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Classical Conversations Bloggers


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I know Heidi does CC and blogs, but I don't know if you would call it blogging about CC all the time. She has some helpful and insightful posts. I blogged about CC a bit last year, and you could go back and look at mine and just look under the tag "classical conversations." I don't do it any more, but that's just a switch for us this year. We had a great CC year last year. You can access my blog in the signature line.

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Anyone know of any Classical Conversation bloggers? I'd love some ideas on how to continue at home.


TIA :)[/quote


What kind of ideas are you looking for? Ways to

help your kids memorize the info? Activities? I don't blog but we are going into our third year maybe I could be of help.



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Anyone know of any Classical Conversation bloggers? I'd love some ideas on how to continue at home.


TIA :)[/quote


What kind of ideas are you looking for? Ways to

help your kids memorize the info? Activities? I don't blog but we are going into our third year maybe I could be of help.





Yes, that's what I'm looking for! And creative ways to present the information..

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I know Heidi does CC and blogs, but I don't know if you would call it blogging about CC all the time. She has some helpful and insightful posts. I blogged about CC a bit last year, and you could go back and look at mine and just look under the tag "classical conversations." I don't do it any more, but that's just a switch for us this year. We had a great CC year last year. You can access my blog in the signature line.


Thank you!

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I thought I'd add a little bit more info about how I am implementing CC at home. I did join the CC online community, and I do think it's worth the $6 per month. You can unsubscribe at any time, and I definitely think it would be worth it to join for even a short while to be able to download so many great things.


That said, what I've been doing to expand on our weekly memory work is this. I made a tri-fold board with page protectors, and printed shared files from C3 for each weekly subject. I went ahead and got a huge file bin with 24 hanging files (one for each week). It took a bit of time to set this up, but now I just need to exchange out the pages and timeline cards after our CC meets on Monday each week. I go over the board daily with the kids, and we sing and do hand motions where applicable. This is a great visual for them.


I'm in the process of getting maps enlarged and laminated, and we will work on geography by outlining our states and naming capitals. I've also been doing skip counting worksheets, and utilizing resources from the blog I linked previously. For instance this week, we made a Mayflower ship, read books about Pilgrims from the library, and did a Thanksgiving booklet. Oh, and of course, we listen to our CD often.


It has taken some revamping to get this running smoothly in our homeschool (I decided to join CC at the last minute!), but we are really having a lot of fun with it. Hope this helps!

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No, because I think it costs money to be part of that and I don't know if it's worth it.

It's worth it! We use it every day. My kids use the online tutorials everyday, and I put the mp3 files on mp3 players for them to use. There is a forum for idea sharing. And the file sharing with files you can download are great. For$ 6 a month try it for a month.

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Ok first I got large poster size notepaper I forget what it's called, but I write each weeks memory work on it. We try and read/recite (I have 1 reader and 2 too young to read) all the weeks memory work daily. We also recite all the timeline cards daily. ( ok we prob don't do it everyday, but alot).


For geography we laminated the maps and we trace it once a week with dry erase markers.


I plan on making magnets with the Latin vocabulary. Haven't gotten that done yet.


For the rest we listen to the cd several times a day. It doesn't take long and yes some of it is corny but it helps.


For the timeline cards we also practice the hand motions with it. That makes a big difference. As I think of more of what we do I'll post it.


I was on cc connected last year and haven't renewed yet. Nut I do remember for cycle 3 one mom made a candy land type review game.



Hope this helps.

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The trifold boards are called presentation boards. Like a kid would use for a science fair project. You can find them at any craft or teacher store and even office stores. I bet Wal Mart has them too.


I use many, many ideas from the Half A Hundred Acre Wood blog. It's been invaluable to me. She has details about making the trifold board on the blog.


We block out at least 30-40 minutes a day for CC memory work. A lot of that is geography because I feel like it's important and my kids love it. I have the little flash cards that I bought through CC and have them on a ring so we can carry them around too. Sometimes we will save 20 minutes of the memory time to do in the car and we sing on down the road.

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No, because I think it costs money to be part of that and I don't know if it's worth it.


It's $6 a month and while that does add up, I had my kids on it all the time last year. In addition to the memory work, there were blurbs about the thing being memorized.


As for blogging, I don't so I can't help you there. Heidi at mt Hope here does blog, and has blogged about CC. I am sure there are others.

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  • 1 month later...


This blog has quite a few resources listed for each week of CC. I've been following her as she posts Cycle 3, but I havent checked to see if she has blogged about previous cycles.


Wow! What a great blog. Thanks for posting. Great idea about the box, too. I spend way too much money on those blasted presentation boards.

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  • 3 months later...


This blog has quite a few resources listed for each week of CC. I've been following her as she posts Cycle 3, but I havent checked to see if she has blogged about previous cycles.



This is my sister-in-law's blog...what a small world to stumble on this post. She has not blogged about previous cycles because this is her first year in CC



Wow! What a great blog. Thanks for posting. Great idea about the box, too. I spend way too much money on those blasted presentation boards.


I agree...and thanks on her behalf for the kudos. I'll pass them on. ;)


Hearing what she is doing with the kids this year is part of the reason I am considering CC for next year. Imagine that...a four yr hsing veteran (hahaha) learning from a "newbie". We are all on this journey together, aren't we?

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We have an hour of memory work in our home, but we also fit poetry and Scripture and MP Recitations in there, too.


We first recite the CC Scripture in English and then in Latin. Sometimes I have each child say one verse and just rotate like that.


Then I flash the new cards from the Science Acts and Facts cards. We have the cycle 3 set (anatomy, chemistry, origins) and the famous scientists set which we have pulled out and inserted where they go with the other cards. We flash through the front phrases. The ones they know really well I cover up the words. Again, sometimes we say this together and sometimes we rotate kids but this has been so great for retaining basic Science definitions and people. We only say the front of the card. Once a week I read the back of the new card(s).


We do the timeline cards the same way and the new cards of the week we say three times together. Once a week I read the backs of the new cards. When I flash through them I show them a card and they have to tell me what card comes after it and I don't show them until they tell me (or at least try). This way has been very, very effective for all my kids (and simple too).


Then we do the maps. They trace maps inside of page protectors but soon we will use the new fold out ones that CC just came out with. They look awesome! Today I called out the mountains and the lakes and such and watched to see if they could find them. They also usually trace all the states. When they are older I will have them draw it (following the directions in the guide according to which class they are in).


We listen to the cd in the car about 12 times per week or more. But this isn't enough for my non-auditory learner so I will make the trifold board at home (bought but haven't set up yet) and I plan to print off the pages from the resource cd and put them behind 24 tabs and have my daughter flip through those as she's listening in the car to have a visual with the audio. Having the board up there every day I may also have them go up individually and read through them. I plan to add sticky tack to the back of the cards for the week next year so they can go along the bottom of the display board and then they will get added to the pile the following week to use like flashcards.


There is also a Latin fold out that CC just came out with but I'm not sure how we'll use that since I haven't seen it up close yet. I am sure we will find a way to work it in....


One more thing. Wisdomandrighteousness.com has a lapbook that is very cheap for the whole CC year and my daughter can't wait for me to let her do that during our memory work time this summer. I think it will be really worth it and a great review tool!



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Anyone know of any Classical Conversation bloggers? I'd love some ideas on how to continue at home. TIA :)


Easiest if you meet with others.... on a certain day, at a certain time. This gives accountability and some of the same fun. It's something that works well, with everyone taking a portion of the material. (Depends on how many people/kids are part of it) You can do it for free, or do it for the cost of supplies and whatever the church costs... plus insurance costs. (So, it may cost some $$$ unless you have it in your home)

The cool think about this, is that if you're doing it... you just decide what you like. I like Shurley English better for the grammar portion, and LFC or something else for the Latin. BUT, you can use the CC material for the core of what you're doing. There are also way better maps out there, than what CC uses. I do like The Core for the explanation of how to do Geography. I also like the Draw Write Now(Book 7) which is good, and similar, too.

The positive is that if you want to tweak something, it's easy. There's plenty that I would tweak. Have fun!! Good Luck... (And yes, I do know of multiple co-ops using the material, you just may not call yourself THEIR co-op... make up your own name, using their material :))

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We've used CC in the past and have incorporated it into our larger curriculum/pedagogy. We continue to utilize memory work as a huge part of what we do for homeschooling. I do a weekly report on my blog, where I list our memory work (mostly;)). We generally cover Latin, poetry, VP cards, science and math.

Also, I have an older post about utilizing white boards to post your weekly memory work here.

Miss Moe was hosting a weekly "memory monday's." Here's a sample of one of my few posting's on that meme.

I like Drew Campbell's (Plaid Dad on this board) better than CC memory because it is more sequential and you can tweak it to fit what else you are doing. I did not find the CC program to be a classical program per se- esp for the eled program. Here is some info on Living Memory.

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This is my sister-in-law's blog...what a small world to stumble on this post. She has not blogged about previous cycles because this is her first year in CC





I agree...and thanks on her behalf for the kudos. I'll pass them on. ;)


Hearing what she is doing with the kids this year is part of the reason I am considering CC for next year. Imagine that...a four yr hsing veteran (hahaha) learning from a "newbie". We are all on this journey together, aren't we?


That's great! I've come to find that it really is a small world when it comes to homeschooling :001_smile: We ended up moving halfway through the year and had to leave our CC location. Her blog has been my inspiration to keep it going at home. With three kids under 5, I don't have time to come up with great ideas, so I love being able to borrow everyone else's creativity!

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