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Logistics with sick kids- need advice

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We have a tummy bug in the house :glare: and it got me thinking about a question that has been on my mind for some time.


When I grew up, we walked to school (just over a mile) so it wasn't an issue for my mom, but where I am, I have to drive to get my kids to places be that co-op or school, should we ever choose that route.


What I'd like to know is: how this (driving everywhere) is done when you have the sickies in the house. Say, for example you have older child in B&M school (that you have to drive to) and a baby or 2yo who is puking or very sick with high fever. How do you get that oldest child to school? With hs'ing if it were just a co-op day, I'd likely just keep everyone home because hours of clean up in the care just aren't worth it to *me* ;) but I know school is different and the children must attend.


What about a co-op situation? If one of your kids has high fever or influenza or tummy virus, but the others are ok (as in not yet sick vs. recovered already) do you send the healthy ones? Is it better to keep them home (for the sake of the other families)?


Really though, when none of your kids are old enough to stay home or babysit how do you get healthy kids places when others are violently ill? :001_huh:

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I was just wondering this today too....we got up bright and early, got ready, left the house at the crack of dawn to drive the hour it takes to get DD4 to the ophthalmologist. 10 minutes from the house she throws up. :glare: We turned around and drove straight home.


I was thinking "man, I'm sure glad that we homeschool and I don't have to try to take a child to school and pick them up today." We do have church tonight and I'm wondering how I will get DD7 there. I'm hoping DH can get off early and take her. If not, we'll just skip it. It's not worth cleaning the car and driving an ill child around. I know that when I'm sick, I want to be home and lying down. I try to make sure that my children are able to do that as well. Being nauseous and riding in a car is miserable.

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I was just wondering this today too....we got up bright and early, got ready, left the house at the crack of dawn to drive the hour it takes to get DD4 to the ophthalmologist. 10 minutes from the house she throws up. :glare: We turned around and drove straight home.



I would turn around too. :grouphug: I hope she's better soon.


What if it had been your other dd who had thrown up and you were going to a specialist apt. that you had been waiting for months to get into? What do you do then? I'd like to know what others do because this whole "larger family" thing sometimes gets more difficult than I anticipated it (pre-kids).

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At that point, I probably would have had to turn around if older DD was throwing up as well. My mom could have watched her while I took younger DD, but since I was on a time schedule anyways, I would have been late for the appointment if I had to turn around and take her to my mom's and then head back across town.


It really depends on how urgent it is. If it's some sort of procedure that REALLY needs to be done, then I'd need to trek on. Today was not an emergency or extremely urgent, so I would have turned around.


As for co-ops and such, DD7 wouldn't like to be dropped off and have me head all the way home (she's okay if I run to stores nearby), so I'd probably just skip that day of co-op. I have had my mom take her to co-op before when younger DD was sick though. DH can't really take off work for things like that. Thankfully, my mom lives around the corner and can sometimes help me out when we get in a bind like that.

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What I'd like to know is: how this (driving everywhere) is done when you have the sickies in the house. Say, for example you have older child in B&M school (that you have to drive to) and a baby or 2yo who is puking or very sick with high fever. How do you get that oldest child to school?


I would ask a neigbor or friend to take them to school.


What about a co-op situation? If one of your kids has high fever or influenza or tummy virus, but the others are ok (as in not yet sick vs. recovered already) do you send the healthy ones? Is it better to keep them home (for the sake of the other families)?

If it is something like a stomach virus which tends to run through the whole family and be very contagious, I'd keep everybody home.


Really though, when none of your kids are old enough to stay home or babysit how do you get healthy kids places when others are violently ill?


There are only two options: have somebody else take the healthy kids to wherever they need to go, or have somebody else stay for a short while at your house while you drive. Unless it takes a huge amount of time, a friendly neighbor or another mom who goes there anyway would not consider it an imposition.

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I don't take anyone anywhere if we have something. Currently my toddler is sick, but we all missed library day. I don't want to take the chance the others are incubating it, and get someone else sick.


Your kids are young enough that keeping everyone home (including healthy people) is something you can still do….but when you have older ones who have jobs, lessons, attend high school, or have other obligations, it's not always possible to keep *everyone* home.

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I'd keep everyone home, unless it was really, really important. A specialist visit that we'd been waiting for for months = really, really important. If I didn't have someone who could stay with the sick child (and I generally don't, though for something like that, I'd call DH at the office and see if he could come home), I'd take all of them and just try to keep the sick child away from other people. If I knew in advance of DH leaving for work that a child was sick when I needed to be somewhere with another child, I could potentially send the sick child with DH to work; he works in a very small office (often just him, maybe his boss upstairs, and one other guy in another building on the property) and could keep a sick child away from other people pretty easily.


Sometimes being part of a family means you have to go along for the ride, even if you're sick. Sometimes Mom just doesn't have a choice. For co-op or church, I'd see if my older, non-sick child could ride with someone else, or at least be dropped off (maybe another mom would take responsibility for my older child during the activity, even if that mom couldn't pick up/drop off my child).

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