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Planner w/school and home on same spread?

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I am trying to find or make a planner that allows me to glance at school and home things on the same two-page spread for the week. I get tired of flipping back and forth between the home calendar, the meal planner, and the school plan (which is eclectic but we use CC and HOD and Sonlight books for K and 3rd). I'm a super distracted person, I guess.


Any thoughts? Is there anything like this out there, or has someone made something like this? Maybe school planning on one page and home/meals on the other?


And it would be super magical if I could do this plus keep up with my special needs son's preschool notes and therapy appointments. :tongue_smilie:




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I don't know of one out there. I do make a one page weekly responsibility list for my kids. On it I list their chores and schoolwork for the week in chart form. I use my iphone with a calendar app that also has a to do list, plus I put everything on the big family calendar. I can't say I am 100% satisfied, but my needs are so specialized I can't find anything else out there. Let me know if you find anything.

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I finally got sick of searching for a planner that fit my needs (kids stuff, housekeeping, and work at home mom) and made my own. I made the pages in Word and then printed them so I could get two to a page on regular sized paper. I cut the paper in half and that gives me regular planner sized sheets. Office Max type places will spiral bind them for very cheap also. I get just what I need. I love it.

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Mrs. M -- Yes, I do use Google calendar for my own/household stuff, and just print out by month or week. Thanks for the tip about the other folks.


My brain for school works more by subject than time (LA, math, versus 9:00 = spelling) but maybe I could change? ;)

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Thanks, ladies!


Amy -- that sounds fabulous! Would you be willing to send me a sample for me to try to tweak for my family?


gwensmith93 at gmail dot com


Thank you!


No problem. I'm in the middle of changing a few things on it for next year but when I get the done I'll email it to you.

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