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URGENT - any WTM in Western Australia?

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Out of the blue, one of DH's superiors at work emailed him and asked him to meet tomorrow at 6pm for a casual job interview for a position at the University of Western Australia. DH is at a conference in Montreal right now, so all this is going to happen no where near me (because I am stuck in San Antonio). I am trying to collect as much info about the area, and what it would be like for a family to live/school there so he can go in to the interview well prepared (okay not really well prepared because the airline lost his luggage and can't tell him when it will arrive so he is going to have to go to the interview in jeans and a t-shirt unless he buys clothes tomorrow).


Tell me EVERYTHING!!!!

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Hi. I'm in Victoria but I found a couple of WA sites for you...


Department of Education WA:



HS in Western Australia:



Here is Western Australia tourism site:



Here's a WA newspaper:




Is that the sort of thing you wanted??

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friends of ours did a year long sabbatical in perth at the university. they had a glorious time! their kids went to school, they travelled, they played sports.... we have spent two months there, and i would go in a heartbeat!


the drawbacks:

its a long way from just about anywhere else....


hope it works out for you!


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I'm from WA, how can i help :)


UWA is the premier university in WA, i'd think a great place to work.


WA is homeschool friendly but you do have to register and a moderator comes out every year to check that your kids are actually learning something. Depending on the area you live some moderators are better than others.


Perth is a VERY spread out city and depending on where you live it can take you a long time (up to 1 hour) to get into the CBD. UWA isn't in the CBD but close enough that peak hour traffic will impact on travel times. Most of the spread is along the coastline because we love the beach!


Perth is one of the most isolated cities in the world. It takes forever to get anywhere. Internal plane flights to the east coast are not cheap. Infact it is cheaper for us to go to Bali or Phuket than go to Queensland!


Feel free to PM me and i'd be happy to give you my e-mail and we can chat further about any specific questions you might have.

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Also from Perth! Feel free to PM me and I can give you my e-mail address.


We've been here 2.5yrs, originally from South Africa. We're very happy here - Aussies are easy going, there are enough immigrants and expats that you never feel the odd-one-out and the weather is quite reasonable (Mediterranean climate with hot summers and cool winters). The lifestyle is very "outdoorsy" - there are lovely beaches, plenty of playgrounds, and lots of open spaces (bushland). Many suburbs offer easy access to the freeway, which helps reduce travel time. The train works very well for some areas, not so well for others. Suburbs closer to the sea are generally more expensive, but not enough to put them out of reach of your average professional. The UWA campus is in beautiful area, close to the river.


If you are considering school, there is an international school in the suburb of City Beach. There are many private schools, mostly religious. There are a few secular alternative schools.


Perth is far from everywhere. Flights within Australia are ridiculously expensive, but you can get to Bali or Singapore relatively cheaply.


I don't think that's everything, but it's all I can think of now!



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Hi another perthite here, if you want any questions answered just pm me and I will send you my email.

I am originally from here but spent 16 yrs in UK before moving back with kids aged 8, 12 & 14. It is a lovely place to raise children especially if you like an active life. It is isolated but there is an active cultural life here if you make the effort to get involved.

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Thank you. I will take everyone up on their offers to PM if it looks like the interview goes well. I was awake all night thinking about the logistic nightmare, but the he is being interviewed for the position before it is even advertised. He was warned by his direct superior that if the job is offered it would be career suicide to not take it.


My main worry is getting our 2 dogs and 4 cats there. I know about the quarantine and am really worried about it and the cost. However, the opportunity would just be too good to pass up.

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No definite offer, but DH said they want us to fly to Perth to check it out (just DH and I , not enough $$ for kids), and they are already talking about giving us 6 weeks accommodations while we look. I'm absolutely terrified. The job starts in January and I would have to be here until at least April or May so the dogs and cats could go through all testing which means I would be having this baby all by myself and moving with a newborn.


Honestly, I kind of want to vomit right now.

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could you go together and have the animals follow? one time when we moved countries, dh took the animals on ahead and they went into quarantine there. it seemed hard emotionally at the time, but was actually easier as i was packing and showing the house without pets which was much, much easier in the long run.


i just think its important to be together for a new baby and for a new adventure, kwim?





ps. and the year we lived in england, my cat lived with my brother.

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Another West Australian here! My girls are no longer homeschooling, though. 2 grown, and 1 in public high school. We are 3.5hrs south east of Perth in the Great Southern area. You'll love Perth - very relaxed lifestyle, great weather etc.


Oh, and I'm quite sure there is still a quarantine station situated in or around Byford, which is on the outskirts of Perth, probably about 30-40mins south-east of the CBD. You could go visit your animals probably!


ETA..I checked, and the website stating costs etc (which you may already have looked up!) is... http://www.daff.gov.au/aqis/cat-dogs/accom/govt-stations and... http://www.daff.gov.au/aqis/cat-dogs/countries/cat4?name=United%20States%20of%20America%20%28not%20including%20Hawaii%29


If you got the titre testing done right now for rabies (they are allowed out of quarantine 180 days after testing) they can spend most of that time at home, then the last 30 days (minimum) in quarantine at Byford. Seems like for 4 cats & 2 dogs it might cost about $5500AU!!

Edited by Isabella
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Jen, I know this probably sounds mean.. but I'd part with the pets. :grouphug: We did, for a variety of reasons. We had one dog, and we left her with my family. My kids still see the dog {via skype}, but it was a lot less stress for both the people AND the pet.


If it came between not having my dh with me for the birth of a child or the pet, I'd probably relocate the pets and go with my dh.

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Australian, but never been to Perth. I'm really looking forward to it, as everyone says it is so beautiful.


My cousin lives there, and for weekends they love escaping down to southern WA as it is incredibly beautiful.







Oh, and the pets would have to stay in quaranteen for at least a month or more even if you decided to bring them...

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Jen, I know this probably sounds mean.. but I'd part with the pets. :grouphug: We did, for a variety of reasons. We had one dog, and we left her with my family. My kids still see the dog {via skype}, but it was a lot less stress for both the people AND the pet.


If it came between not having my dh with me for the birth of a child or the pet, I'd probably relocate the pets and go with my dh.



If need be, I can leave my Great Pyr with my mum in Canada. Her Great Pyr is super aggressive to my Dane and has tried to kill him a few times (she lived with us for a few years and we spent 18mos separating her dog and my Dane). My Great Dane has some issues that would make him impossible to re-home, so the alternative is euthanasia and I will not do that. The cats are easy and could probably stay with friends during the 5-month post rabies period.


Honestly, if it weren't for the Dane I would be on a plane the day after an offer came in. There are several practical issues that are making us possibly reconsider - we would have to break our lease and would love several thousand dollars in deposits so would have no $$$ for deposit on rental there.


Apparently the salary that was mentioned would put us in the higher wage earning category so we would have to pay the extra 1% tax for Medicare (if we would even be eligible because I am not sure what kind of visa we would have). I have no idea if I could work (I am a private tutor). My mum is coming up with every excuse in the book for us not to move as she had her heart set on us moving back to Canada and taking care of her.


Sorry that was rambling, but I haven't been sleeping and seeing as DH is so far away while all this is happening and I have to wait on him for information it is really tripping my control-freak tendencies.


My brother, who has relocated overseas a couple times, is going to call me today and give me all the nitty-gritty details about moving family and pets.


My dh did make a joke about having a few more kids so the AUS gov't would give us a free minivan, but I have no idea if that is even true.

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