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Learning opportunity tonight.

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A GOP Presidential debate is on tonight, 8pm ET on MSNBC.

It could be a fun experience watching with your children, you could teach them about the primary process.


Rick Perry

Mitt Romney

Ron Paul

Michele Bachmann

Newt Gingrich

Herman Cain

Rick Santorum

Jon Huntsman



My 5 year old watched a good chunk of the Jim DeMint forum the other day, lol.

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I watched the previous one and was disappointed with the amount of time alloted to (what I think were:glare:) the more interesting candidates.


Yes, I plan to watch again tonight.


Warning: political statement - I don't think this is against the rules. ?????


I was a lifelong Republican, but have been severely disillusioned by both sides now. Now I bounce between the two parties seeking the least knuckle headed candidates. :lol: I keep spotting interesting ones (on both sides) but they always seem to disappear before they have any impact. HA

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