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Science Daily article: Structured Homeschooling Gets an A+


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I love how they had to throw in the Li.e at the end about public schools playing an important part in socialization of children! :001_huh: Maybe they should do some more research. Otherwise, good article for structured homeschoolers. I don't think unschoolers would be pleased with what it says.

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The way I read it was that the "average" students were the students that weren't tested: the ones in public school. The P.S. children in the study were all good students who scored higher than avg on their standardized tests (which would be in comparison with the avgs seen yearly in the tests given to kids in P.S. ) The homeschoolers scored even MORE above the average, higher than the above avg. P.S. students. The unschoolers in the study scored way below the other groups and below the avgs usually seen for their age.


It is a nice study and one to be cited for those who question the scientific research of NHERI. It does back up their findings (which are done scientifically) But it is only a small start. I suspect they will find the same if the parameters are expanded for another study.


Look at the results of the National Latin Exam and the SAT scores of homeschoolers compared to others. All of these non partisan results do add up, even if they are small.


And yes, I loved her socialization comment. Totally her opinion, not tested in the research and having nothing to do with the study... very scientific :)

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I noticed that the children were all between the ages of 5 & 10. It's been my observation that many "unschooled" or relaxed HS children appear "behind" in the early years but by the teen years often have caught up to their peers who have been taught in a more structured approach.


I wouldn't personally do "unschooling", but I don't think looking at 5-10 y.o.'s will give an accurate result.

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