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Decent Can Opener

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I need a new manual can opener. I had one that I received for a wedding present many years ago that performed like a trooper until we took it camping and it got wet. Since then I've tried a cheapy Walmart one, a mid priced model from Target, and even one from Pampered Chef. They just don't seem to be able to completely do the job. I don't want an electric can opener because of a lack of counter space, and I don't use very many canned products. Any ideas?

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My vote goes to the Oxo brand one. You can get it at Bed, Bath & Beyond. We've been married 11 years (we got it at my bridal shower) and the thing still looks new and keeps on truckin'.


Seconded. Love my Oxo. They make a fine vegetable peeler, as well. I'd been using my grandmother's 40-year-old peeler, then got the Oxo when it died; the difference was shocking (of course, any peeler would probably have been a stunning improvement over Grandma's rusty, dull, bent one, but still!).

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I think the one I have is this one, which was a gift awhile back. Good grief, it's pricey, but it really works well and has lasted.


Whatever you get, please get a smooth edge one. I'm about to be one of these people who tells the horror story that is so bizarre that you really shouldn't make decisions based on it, but... When my brother was little, he was playing and ran into the trash bag my mom had just set out to take to the dump. A can lid sliced his leg open nearly to the bone. It was truly a horror. So... for safety's sake...

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My vote goes to the Oxo brand one. You can get it at Bed, Bath & Beyond. We've been married 11 years (we got it at my bridal shower) and the thing still looks new and keeps on truckin'.


:iagree: ours worked really well for over a decade. When it started going bad, we got another. I can't abide crappy can openers.

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I LOVE my pampered chef one - it works great and doesn't leave sharp edges. Yours isn't working well?

I love mine too! I definately go with one that doesn't leave sharp edges. (farrarwilliams--that story about your brother :eek: I was just worried about little cuts!) Williams Sonoma sells a great one that also doesn't leave sharp edges.

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We practically have an OXO brand kitchen. I have had one item from them that did not work well (I cannot recall which one at the moment) but most of their stuff is very well-designed . . . including the can opener, which I love. It cleans easily, works easily, does not take a lot of force, and has a wonderful, easy to use handle and crank on it.


I also have one of those smooth-edge can-openers that my mother bought me after I sliced a finger to the bone opening a can of cat food one day while my husband was out of the country-- I had to wrap it up and drive myself to the ER-- my finger was really laid open. However I find it takes a lot of pressure to operate even though it was supposed to be "the best" and it skips. I still prefer the Oxo-- and silly me, I still pop the tops on the cat food cans. (Though since our older, sick kitty just died the other week, I may consider switching to a pouch brand cat food for kitty #2 . . . )


Sorry for the ramble . . . LOL Long day! Long and short is . . . Love Oxo, even if I appear to have no sense.

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