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Switzerland? ?

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We lived there for a year in '78-'79, I was 9. :)


We were near Lausanne. I remember everthing being up and down. Loved the bus system as I could get around town by myself. Lots of walking was done in school. PS actually seemed very CMish now that I think about it. Knitting, sewing, weekly nature walks, half days on Wednesday and Saturday. Yummy chocolate. Fantastic bakeries. Schedules were meant to be kept.


....all a kid's memories. I'm sure it's very different for the adults. I'd love to go back.

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We lived there for a year in '78-'79, I was 9. :)


We were near Lausanne. I remember everthing being up and down. Loved the bus system as I could get around town by myself. Lots of walking was done in school. PS actually seemed very CMish now that I think about it. Knitting, sewing, weekly nature walks, half days on Wednesday and Saturday. Yummy chocolate. Fantastic bakeries. Schedules were meant to be kept.


So...everything ran like a Swiss Watch? :D

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My husband has been to Lucerne several times for work (poor man). He laughed at the Swiss watch comparison but agreed with it. Quite pricey, extremely beautiful, very clean. He also noticed that the grocery stores don't necessarily provide a wide variety of items, and depending on where you visit, if you don't speak Swiss German, forget about understanding the locals (though many of them do speak English quite well) :)


Oh, and very, very few people own cars. Most people walk, bike, or use public transport to get around.

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