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Temps where you are?

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It was down to 22 last night. Our high was 61. Feel free to tease me when I'm whining because it's -40...


Ugh, -40 is a bit beyond what I call a stiff breeze. I am very demanding with my ideal climate. Summers should be around F75-80 and winters around F40-50.

Rain and wind are fine. Snow only over the Christmas holidays and New Year's.

I know some coastal areas that come pretty close, except the snow.


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Feel free to tease me when I'm whining because it's -40...




Yes, us too. I am NOT looking forward to that! Last year we were between -62 and - 68 windchill for 8 days straight with temps of between -37 and -46


I am NOT looking forward to that again UGH. You can't even run to the car in that without hurting. It just cuts you in half




Currently right at the moment (10:30 pm. MT time zone) we are 51. We are getting hit by a cold front tonight- todays high was 70 tomorrows high is supposed to be 52. It is supposed to start dropping fast after midnight and a low of 36 tonight :001_huh:



It says Friday is supposed to be back up to 81 though! We'll see if it happens!!

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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