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Bag of sugar got damp - any way to save it?

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I would pour it through a metal sieve. Let the loose part filter through and then grate the larger chunks against the sieve. If they don't break being rubbed against the sieve, I guess I would use them in something like iced tea, melting the larger chunks into the hot water.

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I did drop it on the counter to see if it would break up some, but no luck. Do I attack the thing with a chisel? :001_huh:


Do you have a food processor? If you do, I think it would work, as long as you don't do it long enough that it becomes powdered sugar!

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Do you have a food processor? If you do, I think it would work, as long as you don't do it long enough that it becomes powdered sugar!


No, just a blender. I may try microwaving it (can't possibly make it any worse) - but if the problem is dampness, it doesn't seem like a damp towel would take moisture out. I don't think I have a sieve that big - it's a 10 lb brick. :(

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I would just chisel it into smaller chunks. Then you could put the chunks into ziplocs (double bagged?) and let the kids smash them with mallets until it's mostly broken up. I would probably not give them regular hammers because I'd be afraid that would cause the plastic bags to rip.

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I just had the same experience when making applesauce last weekend; hard as a rock.


I took a heavy bag (I used a contractor garbage bag - new - just in case the sugar bag breaks. A pillowcase would probably work too) and brought it outside and dropped it on the concrete porch.


I also swung it against the edge of the porch for a higher point of impact. I also got brave and threw it down on the porch.


It broke them into...well...some sugar and some smaller chunks. At least I was able to use it; I used the chunks in the applesauce since it called for 12 cups of sugar.

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