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I would like your thoughts/opinions on a quote I came up with

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OK everyone lets me know what you think of the following quote.

This is something I came up with the other night.


Some people make life happen,

others let life happen to them.


Personally I think this is very true, well that is why I came up with the quote. It makes me so sad to see people that don't live their lives, but rather just let life happen. In other worlds they don't do anything productive and don't continue to grow, learn, or live. I know a couple that lived within 15 minutes of Washington DC and they never went and saw the White House, museums, etc and also never took their kids. They hardly ever left the house. They watched TV, read the paper and sat around the kitchen table and died. They were nice people, but did their lives have meaning.

It will be fun and interesting to hear your thoughts and opinions.

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Personally I think it is very true. I've lived both examples. My parents are very laid back and have allowed life to happen around them. I have often thought their theme song should be "Que sera, sera".


My dad worked at a TV station and the news seemed to sway his mood and attitude about life. As a child I remember thinking I was merely observing life, not participating in it. They both achieved more than their parents did, but I don't ever remember them encouraging me to stretch or grow. They left a lot of our education up to the school system, assuming we were learning things like money managment and how to set goals. That was a big mistake! I love my parents, but it would have been nice if they had encouraged me more.


When I met dh I knew he was the type to make life happen. He is never one to sit idely by and watch. I feel like I have lived more in the 17 years I've known my dh than I did in the previous 20+. We've made some mistakes, but it's never a dull moment around here.


So, yes, your quote resonates with me.

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A couple of thoughts...


1. I don't want to offend you, however I would like to point out that it's only a "quote" if someone said it and someone else is "quoting" it. Right? What you have is a meaningful phrase that you came up with, or perhaps a summary or paraphrase of someone else's words or idea (like any idea can be considered completely original ;).



From http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary


2 entries found.




Main Entry: 1quote

Pronunciation: \ˈkwōt also ˈkōt\

Function: verb

Inflected Form(s): quot·ed; quot·ing

Etymology: Medieval Latin quotare to mark the number of, number references, from Latin quotus of what number or quantity, from quot how many, (as) many as; akin to Latin qui who — more at who

Date: 1582

transitive verb

1 a: to speak or write (a passage) from another usually with credit acknowledgment b: to repeat a passage from especially in substantiation or illustration c: borrow 2a <quoting the motifs of past artists>

2: to cite in illustration <quote cases of similar acts>

3 a: to state (the current price or bid-offer spread) for a commodity, stock, or bond b: to give exact information on

4: to set off by quotation marks

intransitive verb

: to inform a hearer or reader that matter following is quoted

— quot·er noun



2. Many people agree with you, as evidenced by the similar phrases others have come up with. (I will not vouch for the accuracy of these credits, as they came from various internet sources.)


“When it comes to the future, there are three kinds of people: those who let it happen, those who make it happen, and those who wonder what happened.â€

-John M. Richardson, Jr.


“If you don't make things happen then things will happen to you.â€

-Robert Collier


“Too many people go through life waiting for things to happen instead of making them happen!â€

-Sasha Azevedo


"There is a time to let things happen and a time to make things happen." -Hugh Prather


“Let us not be content to wait and see what will happen, but give us the determination to make the right things happen.â€

-Horace Mann


“You can't just sit there and wait for people to give you that golden dream. You've got to get out there and make it happen for yourself.â€

-Diana Ross


"It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things."

-most often attributed to Leonardo da Vinci or Elinor Smith

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A couple of thoughts...


1. I don't want to offend you, however I would like to point out that it's only a "quote" if someone said it and someone else is "quoting" it. Right? What you have is a meaningful phrase that you came up with, or perhaps a summary or paraphrase of someone else's words or idea (like any idea can be considered completely original ;).





No offense taken. Quote didn't feel right when I typed it, but I couldn't think of anything better. Thank you for your informative post. I liked the similiar quotes, inspirations, words of wisdom etc.

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First thought: I like the quote/idea. There are people out there actively participating in their lives, others out there just letting life wash over them, and the rest of us fall somewhere in between.


Second thought:

I know a couple that lived within 15 minutes of Washington DC and they never went and saw the White House, museums, etc and also never took their kids. They hardly ever left the house. They watched TV, read the paper and sat around the kitchen table and died. They were nice people, but did their lives have meaning.


Are you asking did their lives have meaning to them? Or to you? Or to the world in general? I get that this is just an example. But (and understand that this is kindly said in the interest of discussion) who gets to determine the "meaning" in the lives of others? The lives of that couple might sound stifling or dull to you (and to me) but it doesn't mean it wasn't a life well lived--perhaps to them the birds out the window or the flowers in the yard and nesting in the home they'd created was their path to contentment.


I'm married to a man who would just drift right along his life, wherever the current takes him. Well, he would if it weren't for me, or perhaps I'm part of the current in his life. But he's always content. I'm the opposite, always examining, looking for new experiences, striving for the most I can squeeze from my life. I've finally come to the conclusion that my way isn't always better. (Shocking but true. ;) ) There's a value to quiet contentment, too, even if that means, for some, that they are not seeking new challenges and experiences.



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I know a couple that lived within 15 minutes of Washington DC and they never went and saw the White House, museums, etc and also never took their kids.


I maybe can understand this just a bit. I live within an hours train or car ride of Manhattan and I rarely ever go in. It's such a hassle. My kids have still not seen the Statue of Liberty. Well, they've seen it from a distance; just not up close. Don't get me wrong, we go in occasionally and always have a nice time - but again, trying to maneuver around Manhattan is not enjoyable.


It may have been this way with this couple you mention. If they did not have an adventurous spirit - it may have been too intimidating for them. If they were happy and their kids were happy - then God bless them. Their kids could always go when they are old enough and if they had the desire to do so.


Going to museums or to tourist attractions does not give meaning to life.

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