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Supplement Vit D when low normal?

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Dd's vit d level came back normal, and I am very surprised by it. Normal is 30-100, she is 32. Dr said just continue vitamins that have 400iu, but I was considering adding 400iu more to that just because she rarely gets out and we have little sun around here and the weather is getting cold so she really will not be getting out.


Is it possible to get enough vit d from food? She eats well, but she's still a kid.


So does anyone else supplement if numbers are low normal?


I take 11,000iu per day with numbers in the 30s, ds takes 800iu with a level of 24.

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I am supplementing all three kids -- ds10's blood test results came back low.


This is what they are taking:


NORDIC NATURALS - Omega 3 Fishies: Fish Oil 455mg (Total EPA and DHA 113mg) (Total Omega 3s 136mg)


NORDIC NATURALS - NORDIC Berries: Multi Vitamins for Adults and Kids (4 berries a day)




The website has the particulars regarding ingredients. I tried to cut and paste but it wouldn't work so I provided the link.


Ds10 will be tested again next week after three weeks of supplementation to see if his levels have improved.

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I would be supplimenting D and adding alot more than 400IU. While 30-100 is the range, from what I've read, more and more they are finding that 30 is still really too low. I know when I drop below around 80 it affects my sleep (don't ask my why but blood tests have confirmed this every time I start having sleep issues). Personally, I wouldn't want to see anything lower than 50 but would prefer to see it in the 80-100. I think in the next year or two we will see them raising that upper limits from 100 to something higher. Toxicity doesn't show until something well over 200(I think it was in the 300-400 range but I can't remember for sure right now).

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Thank you for the link.


http://www.smartypantsvitamins.com/index.php/kids-gummy-vitamins These are what mine take. Ds also takes a separate 400iu vit d pill.



thank you for the link to smarty pants -- much more economical than what I am using. I am hoping our MD will prescribe a prescription supplement -- ds took a prescription last year when he was being treated for Lyme Disease -- it is, imo, a way to be certain he is getting enough.

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We use D3 here. DS15 takes 4000iu daily (we live in the land of darkness) to maintain his levels around 50-60. We did have him tested. Gelcaps work well for him now that he is older.


BTW - they don't seem to help with him sleeping, but they do make a difference in how easy it is for him to wake up and get moving in the morning. Before we started supplementing, he said he felt like he was dragging around an anvil in the morning.

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thank you for the link to smarty pants -- much more economical than what I am using. I am hoping our MD will prescribe a prescription supplement -- ds took a prescription last year when he was being treated for Lyme Disease -- it is, imo, a way to be certain he is getting enough.


I get our vitamins from amazon and get 3 bottles at a time. Since a serving is 4 gummies x 2 kids, we go through them quickly. I order 3 more when I open the last bottle.

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Yes, IMO. If you look at the lit, a lot of the benefits don't come into play until levels are more optimal, vs. just "in range" kwim?


My levels were just slightly lower than the low end of the normal range, and that was with living in a sunny state, getting outdoors a good bit, not being a regular sunscreen wearer, and already supplementing with 1000-2000iu/day for over a year. I take 6000iu per day based on my own research and comfort w/ doing so.


400 iu won't do much to boost levels for most people.


If her tests were recent, remember that coming off of summer they are probably about as high as they will ever be without supplementing. If she was tested in say February or March, there's a good chance they wouldn't have been in range.


Many docs are hesitant to RX larger doses of d3 but if you investigate on your own you may reach a different conclusion. A lot of the concerns about toxicity with D have been addressed in more current research. Yes, you can still OD on vitamin D3 but I think there's a good bit of ground between supplementing with 400 IU in someone w/ lowish levels and the amount needed to really cause a problem.

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Guest IdahoMtnMom

I take 5400iu (one 5000 and 400iu in my calcium supplement) daily. I am outside ALL the time, I eat well and have my 3 servings of milk most days and I still range between 35-41...

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If my dc were low normal, I'd supplement up to at least 50. This would be especially for kids who haven't reached their full height - still growing. I'd want to make sure those bones are strong.


I live in S. Florida and take 1600iu of D3 a day, spend time watching ds play soccer and I'm still testing at low normal. I think the 400iu recommendation is waaaaaaaay too low.

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