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For Republicans, are you watching debates...

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In my Candyland world, all of the primaries occur on the exact. same. day.


And there would be a complete press blackout (no exit polling or ANYTHING) until every single ballot was counted and the results released by the respective voting officials.


I'd go for the same press black out from the general election to January 6th, too.


It ticks me off to no end that all 50 states aren't 'counted' before the press is announcing a winner. Especially since it isn't really even a done deal -- not until the electoral college meets in December and congress meets on January 6th.


I think part of every presidential campaign should be non-stop public service announcements on how the electoral college really works LOL.


But I'm just weird like that. :D




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In my Candyland world, all of the primaries occur on the exact. same. day.


And there would be a complete press blackout (no exit polling or ANYTHING) until every single ballot was counted and the results released by the respective voting officials.


I'd go for the same press black out from the general election to January 6th, too.


It ticks me off to no end that all 50 states aren't 'counted' before the press is announcing a winner. Especially since it isn't really even a done deal -- not until the electoral college meets in December and congress meets on January 6th.


I think part of every presidential campaign should be non-stop public service announcements on how the electoral college really works LOL.


But I'm just weird like that. :D





I wish you were in charge. Truly. All of that makes perfect sense to me and how things should be done. It would make it less contentious IMO.

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In my Candyland world, all of the primaries occur on the exact. same. day.


And there would be a complete press blackout (no exit polling or ANYTHING) until every single ballot was counted and the results released by the respective voting officials.


I'd go for the same press black out from the general election to January 6th, too.


It ticks me off to no end that all 50 states aren't 'counted' before the press is announcing a winner. Especially since it isn't really even a done deal -- not until the electoral college meets in December and congress meets on January 6th.


I think part of every presidential campaign should be non-stop public service announcements on how the electoral college really works LOL.


But I'm just weird like that. :D





I think you are right. Iowa and New Hampshire do not speak for me.

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As we don't have a primary system in the UK, I've always been unsure how it was decided who could vote in the primaries for each party.


Do people ever register tactically? For example, if you think that the presidential candidate of the party you don't support is likely finally to be elected, you could register to vote in the primaries for that party, in order to sway the vote in favour of your 'least worst' candidate.




It would technically be "legal" to register to be part of a party you would not support in order to try to influence the party nominee, either to get one you consider "the least worse" or the most unelectable.


That said, I have never know of anyone actually doing this.




Again, I can only speak for CT. There is a six month waiting period to switch parties. In other words, if you are a registered Democrat but wish to vote in a Republican primary (or vice versa) you would have had to switch your party officially six months prior to the primary date.


If unaffiliated voters wish to register with a party, they may do so up until 24 hours prior to the primary.


This cuts down on a lot of the jumping parties to influence elections, but it does happen. I do know that a very large number of unaffiliated voters joined a major party prior to the primary here in '08. It was a crazy-busy time for me in the Registrar's office!



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No, I am not watching. I will read some news articles and such, but unless a Republican comes out in favor of The Occupy Wall street protesters, I will be switching to the "dark side." I have been a Republican since I could legally vote, but I guess that is about to change.


Edited: This is just "the straw the broke the camels back" for me.


That's funny, because unless someone FROM the Occupy Wall Street protestors can articulate exactly what they're protesting and want to see changed, I'm not going to take them seriously. :confused:

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That's funny, because unless someone FROM the Occupy Wall Street protestors can articulate exactly what they're protesting and want to see changed, I'm not going to take them seriously. :confused:


:iagree:I have a hard time giving much credence to a cause whose representatives smell stinky and poop in alleys and on cars to make their point (which still isn't clear).

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In my Candyland world, all of the primaries occur on the exact. same. day.


Not me. I think the pressure of an extended campaign tends to show what kind of leaders these candidates might be. And often the candidates of front runners implode when they are tested. The campaign is a good weeding-out process IMO.



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Not me. I think the pressure of an extended campaign tends to show what kind of leaders these candidates might be. And often the candidates of front runners implode when they are tested. The campaign is a good weeding-out process IMO.




Oh, I don't mind the extended campaign -- don't get me wrong -- I just don't like the extended primary voting season. In my world of colored squares, they would all have to fly around, getting hammered by the media (ALL of them), and then it would be winner take all on say, April 15th (irony alert), with the "General Campaign" starting on 1 May (Mayday! Mayday! LOL).


For that matter (while I'm on a roll), the "primary season" wouldn't be allowed to officially start until, say October 15th of the previous year (that would give candidates a full 6 months to campaign prior to the primary voting), and they would have to register to do so on. that. day. None of this "hey, I've got a PAC going, so you all can see I'm planning on running *wink *wink." Or "hey, - I'm going to keep you all guessing as to whether or not I'm jumping into the race until the last possible second so that I can gain as much notoriety for my narcissist self as possible".


Silence. One date. In or out. Asta-World. LOL




Edited by asta
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Oh, I don't mind the extended campaign -- don't get me wrong -- I just don't like the extended primary voting season. In my world of colored squares, they would all have to fly around, getting hammered by the media (ALL of them), and then it would be winner take all on say, April 15th (irony alert), with the "General Campaign" starting on 1 May (Mayday! Mayday! LOL).


For that matter (while I'm on a roll), the "primary season" wouldn't be allowed to officially start until, say October 15th of the previous year (that would give candidates a full 6 months to campaign prior to the primary voting), and they would have to register to do so on. that. day. None of this "hey, I've got a PAC going, so you all can see I'm planning on running *wink *wink." Or "hey, - I'm going to keep you all guessing as to whether or not I'm jumping into the race until the last possible second so that I can gain as much notoriety for my narcissist self as possible".


Silence. One date. In or out. Asta-World. LOL





Love it. :D

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