, flax oil, and nut butters for healthy fats.

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A close friend of ours recently did the juice thing for the 10 "reboot" after seeing that video and he really went through some detox symptoms and quite honestly felt like carp for a good chunk of the time. It was hard on his digestive system at first. When he was done he was glad he did it, but then had to ease into solid foods. I know he would say to NOT do it while pregnant or nursing because there was some serious liver cleansing going on, and that would change your blood chemistry and other things. Not worth risking. Now eating more fruits and veggies wouldn't hurt so I would try to eat more of the super foods but just not do a drastic juice fast.

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A close friend of ours recently did the juice thing for the 10 "reboot" after seeing that video and he really went through some detox symptoms and quite honestly felt like carp for a good chunk of the time. It was hard on his digestive system at first. When he was done he was glad he did it, but then had to ease into solid foods. I know he would say to NOT do it while pregnant or nursing because there was some serious liver cleansing going on, and that would change your blood chemistry and other things. Not worth risking. Now eating more fruits and veggies wouldn't hurt so I would try to eat more of the super foods but just not do a drastic juice fast.



Good idea!

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I imagine the amount of detoxing that would occur would be dangerous to the baby. This is just an assumption on my part. I do think it would be quite healthy to add some fresh juices and fruit/veggie smoothies to a healthy, balanced diet while pregnant.


:iagree: I do not think doing juice fasting while pregnant would be a good idea. Your system is going to detox a lot. I agree with do the juicing but not as a total fast. Clean your diet up by getting rid of the sugars and grains as much as possible, the processed foods would be good to go also. Then after you have that precious little one and after you are finished nursing if you so choose it will be much easier to do the total juice fast. Your body will have already gotten rid of a lot of the junk but at a much slower, gentler rate.

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I wouldn't do it, either, although I don't have any evidence to back up my opinion. I would just be worried that I might be doing something that would be detrimental to the baby, so I wouldn't take a chance.


I know you mentioned that you would modify with more protein and speak with your doctor first, so I'm sure you'll get all the info you need before you decide to try it.


I don't really know anything about the different kinds of cleanses, and I know a lot of people swear by them, but I think if I tried anything that was mostly juice, it would be too hard on my stomach and I'd end up sick as a dog!

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