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SOTW download. Boo Yah!!!

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My son is using SOTW vol 2 in a co-op this year. The co-op begins Thursday. I did not purchase this book because I already own it. My daughter used it 7 years ago. Sooooo, it's crunch time and I can't find the book AND he has to read a chapter BEFORE we go to the first co-op.


Yes, Virginia, there IS a Santa Claus. PHP had the book available as a downloadable PDF. It now sits safely on my iBookshelf on my iPod. Crisis averted. I love technology :)

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My son is using SOTW vol 2 in a co-op this year. The co-op begins Thursday. I did not purchase this book because I already own it. My daughter used it 7 years ago. Sooooo, it's crunch time and I can't find the book AND he has to read a chapter BEFORE we go to the first co-op.


Yes, Virginia, there IS a Santa Claus. PHP had the book available as a downloadable PDF. It now sits safely on my iBookshelf on my iPod. Crisis averted. I love technology :)


Aren't you glad we're not back in the 80's? No SOTW. No internet. No iPod. I'm not sure how they survived.


I feel like ordering the downloadable PDF just so I can have a copy on my iPad :)

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Aren't you glad we're not back in the 80's? No SOTW. No internet. No iPod. I'm not sure how they survived.




I don't have a clue how I survivied the 80's. No cell phones?! Gah! It was a pain then. I remember being places and being aggravated that I had no phone access. I remember sitting outside a closed library, crying.


I never want to go back.

Edited by LibraryLover
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You should see my kids' faces when I explain about life with no Internet and telephones that attach to the wall. :glare:


Oh yeah. My oldest has no idea what a cassette tape is. My youngest will never know what a cd is. The has never been a time in their lives when we did not have Internet access, cell phones, etc. Such a different world.

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Oh yeah. My oldest has no idea what a cassette tape is. My youngest will never know what a cd is. The has never been a time in their lives when we did not have Internet access, cell phones, etc. Such a different world.


Mine have always been around computers/Internet/cell phones, too.


The one thing I'm really glad of is that I still have a record player (my grandparents bought it for me when I was 8-- to listen to their old story records) so at least my little people can have a good grasp on the history of personal/consumer music. DD likes to listen to old Psalty the Song Book records. And DS's favorite record right now is Abby Road. Warms my heart!!

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I have a retro kid who is only (mostly) interested in music from the 50s - 90s, cartoons from the 80s - 90s, has been begging me for a record player, and scoffs at the kids who like Justin Beiber, Hannah Montana, and the like, meanwhile cranking up Bohemian Rhapsody on our computer. Oh, and she wants a GAME BOY for her birthday, she says. She's 9. I'm all warm and fuzzy inside. :D

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We do have cassette tapes (our library has lots of books on 'tape', still) and we have cassette (which we use mostly for our music & books on the iPod) and CD players in the car. We also have a 'record player'. My oldest took a record player to grad school with him. Of course, he also has a heavily loaded iPod and iPhone. We know lots of 'hipsters' lol who listen to actual records and have very intersting collections.


What I don't think my kids have ever seen are Eight- Tracks. I barely remember them.

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Mine have always been around computers/Internet/cell phones, too.


The one thing I'm really glad of is that I still have a record player (my grandparents bought it for me when I was 8-- to listen to their old story records) so at least my little people can have a good grasp on the history of personal/consumer music. DD likes to listen to old Psalty the Song Book records. And DS's favorite record right now is Abby Road. Warms my heart!!


I LOVE Psalty. But they do have CDs....

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