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Baby question?

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This is my fourth so I should know this but anyway..


DD3 is 6 months old today. Yesterday I gave her some frozen banana in one of those mesh teethers. She loved it. Sucked the tar out of that thing. In the middle of the night she woke up SCREAMING and was restless all night. Is she just not ready for solids? She is normally a fantastic sleeper. Wakes up to nurse and conks back out. I was going to give her a little more banana today but now I'm worried about it!

Edited by Stayseeliz
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If you want to take a step back, you could freeze some breastmilk or formula in an ice cube tray and put that in the feeder. Those are handy for teething babes who like cold on their gums.


Do you have a family history of latex allergies? Banana is related.


You could also try frozen mashed sweet potato, or pears or something.

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Also, imgine you didn't give her the banana. What would you have suspected to be the cause? Could just be a conincidence that has nothing to do with the new food.


I did have a bit of a tummy thing yesterday. I little bit of nausea and a yucky feeling in my stomach. Maybe it was a bit of a virus?


No latex allergies. I think I will try another fruit or veggie today. Maybe the gas pains are the key. She really sucked that stuff down yesterday so that's a real possibility.


I'm totally okay with delaying solids if we need to. I just thought that was strange..

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My baby has severe reflux and has only just been able to start solids in the last few weeks and he's 9 months old. I don't know if its related or possibly an allergy type thing (which reflux can be) but he does the same thing you described. At first, around 6 months when we first tried solid food, any kind of food would cause the worst nights and a completely crabby, clingy baby until it culiminated about a week or two later with a literal ALL night screamfest. We tried off and on over the last few months with no success until just recently. Now he's doing much better with it. It hasn't been a problem at all to delay. Good luck and hopefully she'll be fine with other foods for you now. :)

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