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Memory Mondays


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My Memory Monday post is up. http://missmoe-thesearethedaysofmylife.blogspot.com/2011/09/memory-monday-9192011.html


We aren't starting anything new this week because we didn't get to our Memory Work everyday last week because I just didn't have much enthusiasm for it.


What do you do to make memory work enjoyable at your house?


Link up is included on my blog or feel free to list your work here on this thread.

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This week we are working on memorizing latin conjugations and vocab (using First Form and LC I); the elements charts (using McHenry's pre-chem), the first 7 VP Bible cards and a poem (I haven't picked it yet- how's that for organized?). We've got to finish our lit book for tomorrow first.

Oh, and we are going back to Quarter Mile for multiplication. When, oh when, will my 11 yo GET times tables committed to long term memory?!

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HEY! You are our fearless leader!!! You aren't allowed to get bored! :)


I am forever trying to come up with ways to have the kids review it without me reviewing every single word.


Last weekend, I loaded all the CDs we have with memory work onto my computer, and spent ages renaming every song so that I could easily see what it was. For the items that I didn't have a song, I read them into my husband's Ipad and he put the file on my computer. I then pulled them into categories, and made a memory work CD. (Well, two - wouldn't all fit onto one.)


I then updated the "Smarty Pants Notebooks" in the car to include some piece of paper for every song. For example, for the books of the Bible (#s 8 & 9 below), I have a picture of a "Bible Bookcase" with the names of each book.


I then wrote the song number on the bottom right hand side of each page. So now when they get lost I can say "turn to page 18!" and they can find it, though they are listening in order so it should be just turning pages one at a time. :) We spend a lot of time in the car, and that has been almost all of our review time lately! I was getting tired of trying to frantically search the floorboard for CDs and constantly changing them out while driving down the highway! (See next post for what we are memorizing.)

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1. Great Things

2. Gloria Patri

3. Father We Adore You

4. Doxology

5. Spirit of the Living God

6. The Lord’s Prayer

7. Be Still And Know That I Am God

8. Old Testament Books

9. New Testament Books

10. 10 Commandments

11. John 1:1-7


12. Yellow is the Sun (RightStart math song)

13. Values of US & Canadian coins (Musical Notebooks)

14. Wk1 – ones & twos (CC music for 1s and skip counting 2s)

15. 2s – the Shepherd Boy and the Stars (One Hundred Sheep song for skip counting 2s)

16. Wk2 – threes & fours (CC music for skip counting 3s and 4s)

17. 3s – Thirty-Three Wonder-filled Years (One Hundred Sheep song for skip counting 3s)

18. 3s Song (Rockin the Standards song for skip counting 3s)

19. 4s – A Healing Touch (One Hundred Sheep song for skip counting 4s)

20. 4s Song (Rockin the Standards song for skip counting 4s)

21. Wk3 – fives & sixes

22. 5s – The Happy Farmer

23. 6s – Martha, Martha

24. 6s Song

25. Wk4 – sevens & eights

26. 7s – The Fisher of Men Catches a Fisherman

27. 7s Song

28. 8s – Zacchaeus Comes Down

29. 8s Song

30. Wk5 – nines & tens

31. 9s – Reapers

32. 9s Song

33. 10s – One Hundred Sheep

34. Wk6 – elevens and twelves


1. Solar System Song

2. Planets & Solar System

3. Continents and Oceans Song

4. US States & Capitals Song

5. Eastern Border US Song

6. Eastern Border Capitals Song

7. Southern Border US Song

8. Southern Border Capitals Song

9. Northern Border US Song

10. Northern Border Capitals Song

11. Middle US Song

12. Middle States Capitals Song

13. Pacific States US Song

14. Honolulu, HI; Juneau, AK

Timeline (Veritas Press)

15. Timeline wks 1 & 2

16. Timeline wks 3 & 4

17. Timeline wks 5 & 6

History (CC songs)

18. Wk1 – Columbus

19. Wk2 – Pilgrims

20. Wk3 – Boston Tea party

21. Wk4 – Declaration of Independence

22. Wk5 – George Washington

23. Wk6 – Louisiana Purchase


24. Presidents Song

Foreign Language & Grammar (CC songs)

25. Wk1 – Latin Prepositions

26. Wk2 – Latin Conjunctions

27. Wk3 – Latin Pronouns

28. Wk4 – Latin Verbs

29. Wk5 – Latin Verbs

30. Wk6 – Latin Nouns

31. English Grammar – wks 1-24


32. Scientific Method

33. Intro to the Human Body

34. Wk1 – types of tissue

35. Wk2 – bones of axial skeleton

36. The Skeletal System

37. Bones of the Human Body

38. Wk3 – kinds of muscle

39. The Muscular System

40. Wk4 – parts of the nervous system

41. The Nervous System

42. Wk5 – 5 main senses

43. The Sensory System

44. Wk6 – parts of the digestive system

45. The Digestive System


46. Thirty Days has September

47. Days and Order of the Months

48. Days of the Week

49. Where do we live?

50. Stopping by Woods – Setting of famous Robert Frost Poem



90% of this is review, but we just keep working it as I have one child who is more of a daisy-picker than a memorizer!!




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I posted a few weeks ago about a memory board I had copied from here:




I am LOVING this board! I put 12 weeks worth of CC memory work in each page protector, with another page protector hanging right on top (covering the bottom one). I then moved everything we were currently learning to the top page protector. (So I have one spot for math - the top page protector has the current skip counting facts, and the page protector underneath stores what we aren't using yet. There is another set of 2 page protectors for geography, history, etc. The bottom one with new stuff stored makes it easy to get to so I don't get lazy!)


Now, I give each kid a turn to "be the teacher" and review the memory work as a group. Big fun!

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Everyone's lists look great.


And MeganW can you send some of your motivation my way!


I love the idea for your boards. I do need a way to make it more visual for me. And if it's out not tucked away, we would be more likely to get to it for review throughout the day. Hmmmm, I see a project on my horizon.

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I love the idea for your boards. I do need a way to make it more visual for me. And if it's out not tucked away, we would be more likely to get to it for review throughout the day. Hmmmm, I see a project on my horizon.


The board is AWESOME - you need one! Just be sure to put the question in small type on the top of what you want them to know ("tell me about Columbus" or "what are the parts of the nervous system" in small letters on top of the sheet that has the answer in large type). That way the kids can review each other rather than you having to be leading it! :)

Edited by MeganW
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