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Tracy Anderson 30-day Method

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Has anyone given this a shot? It seems if you follow it closely, it can have amazing results. I really need to tone, and I'm thinking of trying this. I just wondered what feedback the hive may have for me...or any tips you can offer.


If anyone else is interested, PM me and we can support each other :001_smile:

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I bought the Tracy Anderson book and several of her DVDs, and I'm pretty sure I got some exercise carrying them from the mailbox to my house, and then I burned upwards of 3 calories by ripping open the boxes. After that, I went for the gold and carried the book and DVDs upstairs -- ALL AT ONCE -- (I know, I was amazed at my brute strength, too) and put them on a shelf.


Where they are still sitting.


And you know I'm not one to brag, and it wasn't a really high shelf, but I still had to sort of reach up to put the book and DVDs on it, so I was quite impressed by my incredible flexibility.


Someday I may dust them, but with that kind of cardio, I'll probably need some cheesecake right afterward.


:001_rolleyes: :001_rolleyes: :001_rolleyes: :001_rolleyes: :001_rolleyes:


But if you decide to give it a go, let me know and I'll join you! I know a lot of people have gotten great results with her workouts, and when I bought them, I honestly intended to try them.

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I bought the Tracy Anderson book and several of her DVDs, and I'm pretty sure I got some exercise carrying them from the mailbox to my house, and then I burned upwards of 3 calories by ripping open the boxes. After that, I went for the gold and carried the book and DVDs upstairs -- ALL AT ONCE -- (I know, I was amazed at my brute strength, too) and put them on a shelf.


Where they are still sitting.


And you know I'm not one to brag, and it wasn't a really high shelf, but I still had to sort of reach up to put the book and DVDs on it, so I was quite impressed by my incredible flexibility.


Someday I may dust them, but with that kind of cardio, I'll probably need some cheesecake right afterward.


:001_rolleyes: :001_rolleyes: :001_rolleyes: :001_rolleyes: :001_rolleyes:


But if you decide to give it a go, let me know and I'll join you! I know a lot of people have gotten great results with her workouts, and when I bought them, I honestly intended to try them.



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have you looked at her stuff on youtube and really tried it out?


Her cardio is very dancy. if you don't like dancing then it might not be for you:




She has a bunch of 'webisodes' and clips on youtube and honestly, before you spend a penny you should try them out a bunch of times. Are you exercising regularly? I don't know about this specific TA workout but I know she often directs people to workout every single day for 6 days a week. At one point, years ago, she wanted an hour of cardio and an hour of mat work every day. I think she has shortened that up because it wasn't a good selling point.


Why don't you check out her webisodes and just do one each day for three weeks, much less time than her DVDs, and see if you like them. She has a classic upper body workout that is very short, a lower body workout w/chair for her buddy Gwyneth, etc, etc.


I own some old TA and, at least in the DVDs that I have, her teaching style is unique. She hardly speaks at all. There is very little instruction. It can be difficult to follow at the beginning. You can spend a lot of time wondering exactly what she is doing. Sometimes you are on your back and can't see what she is doing and she changes the exercise and you don't know until you glance at the screen. That sort of thing is classic TA. It might be addressed in the particular DVD you are interested in, but be warned.


If you like the ballet barre type workout but are wishing for a bit more instruction then you might enjoy Bar Method or a number of others. I only suggest Bar Method because the instruction is excellent.


There are many ballet/barre/Lottie Berk method DVDs out there. TA is one of many. Check her out and see if you like her style. If so, great. But if not, she is not the only game in town.


Oh, and I think that entire genre of exercise is really, really transforming if you can stick with it. I do about 4 or 5 workouts every week in the ballet/bare/Lottie Berk method. I started last winter and I can attest to how well it works. But, it takes dedication. It took months of work before I really noticed a change.

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I like Anderson and do see results when I workout consistently. That's been hard lately due to health.


Her DVDs can be difficult to follow until you do them a few times. The post natal one is great because the instructions are clear.


As for her cardio, which as posted above, is dance. I usually turn on music and dance/run around the house with my boys joining.




Oh, and now I have to look into The Bar Method. Thanks, redsquirrel, I'm always looking for new workouts.

Edited by Kleine Hexe
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Let me know if you have any questions. I am a big fan of that type of workout and have done many. Well, I haven't done Physique 57 because I really cannot justify yet ANOTHER version. And, when it comes down to it, I am really liking Bar Method and am saving up for their advanced DVD.


If you like a ballet type workout check out


Elements: Ballet Conditioning


It is less than 10$ on amazon and it is very well done. There is a short clip available but it is mostly the blah, blah, blah and not much of the instruction. It is all like the clip, with very clear demonstration and voice over instruction. I'll bet there is a longer clip to preview on youtube.

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I bought the Tracy Anderson book and several of her DVDs, and I'm pretty sure I got some exercise carrying them from the mailbox to my house, and then I burned upwards of 3 calories by ripping open the boxes. After that, I went for the gold and carried the book and DVDs upstairs -- ALL AT ONCE -- (I know, I was amazed at my brute strength, too) and put them on a shelf.


Where they are still sitting.


And you know I'm not one to brag, and it wasn't a really high shelf, but I still had to sort of reach up to put the book and DVDs on it, so I was quite impressed by my incredible flexibility.


Someday I may dust them, but with that kind of cardio, I'll probably need some cheesecake right afterward.


:001_rolleyes: :001_rolleyes: :001_rolleyes: :001_rolleyes: :001_rolleyes:


You're a girl after my own heart :smilielol5:. Thanks for giving me a great laugh this morning. :D :grouphug:

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If you like the ballet barre type workout but are wishing for a bit more instruction then you might enjoy Bar Method or a number of others. I only suggest Bar Method because the instruction is excellent.

There are many ballet/barre/Lottie Berk method DVDs out there.

I do about 4 or 5 workouts every week in the ballet/bare/Lottie Berk method. I started last winter and I can attest to how well it works. But, it takes dedication. It took months of work before I really noticed a change.

This is so very helpful. Thank you. :)

Are these the DVDs? Any specific one you recommend the most?

Are these the Lotte Berk ones?


If you like a ballet type workout check out

Elements: Ballet Conditioning

Want to make sure to get the right one. Is this it?




I assume that it's fairly easy to do? I'm not extremely coordinated. I'm not into dance and big-time dance moves. Yoga, pilates-type stuff, etc. are fine. I can even follow Billy Blanks stuff when I'm fit, that is. But if anything requires too much coordination and dance, I'm :leaving:.


Thank you again. :grouphug:

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This is so very helpful. Thank you. :)

Are these the DVDs? Any specific one you recommend the most?

Are these the Lotte Berk ones?



Want to make sure to get the right one. Is this it?




I assume that it's fairly easy to do? I'm not extremely coordinated. I'm not into dance and big-time dance moves. Yoga, pilates-type stuff, etc. are fine. I can even follow Billy Blanks stuff when I'm fit, that is. But if anything requires too much coordination and dance, I'm :leaving:.


Thank you again. :grouphug:


If you are interested in Bar Method (and I love it) then just go to the bar method website. Amazon charges more than the publisher.




The beginner DVD is only 30 mins long. I personally think Change Your Body is a better buy because it is a longer workout. However, my friend much preferred starting with the beginner DVD.


The Lottie Berk DVDs I have are the ones in the four DVD set. I use these the least. They are short, each workout being 30 mins and I am not fond of the instructors. I think they are weird. But, I think they are also very good beginner DVDs. I guess they are out of print now. The single DVDs often show up on Amazon used for not much. If you can get them VERY cheap they are nice to have, but I wouldn't spend a lot of $$ on them. The Bar Method surpasses them in instruction and content.


Yes, that is the Ballet DVD I have and I think it is excellent. The same instructor, Elise Gulan, also has a free yoga class on Exercise TV called Yoga Fitness Plus. For some odd reason they have it in the body sculpting section and not yoga. It is CHALLENGING! My friends and I refer to it as "hard yoga".



I play it on my laptop and put it right on the floor next to me while I workout.


Another version of the same workout is "Pure Barre" I have her original DVD, but it has very low production quality. It doesn't bother me, but others hate it. Her later DVDs require some specialty equipment so I haven't bothered. I like her teaching but I don't think she stretches anywhere near enough for a Lottie Berk workout.


These workouts are not dancing so I don't think they require a lot of coordination. I include the Ballet DVD in that statement as well. They are deep muscle work. You are working on endurance, strength and balance. My husband does them with me. He is a runner who also does regular weight workouts. He is in excellent shape. He finds these workouts more challenging than anything he has ever done...and he does stuff like P90x.


What I like about them is that the longer you do them, the stronger you become and the better you understand the method. This allows you to work harder/deeper/better with the same exercises. I have been doing these for almost a year and I still find it very challenging. If you like Pilates then you will prob. like this as well. I find these to work much better for me. Pilates never did anything for me, and I am not sure why.


Except for the Elements:Ballet they are all from the Lottie Berk school of movement. You might remember "callanetics' from the 1980s? That was also Lottie Berk. Physique 57 is also Lottie Berk. "Exhale:Core Fusion" is another Lottie Berk breakaway. I haven't ever done Physique 57 and I did not like Exhale at all. But, if you don't like anything I have mentioned but are still interested in the method, you have options.

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Lots of people swear by Tracey Anderson's stuff. It isn't my cup of tea, but it might be yours. Watch out for imbalances though. Sometimes she does more reps on one side than the other. One way to deal with this is just to make sure you start with the opposite side the next time you do the DVD. So you won't do the same number of reps on a single day, but over time it evens out.


Also, chuck her eating plan. Unless you're a tiny person like she is, you're going to need more (probably a lot more!) to eat than she suggests.


Good luck!

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I bought the Tracy Anderson book and several of her DVDs, and I'm pretty sure I got some exercise carrying them from the mailbox to my house, and then I burned upwards of 3 calories by ripping open the boxes. After that, I went for the gold and carried the book and DVDs upstairs -- ALL AT ONCE -- (I know, I was amazed at my brute strength, too) and put them on a shelf.


Where they are still sitting.


And you know I'm not one to brag, and it wasn't a really high shelf, but I still had to sort of reach up to put the book and DVDs on it, so I was quite impressed by my incredible flexibility.


Someday I may dust them, but with that kind of cardio, I'll probably need some cheesecake right afterward.


:001_rolleyes: :001_rolleyes: :001_rolleyes: :001_rolleyes: :001_rolleyes:


But if you decide to give it a go, let me know and I'll join you! I know a lot of people have gotten great results with her workouts, and when I bought them, I honestly intended to try them.




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have you looked at her stuff on youtube and really tried it out?


Her cardio is very dancy. if you don't like dancing then it might not be for you:




She has a bunch of 'webisodes' and clips on youtube and honestly, before you spend a penny you should try them out a bunch of times. Are you exercising regularly? I don't know about this specific TA workout but I know she often directs people to workout every single day for 6 days a week. At one point, years ago, she wanted an hour of cardio and an hour of mat work every day. I think she has shortened that up because it wasn't a good selling point.


Why don't you check out her webisodes and just do one each day for three weeks, much less time than her DVDs, and see if you like them. She has a classic upper body workout that is very short, a lower body workout w/chair for her buddy Gwyneth, etc, etc.


I own some old TA and, at least in the DVDs that I have, her teaching style is unique. She hardly speaks at all. There is very little instruction. It can be difficult to follow at the beginning. You can spend a lot of time wondering exactly what she is doing. Sometimes you are on your back and can't see what she is doing and she changes the exercise and you don't know until you glance at the screen. That sort of thing is classic TA. It might be addressed in the particular DVD you are interested in, but be warned.


If you like the ballet barre type workout but are wishing for a bit more instruction then you might enjoy Bar Method or a number of others. I only suggest Bar Method because the instruction is excellent.


There are many ballet/barre/Lottie Berk method DVDs out there. TA is one of many. Check her out and see if you like her style. If so, great. But if not, she is not the only game in town.


Oh, and I think that entire genre of exercise is really, really transforming if you can stick with it. I do about 4 or 5 workouts every week in the ballet/bare/Lottie Berk method. I started last winter and I can attest to how well it works. But, it takes dedication. It took months of work before I really noticed a change.


Thanks for all this input. I have the book/DVD out from the library right now. I have not watched the video, but she swears in the book that it's not "dancy". Apparently there is a lot of jumping, but in the beginning she recommends step touching vs jumping. I guess I will have to watch it. I need something that's fairly easy to follow, and from what you have said here, that may not be the case with TA.


I'm not working out regularly at this time, but I have in the past and it's been 6-7x a week. I know it's going to be time consuming, which is going to be difficult, but I really like the fact that it can (supposedly) do so much in such a short period of time. Figure I can deal with it for a month. Now you said that it's taken you several months to see a change...so would you say TA's blowing smoke, or just that you weren't doing a total program when you were doing the ballet/barre exercises? If I'm going to do something this time consuming and difficult, I really need for it to work!

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I like Anderson and do see results when I workout consistently. That's been hard lately due to health.


Her DVDs can be difficult to follow until you do them a few times. The post natal one is great because the instructions are clear.


As for her cardio, which as posted above, is dance. I usually turn on music and dance/run around the house with my boys joining.




Oh, and now I have to look into The Bar Method. Thanks, redsquirrel, I'm always looking for new workouts.


So for the cardio, do you think if you just move around at the same pace as the DVD you would see the same results? Looking to make this as easy as possible for myself if I do end up doing it :)

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Yes, that is the Ballet DVD I have and I think it is excellent.

Thank you so very much for taking the time to write me such a helpful reply. I really do appreciate it :grouphug:. I've copied and pasted your post to read and decide what to order. :)

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redsquirrel, have you tried Leah Sarago's downloadable Ballet Body segments?

I think they're pretty awesome. :)


I am lusting after them. I really, really want to try them but am afraid I will find the system overwhelming. I asked for Base Conditioning for my birthday (which was in September) but I just keep holding back.


I really, really wish she would give more of a preview so I could make a more informed decision. I want a real sample I can follow, see if I like it, if I can follow her instructions etc.


Did I mention I really want them? Cause I really do.

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Anyone who uses a jar of Nutella as an avatar is A-OK in my book! :hurray:

:grouphug: :D

I just posted a recipe for Nutella Waffles in this week's book thread. :)


I am actually eating Nutella as I type this.

Lucky you. Wish I was doing the same. ;)


BTW, I re-read your post to dd this morning and we were both having a fabulous laugh. :lol:

I did the same exact thing with P90X pretty much and with the Chalean DVDs (whatever they're called). Turbo Jam?

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I did the Tracy Anderson method for about 2 months and then fell off the wagon. I liked it but the cardio plus the exercise portion was just too much time for me and I found I could never fit it all in. I came across Bodyrock.tv in July and haven't look back. It's high intensity interval training and it's tough, but really short. Like 12-15 minutes on a average. The community is great for it and I have never been in as good as shape as I am in now. I find the results quick and dramatic. Most of the exercises are done with your own body weight, not equipment. She does use some equipment in a lot of her newer exercises but it is optional and it's free via online. I love it!

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Thanks for all this input. I have the book/DVD out from the library right now. I have not watched the video, but she swears in the book that it's not "dancy". Apparently there is a lot of jumping, but in the beginning she recommends step touching vs jumping. I guess I will have to watch it. I need something that's fairly easy to follow, and from what you have said here, that may not be the case with TA.


TA is a dancer. That is how she comes to her line of work. Her conception of what is and is not 'dancy' might not be the same as yours.


I'm not working out regularly at this time, but I have in the past and it's been 6-7x a week. I know it's going to be time consuming, which is going to be difficult, but I really like the fact that it can (supposedly) do so much in such a short period of time. Figure I can deal with it for a month. Now you said that it's taken you several months to see a change...so would you say TA's blowing smoke, or just that you weren't doing a total program when you were doing the ballet/barre exercises? If I'm going to do something this time consuming and difficult, I really need for it to work!


I think she is blowing smoke. Well, I think it is a couple things. How fast you see results really depends on what your goals are. What kind of shape are you in now? Do you have a lot of, ahem, padding on those muscles you will be firming up? It will take longer to see results in that case. Do you think you will lose 20 lbs in a month? Well, that is not realistic. Do you think you will go down three pants sizes or even just one? I think 30 days is not enough time for the average person. Do you want to improve your flexibility and stamina? Yes, you can do that in 30 days.


But, exercise is not a one or two month proposition. it is an all your life proposition. So, eventually, you will get the results you want because you have the rest of your life to get there.


My only issue with TA and lots and lots of sales people is that they all claim to have THE way for everyone and it just isn't true. So, if you think TA sounds like her style and what she does will be entertaining for you and motivate you enough to get off the couch, then go for it. In a few months it might be something else. This year I started with P90X just for fun. I then tried some ballet on a lark. That turned into my year of Lottie Berk. Now, I find myself adding in some plyo and loving it. I also run and use the Nordic Track and free weights. I might do Tracy Anderson once or twice a month and just make a playlist on you tube of something called Essentrics. No one has The Answer. You just have to get up and move.

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they all claim to have THE way for everyone and it just isn't true.

No one has The Answer. You just have to get up and move.


Your words are gold. :)


I know it's going to be time consuming, which is going to be difficult, but I really like the fact that it can (supposedly) do so much in such a short period of time. Figure I can deal with it for a month. Now you said that it's taken you several months to see a change. If I'm going to do something this time consuming and difficult, I really need for it to work!

Two things that come to mind:

Are you looking into this for weight loss or for overall health, toning, firming, strength, etc?

If it's the former - I believe that diet/intake are far more important than any DVD or workout program. Sad, but true. If you want fast and effective weight loss, as did I earlier this year, hcg is an option that many like. I'll be starting another round hopefully in a few months.

If it's the latter - there are many other short and super-effective programs - Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred is a great one. Super time-efficient and effective for many. There have been lots of threads on that here. It helps to have strong knees and ankles OR you can always do different moves in those parts, as others have done. There are some others that take 30 minutes or less - Billy Blanks has some or at least one that I know of.

It really depends on what you want, what your ultimate goal is.

These are from previous posts from here about exercise and weight loss.


In Good Calories, Bad Calories, Gary Taubes debunks the myth that exercise equals weight loss (and the old calories in, calories out myth). While exercise has many other benefits, to promote exercise as the solution to weight loss exclusively is doing people a great disservice. People who are more than a few pounds overweight, insulin resistant, or diabetic really need to concentrate on a permanent change to their diet -- and I mean severely reducing their carbohydrate intake. A nice long walk along and strength training are far more beneficial to this group of people than cardio. Wait to do cardio until you are thin, you are doing it for fun, and it is less stressful to your joints.


"Great bodies are made in the kitchen and improved in the gym."

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So for the cardio, do you think if you just move around at the same pace as the DVD you would see the same results? Looking to make this as easy as possible for myself if I do end up doing it :)



Yes, just keep your body moving. She says that in her 90 day Metamorphosis series.

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