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cloth diaper question

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Which is the best diaper to use at night with a newborn?


I've been reading that AIO's aren't good to use at night. I guess because they leak or something? I figured they'd be easiest because they are like disposables.


So I have AIO's and I have prefolds with covers. I'm getting ready to place another order and I'm wondering what kind I should order for nighttime?

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For newborns you'll probably be changing in the night, with cloth or disposables. They are just drinking & pooing so much. So you'd probably be fine with the AIOs or the prefolds anyway. Once they start sleeping longer & pooping less often :lol:, then you can worry about long-term absorption. Fitteds or prefolds made from more absorbent materials (like bamboo or hemp) can work very well overnight, but you can also just use a prefold with a slightly smaller prefold folded up as a doubler and that holds a lot of babies overnight fine--it's just a little bulkier.

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Prefolds work well. They are absorbent. However, the baby will feel wet and cry because of that. For that reason, I like pocket diapers. The fabric that touches the baby's skin wicks moisture away, but you can stuff the pocket full with prefolds or other ultra absorbent fabrics. I like pockets the best out of any type of cloth diaper. FuzziBunz one-size pockets are great. You pull leg and waist elastics to get a custom fit for your baby's current size.

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The reason AIOs can be tricky is that there's no "backup" layer to catch poo, so leaks out the leg are sometimes more likely. With runny NB poop, it is nice to have either a prefold plus a cover or a fitted plus a cover.


I really liked good quality prefolds with a cover (look for gusseted legs to hold in poo better), and also really liked good newborn fitteds like muttaqins.


You'll likely be changing frequently no matter what in the newborn phase. We went through several dipes (fitteds and prefolds with covers over them) per night.

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My youngest is 6 weeks old, and it's my first go round with cloth on a newborn. I change her almost every time I feed her at night. I have prefolds (some Indian, some Chinese) with Bummis or Thirsties covers. Then I have a few Thirsties duo diapers (a pocket diaper with two layers of stuffing - one hemp one microfiber). I like the pocket diapers at night because they pull the moisture away from her bum - like a pp said, my baby doesn't seem to like feeling wet. But I have found that the Bummis covers over a prefold are pretty bullet proof - haven't had a leak with one of those yet, even at night. With the pocket diapers I occasionally find that her onesie is wet...

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bI agree that the prefolds should be sufficient for a newborn. However, EBF poop, while it rarely if ever leaks out, inevitably gets on the elastic of the cover, necessitating lots of handwashing of covers. I loved fitteds for that reason (they have elastic built into the diaper itself to keep messes from getting on the covers). In fact, I still use fitteds as my every-day diaper http://www.greenmountaindiapers.com/workhorse.htm

They take a little longer to put on, since you snap on the diaper, then the cover, but they stay put and don't get bunches up between the legs of a crawler or walker.


At night, though, I use Bottom Bumpers AIOs. They are too expensive to use all the time, but I bought 4 that I use at night and occasionally for long trips. The cover is lined with organic cotton, and then has a snap-in insert topped with bamboo. They are very absorbent and comfy-looking.


Best of luck!

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My ds did great with the organic BumGenius diapers at night as a small infant. I did start using chinese refolds with a wool cover (best investment) and that did great for in the night once he got a bigger. The AIO did start to leak pee out around the legs after a few months for nighttime, but this was once I was not changing during the night.


At this point, I actually use Whole Foods diapers just for the one overnight diaper to avoid any issue. And this is only because he outgrew his wool cover and I have not ordered a bigger size.

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Keep in mind, I haven't bought any cloth is almost 3 years since my youngest was born. I have cloth diapered all 3 of my kids from birth to potty training and my most favourite diapers I've used were my Bum Genius 3.0! LOVED them! They never leaked, they held up for over 2 years of constant use (and I only had 13 of them!) and they are still good to go for another baby should there be one. They never leaked at night for me either.

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