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Finishing Phonics?


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How or when do you stop phonics instruction? I know I have read that many who use OPGTR are completed after that. How does the end of OPGTR compare the end of other phonics programs?


We are about 59 or so lessons from completing Abeka phonics 1,and I am so torn about what to do next. I really don't want to do Abeka Phonics 2. I am leaning towards simply continuing AAS, with ETC for review. However, I fear I will have skipped or missed something vital to phonics instruction. Since I believe phonics is pretty much the most important thing we do, I want to get this right! :tongue_smilie:


So, at what point were you/will you complete/end phonics instruction? End of a certain curriculum, a certain reading level...???



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We stopped because a lot of the curriculum (Funnix 2) we were became not so much phonics as comprehension with a few extra rules or reminders thrown in. I have her read to me daily. She's comfortably reading at a late 2nd/early 3rd grade level. I figure we will definitely fill and cover any holes with her spelling curric.

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Just thought I would bump this for any other input... we are about 2 weeks from finishing Abeka 1 phonics and unsure of what to do next. The plan was to use ETC for review and continue with AAS (just starting level 2). I know many think this is enough, anyone think it is not? DD will also finish reading Sonlight readers 2 books and start SL readers 3.


I am interested to know how a child at the end of Abeka phonics 1 compares to one who finished OPGTR . . .


I am not sure why I am second guessing myself . . . I just want to be sure we are not missing anything! :tongue_smilie:

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I think OPGTR goes farther than ABeka's Phonics 1, but I'm not an expert on either.


A good phonics base can be reinforced through a spelling program that is based on phonics/rules like AAS (Spalding, Phonics Road, SWR, Logic of English, etc.). So, even if you haven't covered everything up to now, if you continue with AAS at least through Level 3, you should be fine.


IMO, phonics should be worked on continually (K, 1st, 2nd) and eventually merge with / be taken over by a phonics-based-spelling-program in the 2nd/3rd grade.

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One thing you may want to do along with AAS is work on reading multi-syllable words. I think you would be getting more syllable division practice with longer words in Abeka Phonics 2. On the other hand, AAS might be covering that soon anyway. Adventures in Phonics by Christian Liberty Press is A LOT less expensive than Abeka, but very similar (the entire price for the workbook and TM is around $15-$20). The level C book covers muli-syllable words very well imo. Call it overkill, but I'm using it and PR 1 with my 1st grade dd right now. I'm seeing great progress with her reading abilities.

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One thing you may want to do along with AAS is work on reading multi-syllable words. I think you would be getting more syllable division practice with longer words in Abeka Phonics 2. On the other hand, AAS might be covering that soon anyway.


AAS is heavy on syllable division. I don't have the books now, but I think they introduce all the syllable types at the beginning of level 2? Or most of them at least.


Syllable division is what got my son past the "4th grade slump", able to read multi-syllable words.

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AAS is heavy on syllable division. I don't have the books now, but I think they introduce all the syllable types at the beginning of level 2? Or most of them at least.


Syllable division is what got my son past the "4th grade slump", able to read multi-syllable words.


Yeah, syllable division is a huge part of Level 2. It has been extremely helpful here as well.

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I can't speak with authority about any phonics program besides OPGTR, but we not continue reading instruction after completing it. We are doing AAS as a review, though, so we're continuing in that sense. I think as long as reading is happening daily and you have some phonics-based spelling instruction going on, you should be all set.

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Thanks for all the help! I am feeling better about everything. We were planning on starting AAS 2 today, but I am going to hold off a week and plow through phonics for the week to finish up (it has been moving so slowly, we are both ready to be done). The end of Abeka one has little phonics and a lot of spelling which we are skipping since we are using AAS.

We will finish the Abeka 1 readers and the Sonlight 2 readers, start AAS 2 and I probably will do the ETC books for review...just need to decide where to start.


Thanks again!

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