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Fake glasses???


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Is this a trend where you live? We were at dance class and two little girls were talking about the glasses one of the girls had on. She said, "I got them a Clare's" (FYI Clare's is a cheap jewelry store). I was sitting next to her mom and mentioned that I didn't know they had glasses. Her mom told me they were fake! Are we going to have fake braces next??

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My 6 year old girl wears fake glasses as an accessory, and has for a few years LOL.


If she takes after my side of the family, she's in for a lifetime of real ones so I figure I'd play up the cute factor before it became a self-conscious one :D


I also have three pairs of glasses with dummy lenses. It's fun to change my look around, and just switch things up. (I also have prescription glasses but prefer to wear contacts for sight.)

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Yes, it is a fashion trend. It is popular here and my children do wear them. They look at it just the same as any other fashion accessory. Frankly, I think it is a good thing. Suddenly children who wear glasses are consider fashionable by their peers and their peers are immitating them. Braces are also considered a status symbol although I have never heard of someone getting unneccesary braces. Of course, I don't know that I have ever met a dentist who considers braces unneccesary. IMO I would much rather see a child making a fashion statement with fake glasses than say a mini skirt or pants with writing on the rear.

Edited by KidsHappen
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Really? We just drove by Claires today. Drat....I would have stopped had I known. Little dd has been obsessed with getting glasses. For 2 years she's wanted them so badly and each year her eye doc says she just doesn't need them quite yet. She is always so disappointed and almost starts to cry. She won't get her "next chance" (next eye appointment) until next May. She would love something like this. Oh my goodness....I'm going there on Saturday to make her day!

Edited by ~AprilMay~
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My best friend finished her Ph.D. when she was 26. And she was a REALLY young looking 26; she could have easily been taken for 19 or 20. So, when she was job searching, in order to be taken more seriously, she started wearing fake glasses (she actually did look older and more "serious" with them on).


She got one of the jobs she interviewed for while wearing her fake glasses. So then she felt like she had to wear them for her faculty photo. Then she felt like she had to wear them when she was teaching. She spent her entire first semester there wearing fake glasses! It was really funny.

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