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Teachers Lodge 10-19-2011

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It's Wednesday!


One of these days I may just rent us a nice limo for a cruise around town (or maybe as an alternate to a nap room:D)!


What's for breakfast/lunch today? Breakfast: I'm working on tea; food may be "on the go". I need to go wake up the kids as soon as I'm done here so we can get to where we need to go this morning! Lunch: no idea.


Where are you going today? Me and dd: to see a play called Sherlock Holmes and The Suicide Club. DS is going to another homeschooled friend's house, with schoolwork, if I can figure out what he needs to take with him.


Anybody want to be our taxi this morning? I'm tired! These are earlier-than-usual-mornings for us. We don't normally start school until 9 or a little after, which always me to sleep in until about 8. We're all having to be awake BEFORE 8'oclock this week. :tongue_smilie:


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Good morning!


Breakfast - will be 2 eggs, and an Ezekiel English muffin


Lunch will be some form of salad with protein.


I already know what dinner will be because dh won't be home tonight. The kids have frozen pizza ready to go and I'm going to try a Kashi frozen pizza.


I really want to move in with you, Scrap. You go to such wonderful places and so often!


We'll be heading out in a while for speech therapy at the public school for dd9 and then on to the library to do school.


I love to drive but not before 9 am.

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Breakfast: I had vanilla chai. Kids fended for themselves.


Lunch: We're going on a picnic... I need to go make and pack that up soon, huh? :001_smile:


Where we're going today: The Classics Dpt. at the local university is having a classics read-aloud today, so we are going to that while we eat our picnic lunch. Then we are headed to the student union for a "Get Fresh With the Locals" event to inform students of how to get their hands on locally grown and produced food. Then we are going pumpkin picking, taking the girls to Bible study, taking the boys to the library, then going to family supper and Bible study at church. Somewhere in here, we are doing school on the road. :001_huh:


Taxi service: My taxi is reserved for the whole day... maybe next time. (We open at 10 am. :D)

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Good Morning.


Today breakfast for me might be yogurt and granola if I get over this nausea. Someone at the table next to us a dinner last night ordered a sweet potato which comes sprinkled with cinnamon. Just that much cinnamon from a table away is enough to give me a migraine - I think it must be time for me to move onto my imaginary sailboat and stay very far away from people.


The girls had gf strawberry pancakes - they love those.


I'm not going anywhere today. Hubby will stop by the pharmacy to refill my migraine med. and will take older dd to cello.


I'm thinking of canceling math today. Yesterday, I had an in depth discussion about the history of the distributed property. I don't think I can face whatever today will bring.


I have to be at work (my office desk with a cup of coffee) by 7am so late mornings are a distant memory from when I worked swing shift and 10am was a good time to wake up. No limo, but I'd drive you around in my VERY BIG truck, but not today.



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Good Wednesday to us all...


Breakfast was Raisin Bran, milk, OJ.


Lunch was iced tea, carrots, celery, and a few bites of a turkey sandwich. I'm about a week post-op and not exactly needing a bunch of food yet.


Hmm, not going anyplace today. However, I am dressed up pretty nice if I do say so myself! It's cold, windy and grey outside, so I pulled out my girliest, cheeriest yellow and white springtime clothes and we will fake it til we make it I suppose!


My daughter is bringing her little girl over after work to make Halloween cut-out cookies. Not sure why they are hitting up Granny's house to do this, but I am thrilled they are coming over and I am going to do nothing but take photos of the action and taste the goodies!


Oh, taxi service...my taxi days have slowed considerably. I would take on a morning shift or two, I'm kind of a morning person. It's been a long time since I've sat huddled over a travel mug of hot tea, waiting for the car to warm up...

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Good morning to you!


What's for breakfast/lunch today? Breakfast was about three cups of coffee with a gallon of cream. :lol: It was a rough night last night with the baby. We just had dinner - homemade potato soup that had been simmering all day on the back of the stove and hot sandwiches to go with.


Where are you going today? We were off to the library. Today was one of those gray, drizzly days that doesn't make us want to go out and explore the world. Instead we made our quick trip and then hung out at home, where I finished my prep for classes tomorrow and the kids played around after lessons were done.

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It's Wednesday! :001_smile:


What's for breakfast/lunch today? Breakfast was warm cinnamon streusel muffins, courtesy of my dd14. Lunch was quiche for me and frozen pizza for the kids. Dinner is likely to be pasta alfredo, salad and garlic bread.


Where are you going today? Too many places!! So far today, I hit snooze too many times and didn't get up until 7:15. I've showered, taken my "daycare child" to her mother's morning out program at church; done 2 subjects of school with my middle kids; taken dd14 to her literature co-op in town; been to the mall to pick up an order from JCPenney's; gone to Trader Joe's; filled the van with gas; picked dd up from class and rushed to "daycare child's" preschool to pick her up by 1pm. We are now home until 3:45, when we leave for children's choir practice at church and to take dd14 to dance class. Choir will be done at 6pm. Hopefully dh will have dinner ready when we get home at 6:20. I have to leave at 7pm to pick dd14 up from dance class at 7:30. I'll get home at 8pm, get the kids in bed, and then leave to go to work. Hopefully I'll be home by 1am and can crawl into bed.


Anybody want to be our taxi this morning? :tongue_smilie: Sorry, my taxi is already full! Of course, if you're willing to pay by the miles, I can boot my current customers (the kids) out and take you instead! LOL!

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Breakfast was oatmeal with peach freezer jam, a couple of pieces of toast and OJ


Lunch was last nights leftover of Italian sausage, tomatoes and white beans. So simple yet so good.


Dinner- some sort of thick soup and a loaf of multigrain french bread. Oh and hubby wants a warm apple dessert. Apple pie, apple crisp, apple dumplings...it all sounds good to me. Will probably be Apple Crisp because that can easily be made ahead and then popped into the oven while we eat.


We have gone no where today except dd has church this evening and ds has scouts with the church group of boys. They are going to the Fire House today to finish up the Fire Safety Merit badge they have been working on.

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Lunch: We're going on a picnic... I need to go make and pack that up soon, huh? :001_smile:



How was your picnic? You must be somewhere warm enough to eat outside:)


Just that much cinnamon from a table away is enough to give me a migraine -


I'm sorry that you get migraines so easily. I hope you feel better soon.


I'm about a week post-op and not exactly needing a bunch of food yet.


I've been meaning to ask how you are doing. I hope you are healing well.


We were off to the library.


We did the library today too.:001_smile:


[/color] Where are you going today? Too many places!!



MamaAkins - you make me tired just reading about your schedule!


Dinner- some sort of thick soup and a loaf of multigrain french bread. Oh and hubby wants a warm apple dessert. Apple pie, apple crisp, apple dumplings...it all sounds good to me. Will probably be Apple Crisp because that can easily be made ahead and then popped into the oven while we eat.




Oh my goodness. You have room for one more for dinner, right?!

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What's for breakfast/lunch today? Breakfast: Boys had waffles. I had a bean and cheese burrito. Lunch: We went to Wendy's. Oldest had chicken nuggets. Little one had a little bit of cheeseburger and all the french fries his friend would feed him...I had a broccoli/cheese baked potato.


Where are you going today? We met friends at the park this morning(we usually meet on Friday afternoons but they are going out of town) and then we all went to Wendy's for lunch. We had school after lunch.


The last couple of weeks we have not started school until almost 11! Makes for a long day but I believe in letting a teenager get all the sleep he needs!

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Good morning!


I really want to move in with you, Scrap. You go to such wonderful places and so often!




Jean, while I'd love to have fun wandering around town with you, I doubt you would want to live in a perpetual state of chaos accompanied by a constantly barking dog. Besides, I live in a 2 bedroom townhouse with TWO kids; not enough room as is! Hmmm, maybe your family and my family could get together and buy a HUGE house. :D


Tutor, Bridget, & Jenn: I think most of you live too far away to be my taxi service, but thanks for the offers! ;)

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Today DH made the kids waffles for bfast, and lunch was yogurt and granola with bananas. Kids had after-school today; normally I have patients but today instead I got my hair cut! Woot! My good hairdresser returned to town after 1 1/2 years away (family stuff) and I am so happy-my hair looks good again! Tonight we'll either have pizza and salad or something else super easy. I have had some bad headaches the last couple of days (trying not to acknowledge that they're due to gluten....) so need to rest.


Spent the afternoon cleaning the school room and folding laundry :)

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