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The Teachers Lodge 10-6-2011

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Good morning! Opening early this morning as we have LOTS to do today!


What's for breakfast? Bagel Think with Peanut Butter (following in Jean's footsteps ;) )


What's for lunch? No idea. Ask me around lunch time!


Going anywhere today? after lunch, we're heading for the thrift stores. I also need to get to the grocery store sometime today and then various extracurricular activities for us this evening.


What's on your mind today? Me: figuring out how to move out of this state! :auto:


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Good morning!


What's for breakfast? Everyone had something different this morning...waffles, pancakes, cereal, nutri-grain bar, fruit. Personally, I had a waffle...and a chocolate cookie! :D Morning snack was orange slices and pretzels or popcorn.


What's for lunch? Hmm...the kids will probably have sandwiches or frozen pizza. I'm thinking of eating the lunch that my dh packed, but left in the fridge. Don't you think the rule, "finders keepers" would work in this scenario!? If I do it, my lunch will be grilled steak, homemade mashed potatoes, and a grilled veggies.


Going anywhere today? After lunch, I have to go pick up the little girl I babysit from her mother's morning out program. Later this afternoon, I have to drop dd1 off at dance class and then head back home for my "daycare kids" to get picked up by their parents. Then I'll have to head back out and meet my dh somewhere so we can "trade" kids....he'll take ds to soccer practice and I'll take the girls home and start dinner.


What's on your mind today? :tongue_smilie:I have too much on my mind to even begin sharing at the moment. I'm praying that God will show me the right direction to take and will ease my burdens.

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The weather is so nice outside today, it's not really making me want to stay inside to accomplish some very necessary school work! How's your weather today?



Right now, it's sunny and beautiful with a current temp of 69. The predicted high for the day is 73. PERFECT!

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What's for breakfast? I had a burrito from McDonalds, my son had a donut, my daughter had a waffle


What's for lunch? To be determined


Going anywher today? This evening we are going to my Dad's for dinner.


What's on your mind today? How long can I stay on the WTM before I absolutely need to start school;)

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Breakfast - I'm out of eggs!:eek: I know that breakfast will include a blueberry waffle but I need my protein!


Lunch - I noticed that I have just enough greens and veggies for today's salad with protein.


Going anywhere? I'll go to the Y tonight as I do every night. Tonight is Zumba! I'm not sure if I'll go anywhere else.


On my mind? How to organize my life so that it doesn't unravel quite so quickly. (This is a serious answer, btw.)


Weather - rainy - the sort of misty/drizzly rain that is the PNW's specialty.

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Good morning!


What's on your mind today? :tongue_smilie:I have too much on my mind to even begin sharing at the moment. I'm praying that God will show me the right direction to take and will ease my burdens.



I'll pray for you, too! I was praying this morning and when I asked a question, received a surprising (yet pleasant!) answer! I will pray that you hear Him clearly!


Jean, time to go to the store, I think! And, btw, I'm familiar with the weather of which you speak, since we lived up that way for a couple of years.


And as for staying on the boards as long as possible, I know how that feels! However, I really need to get school work done THIS MORNING if we're going to be going to thrift stores this afternoon!


(I shall return after lunch perhaps!)

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Good Morning.

Breakfast was fat-free Greek yogurt with flax meal and berries.

Lunch will be tomato salad and more of the beans and rice leftovers.

Today, we are not going to gymnastics - little one's hand is bruised from a fall last week. We are not going to the enrichment school for older one because I finally withdrew her and gave up on the banal writing program they use. We are going to Judo - at one of the girls is.


On my mind? Trying to get older one enrolled in a less-structured program that many of her friends attend, but my phone calls have been unanswered. Why are they not returning my calls? I've heard they organizational problems, but seriously. I've left 2 voice mails and sent 2 emails with no response.



Weather - WINDY. It is sunny and 70 with a 50mph wind blowing. Okay so it is only 70 if you are out of the wind. ;) Yesterday we had terrific weather so we skipped much of the school work in favor of some play. At lease we didn't have our normal Wednesday meltdowns.

Edited by Karen in CO
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The weather is so nice outside today, it's not really making me want to stay inside to accomplish some very necessary school work! How's your weather today?


I'd suggest going outside instead. You must enjoy the good weather when you have it. I don't take snow days here, but I do take nice weather days.

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Good morning! Opening early this morning as we have LOTS to do today!


What's for breakfast? I don't know, but I think we ate. ;)


What's for lunch? Are you harassing me?


Going anywhere today? Must get printer ink & a bike pump today. Something else, but I can't remember. I found a free (Nook) copy of a book I own but can't find, so I've saved somebody a trip to the library. :D


What's on your mind today? History simulations--must gather supplies & get them done because...I forgot to do them last month! Eek!


Talk to me! :bigear:


And...if we can squeeze in a trip to a thrift store...I was going to skip costumes this year (too pg), but my littlest one keeps saying he wants to be a giraffe "and then you won't know who I am, Mama!" :lol: I can't resist his sweetness!

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Hi All, I'm really making an effort to join in more, so...


Breakfast: cup of hot cocoa

Lunch: I don't know, but it won't be sandwiches as we're out of bread and I keep forgetting to make some.

Going Anywhere: Later my girls have dance and my 8yo has Cub Scouts. But we're in for the morning.

What's on my mind? Why is it so hard to get someone out to actually fix my dishwasher? It's been more than a month now and I hate washing dishes. So really, nothing interesting.

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My kids are making ads right now for businesses named after rivers, based on the unique qualities of the rivers.


Ie, the Amazon river has sources that cover more area than any other river & carries the greatest volume of water of all rivers. Hence Amazon.com choosing the name.


10yo: "Nile" race tracks--because the Nile is the longest river. His race tracks are the longest.


8yo: "Ganges" bananas--I don't think she understood the assignment. :001_huh:

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Okay, so it's not after lunch but I wanted to tell you all that we decided to hit the thrift stores this morning so we'll be able to enjoy some of the nice weather. My 7yo wanted to ride his bike this morning, so I let him do that for awhile! Now we're off and lunch will probably be at some restaurant. :D

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What's for breakfast? Homemade chocolate-chip muffins with orange juice


What's for lunch? Peanut butter and jelly with sliced apples for the boys, a strawberry yogurt smoothie for me.


Going anywhere today? We were supposed to go to a local farm and corn maze for a field trip, but one of my boys has a bad cold that dusty farm air would not help since he's so stuffy already. As the day progresses, my throat is becoming sore :(.


What's on your mind today? I've been thinking about Steve Jobs and his impact that dates back to bringing Apple computers into schools. These computers revolutionized the way some students learned, and they led to the education of many children who have since gone on to do amazing things with computers/software/programming/etc because his impact inspired them as children. It's making me wonder what my children will grow up to be and what I am doing now or utilizing in their schooling that may be inspiring them.

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Breakfast was a scrambled egg and some chicken/black bean/salsa combo.

Oh, and a V-8. My girl had an egg burrito and a yogurt.


Lunch was leftover beef/peppers/brown rice and a stack of cookies. :D Girl tells me she had veggies and a bean burrito.


(Wow, I didn't realize she was eating so well. I better take her out for some fast food tonight!)


Going anywhere today? Gosh, I hope so! I've been home a lot lately and I am ready to go do something. Costume shopping would be fun.


On my mind: When to start ordering Christmas gifts. How to get rid of the fleas on my indoor cats once and for all. Wondering if I can sneak in a batch of spinach in the garden before the snow flies. Wondering where I stashed my leftover spinach seeds...


The weather is about as perfect as it gets. The leaves are turning and the sun is shining. October is my favorite month in Michigan!


Scrappy, I hope you get a location you love soon!

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Well, our shopping was a success. Now, we're home and I'm finishing up lunch, working on getting motivated to get the schoolwork done!


Discovered that the house I wanted in Wyoming sold in June! :confused:

I'll take that to mean God has a better house planned for us! :D


Yikes! Just realized we have less than four hours before we have to leave for various activities! Time to crack the whip on schooling! Later, gators!

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One last thing! I will be heading out of town (sans kiddos) next week. So, I'm going to start NOW and "take a break" from all unnecessary technology, including the Teachers Lodge. We will be open again sometime after October 16.


thanks for understanding! See you all in a week or so!

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One last thing! I will be heading out of town (sans kiddos) next week. So, I'm going to start NOW and "take a break" from all unnecessary technology, including the Teachers Lodge. We will be open again sometime after October 16.


thanks for understanding! See you all in a week or so!


But. . . what if I DON'T understand?:confused: See you after the 16th:D

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Breakfast today was Starbucks! I had a hot tea and oatmeal.


Lunch today was a small buffet of finger foods (most of which had meat, so we stuck to the fruits, raw veggies, and cookies LOL).


Today we went to tour a private school for two of my nephews, and possibly my son. We sat in on several classes and ate lunch with the administrators. It was a great school, and I think my nephews will do very well there. My son would like to go in a few years once he hits 8th/9th grade; we'll see, I'm open to it. I think he'd do very well there, especially if his cousins are there. It's an all-boys school.


On my mind today ... boy scouts. Tonight we went and met several different troops in our area to see which one my son would like to cross over to. We've narrowed it down to a few, and will meet up on a smaller scale with those. I got some good advice here a few weeks or months ago when I asked what to look for :) it helped us out tonight, for sure. It's like trying to decide which girl to ask to the dance, so many things to consider! :D


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