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Swollen lymph nodes

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Yes, you should see your doctor ASAP. :grouphug:


Swollen lymph nodes are very common. I've been learning more and more about the lymphatic system in the past few years. I find it fascinating. Given that you are okay overall, there are definitely things that you can do, that all of us should ideally try to do, since a healthy lymphatic system is essential for overall health.


When I studied beauty and massage therapy in Britain (many years ago!), the lymphatic system was taught to us endlessly and talked about all the time. In Europe, stimulation of lymph flow is the 4th most commonly prescribed medical treatment. Yet in the U.S., it is seldom considered and its essential role in preventing illness is largely ignored. Some of the organs that are part of the lymphatic system are lymph nodes and lymph veins, the tonsils, adenoids, appendix and the spleen. These organs are essential for overall health and wellbeing.


The lymphatic system can be likened to your body’s garbage can. A healthy lymphatic system rids you of toxins such as trapped protein, bacteria, viruses, dead and cancerous cells, nitrogenous wastes, fat, infectious viruses, heavy metals, and other forms of junk cast off by the cells.

Many people have badly congested lymphatics and don’t even know it.

Symptoms of congested lymphatics and blocked lymph nodes are many. Just some of them include:




Bacterial infections



Chronic Sinusitis

Ear or balance problems

Eczema and other skin conditions


Excessive sweating


Fibrocystic disease


Heart disease

High blood pressure


Loss of Energy

Low back pain


Multiple Sclerosis


Parasitic Infections (repetitive, possible sign of weak immunity)


Puffy eyes


Skin Problems

Sinus Congestion

Swollen Glands

Swollen Lymph Nodes

Thyroid Disorders

Viral infections

Weakened Immune System

The lymphatic system needs help in order to circulate efficiently. Since it isn’t connected to the heart, lymphasizing (methods of boosting lymphatic circulation) are essential and should be done regularly and as often as possible. These methods help to cleanse you out and involve any of the following:

Dry Body brushing

Deep breathing

Rebounding/Bouncing on a trampoline (children love to bounce on beds!)


Swinging – as in sitting on a swing (again, think why children love swings. They know what's good for them!)

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This is not to say that these methods will definitely cure any or all of the above, but they certainly cannot hurt and may prove very beneficial. I know, from my own personal experience, that they have really helped me.


DRY BODY BRUSHING (skin brushing) helps to get rid of toxins from the body’s largest eliminatory organ, the skin. Some of its many benefits:

Improves lymphatic drainage and detoxification – helping to carry toxins and waste products out of the body

Increases energy in a big way!

Helps to really take care of your skin – your skin starts to glow and becomes more smooth and less rough - dry skin is nourished.

Breaks up fatty deposits and helps areas of cellulite

Stimulates circulation and blood flow to increase nutrient delivery to cells

Assists in exfoliation – removing dead, dry skin cells

Feels fabulous!

Great for preparing the skin before shaving, waxing, or other hair removal methods – also great a few days after – helping with possible ingrown hairs

You can get one like this from amazon, Target, or any good health store




Dry body brushing is really quite simple and takes about 3-7 minutes every morning. I usually have a song playing and brush from the song’s start to finish.

Brush either before a workout or before a shower – whichever comes first.

The main lymph nodes are located in the groin, the armpits, the neck and the chest.

Start with the soles of your feet and work your way up. Brush all over – your feet, up your legs, up your stomach to your breasts, over your buttocks, to your waist, your neck and chest area. You don’t have to do the entire body every day. I prefer to focus on different areas each day – upper body or lower body – due to time limitations.

Use circular or long sweeping motions – do whatever works best for you.

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The lymphatic system is different to the heart. The heart pumps blood continually regardless. Lymph circulation, however, depends entirely on our own efforts. If we don’t move enough and if we sit around a lot, our lymph (metabolic garbage container) won’t be emptied and our cell’s trash cans start to overflow. All that waste and build-up of toxins can lead to poor health – swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, sinus congestion, headaches, and the list goes on.

The absolute best exercise for lymph circulation is rebounding/jumping on a min-trampoline. Rebounding has a ton of other benefits also.

Start by bouncing gently for at least five minutes a day – working up to 20 if you can.

I asked a very good friend, someone who knows so much about natural health, as to what is one of the best things I can do for my health. Her answer: daily rebounding. She does it every single day. I can’t say that I always do, but I am trying!

There are many places to get a good rebounder. You can read reviews on amazon. I love the ones from http://www.healthbounce.com/ - although they do tend to be more pricey. I think that you do get what you pay for and it obviously depends on your budget.



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"Improper breathing is a common cause of ill health. If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be simply to learn how to breathe correctly. There's no single more powerful - or more simple - daily practice to further your health and well-being than breathwork." ~ Andrew Weil, M.D.


The lymphatic system can’t work properly by itself. Unlike the circulatory system, it doesn’t have a heart or a natural pump. The lymphatic system relies on breathing (as well as the other lymphasizing methods) to move all the waste around. If we aren’t breathing deeply, our lymphatic system becomes sluggish and full of toxins. Over time, this leads to all the health concerns and symptoms of a congested lymphatic system - high blood pressure, inflammation, fatigue, and the list goes on.


I’m still trying to teach myself how to breathe and to and constantly remind myself to breathe more deeply, and I’m certainly no expert in this area. I have read that the correct way is nose breathing. Infants don’t breathe through their mouths unless they’re stressed. By watching them, we can learn to breathe correctly. Sadly, we tend to forget how to breathe as we grow older.


A good method (and I’m sure you can find many more through the internet, classes, books, etc.):

Lie down on floor with a hardback book on your stomach.

Breathe in through your nose, feel the book rise, and hold this for four seconds.

Breathe all the air out through your mouth, letting the book lower.


Basic common-sense suggests that the best time to practice deep breathing is in the morning when the air is more fresh and clean, and in nature, or even in your garden, if possible. But this isn’t always possible. You just do what you can.

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Massage is one of the most important and effective ways of increasing lymphatic circulation.

I used to be a massage therapist and in my training, we were often reminded of all the amazing benefits of regular massage. When it comes to the lymphatic system, massage is one of the most effective ways of improving its circulation. The Father of Medicine, Hippocrates, believed that all physicians should be trained in massage as a method of healing. Lymphatic Massage is offered in some areas. If not available, any form of deep tissue massage is great. For those on a budget, massage schools often give discounted rates and are can be pretty much equally good. I say: treat yourself to a massage as often as your budget and time allows. You deserve it! :)

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I hesitate to post this image of the lymphatic system, since I'm sure that some will feel uncomfortable with its graphic nature. I don't particularly care. We all have human bodies. Nothing to be embarrassed about.


The lymph fluid moves through channels called "vessels" that are filled with one way valves, so the lymph always moves in the same direction. The main lymph vessels run up the legs, up the arms and up the torso. This is why the vertical up and down movement of rebounding is so effective to pump the lymph.

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Kids seem to inherently know what’s good for them! I don’t get to sit on a swing very often due to lack of access, but I have been told that this is another method of helping to clear up the lymphatic system.

I would just love to someday get this:



Fenugreek Tea is great for cleaning out the lymphatic system

It also dissolves fat within the liver

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Wow. Thank you! I will pick up a brush today when I go shopping. I will look into a trampoline, but our last was a bust. I do try deep breathing and do yoga when I can.


I'm pretty sure my nursing tea has fenugreek in it. Would nettles help? I have some RRL, Oatstraw, Alfalfa, and nettles tea that I have been neglecting.


I think my biggest worry is that it's hard, non-painful, and immovable. :(

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Good that you're going to get a brush and are looking into the other stuff.


Don't know much about nettle tea. I know it's good. But I also know that Fenugreek is the best. Seems like many nursing teas have fenugreek in them. Might be fine.

I say:


Do what you can - as above. Deep breathing, dry body brushing, rebounding if you can, gentle massages (even dh can help) - don't have to massage that specific area, but close it, or, massage around other lymph nodes.

I would drink at least 3 cups of fenugreek tea daily. Do as much as you can.


Try to stay calm until October 7th. Only one week left. Breathe, breathe, breathe ...


Pray if you're the type to pray. I am. If not, do whatever else brings you peace and calm.


I wouldn't worry too much. Really. You're not the first person to get swollen lymph nodes and you won't be the last. Not all swollen lymph nodes are malignant. Remember that and tell yourself that constantly. :grouphug: But I can totally relate to the worrying. Just do know that the worrying won't help. Easier said than done. :grouphug:

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Thank you, everyone. I went for my mole biopsy today but the PA was in such a rush I didn't get a chance to have her look at the lymph node. I go back in a week to get stitches removed, so if it's still swollen I will have her look then. I am taking Bio-Kult but no antifungals right now. I tried and failed at GAPS. :lol:

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Negin, :svengo: Thank you!! That information is wonderful.

You're most welcome. Good reminder for me also. :grouphug:


Do you have GI issues? Swollen lymph nodes can be a sign of dysbiosis. Taking antifungals, antibacterials, etc. (pharmecutical/herbal or both) for GI/systematic infections has eliminated chronic lymph swelling in folks.

Very interesting.


Thank you, everyone. I went for my mole biopsy today but the PA was in such a rush I didn't get a chance to have her look at the lymph node. I go back in a week to get stitches removed, so if it's still swollen I will have her look then. I am taking Bio-Kult but no antifungals right now. I tried and failed at GAPS. :lol:

Thanks for the update. Thinking of you a lot.

Yes, as you already know, definitely get it checked out if it's still swollen.

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