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Feeling . . . (vent)

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. . . well, I don't really know. Bleah, to be sure. I think maybe a little rejected. Yesterday, I said to my husband that I thought we should ditch all plans we had for today (which weren't many and nothing we HAD to do) and go north to get out of the heat. His response was that he needed to work on his Sunday School lesson but I could go and have fun.


Then today I had asked him to join me this afternoon for a matinee movie. He at first said okay and then later said he wasn't really interested.


I know work has been stressful for him for the past couple of weeks and he doesn't want to exert a lot of energy to do something unnecessary but I have hardly had a chance to be with him these past weeks and a movie does NOT require a lot of effort. When he figured out how disappointed I was, he somewhat acquiesced and said he'd go but I know his heart wasn't in it.


Guess I'm just having a difficult time with it because it's the proverbial 'straw'. The heat here (in the Valley of the Sun) is really getting to me, as are our very small house. I'm just ready to be DONE with it. People here don't believe me when I say that next summer I will be looking for a summer home elsewhere but I'm dead serious. I'm DONE with the summers here.


Okay, thanks for letting me vent. :tongue_smilie:

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It sounds like possibly there are two different things that are getting conflated: one is to get out of the heat and the other is to spend time with your dh.


If you want to spend time with your dh, tell him that and ask what he'd like to do. Maybe trying to keep the heat issue separate would help.

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Can you tell him how you're feeling & let him pick something to do? I think men tend to be pretty literal. On our honeymoon, I was too embarrassed to tell dh when I was hungry, so I'd ask him if he was ready to eat. He'd think about it & say, "Nah, I'm fine." :glare: :lol:


He's better now, obviously, but there's still a lot of literal there. Very focused on what's in front of him.


:grouphug: I hope you guys figure out something fun to do!

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Well, as of this exact moment, he's watching scenes (ie, trailer, etc) from the movie "Courageous" which is what I asked him to go see with me. Maybe he's changing his mind. We'll see.


Yes, the heat and his lack of understanding on the want to spend time with him are two different issues; however, the seemingly never ending heat here is really wearing on me, so the other things just exacerbate my frustration.


I'm taking a break from purging my room right now. I've spent the better part of about 3 hours today working on getting rid of all that's unnecessary, aside from a couple of books and some mementos.


When it's finally time to move elsewhere, I want to be ready! :)

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Honey, the heat will do that to you! We have had the worst 2 weeks schooling since, well, ever! I attribute it to the heat. (Seriously. We all cried. I slammed books. I walked out of the room. Then I cried some more. Then I took a shower so I could cry without them seeing me.....On and on...) We live in the Mojave desert. Everyone else is talking punkin pies and cozy sweaters....we're still in shorts and sweating. It was 95 degrees and humid (dumb storm clouds that never give us rain!) at 10 am at ds8's soccer game. I was miserable and grumpy. I'm all salty and sticky. I so get what you're going through.

I've decorated the inside of our house with fall colors and some Halloween stuff but when it's still 100, who's in the mood?

It's almost over. I promise. 3-4 more weeks and it won't be so hot. Here in Vegas we're expected to cool down next week. At least down into the 80s.

As for your hubby, well, I don't have much advise other than the heat does crazy things and maybe he's feeling weird too. Dh and I were "off" the last few weeks too and we usually always get along. Hang in there!

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Make you two some milkshakes and have a movie night at home! Suprise him, help him to relax and in turn you'll get feel better too. This is what spouses are for, even though he might not be doing his job, you still need to do yours and he'll love you all the more for it. Build him up girl! And eat your icecream :)

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When the heat is at its worst and still lingering (I live in South Texas), I like to read books about snowy weather. I read Laura Ingalls Wilder's The Long Winter every year around this time (just read it last week!). I also enjoy books about climbing Mt. Everest this time of year. Lots of snowstorms to read about. Somehow it helps.


We also like to camp in October or November in some location that's actually slightly cooler. It's a nice break.

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What guys need is to be told, in no uncertain terms, what you need, and how they can help. "Honey, I am sick to death of the heat, and I also need to spend some time with you. Would you please clear your schedule and come to a matinee with me?"

Hints and subtleties are lost in the translation.

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