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If you use the want/need/wear/read saying for Christmas gifts...

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... what goes under the "need" category for the little ones? We have way more clothes than they need due to several sources of second-hand clothes. I "need" things like replacement kitchen items, and DH "needs" things like tie clips and a beard trimmer. But what do preschoolers/toddlers "need"? I thought educational toys could go under this category, but is there anything else I'm missing?


I asked DS3 if he needed anything that could go on his Christmas list. He said he "needs" an iPhone. Not helpful. :glare:

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I've heard this saying as: something you want, something you need, something I want for you, something to read.


In that version "need" could cover clothes, boots, pjs, new underwear, a piece of bedroom furniture, a new blanket, or whatever would be considered "useful," and "something I want for you" could be some toy or game I'm excited about buying for my child but may not have been specifically asked for.

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camping supplies--we want each kid to have their own sleeping bag, flashlight, and mess kit?


do you also have snowboots, skipants and heavy winter stuff? I am often able to thrift store most of their regular clothes, but I always end up having to buy these new each year


I am putting flashlights in stockings. We haven't taken them camping yet, but we hope to next fall. They'd love their own camping gear, great idea! I had snow boots on the list, but last year we had a snowstorm on Christmas Eve (followed by the tornado we missed by 1/2 mile on New Year's Eve) and we got their boots out early. We stocked up on snowpants during last year's clearance sales.

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