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Suggestions please for K math.


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I need to hurry up and pick something!!!!


I have Right Start A on my shelf, as this is the program I've used for my son who's now on level C. It's working really well for him, but I don't think it's a good match for my dd who's starting K.


Quite the opposite to my son, she loves workbooks. Colourful, happy ones. I'd like to be able to encorporate the AL Abacus.


For first grade, I'd like to see her using either Singapore, or Math Mammoth, or maybe JUMP math.


I already own Singapore 1B and 2A, Math Mammoth grades 1-6, and RS A-C. All great programs, and I think she'd really enjoy either Singapore or MM come grade 1, but I've heard Singapore's K program isn't very good, and MM doesn't have one.


What to do???

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We're currently using Singapore Math - Earlybird. I think its the Aus version, with it being a 2 year preschool/kinder program. 1A & 1B (Preschool) and 2A & 2B (Kinder). We're doing the 2yr program quickly so shoud be finished all books in 8 months (and this is casual/informal/part-time) she adores it. Its colourful, engaging and interesting for her. She does it when she wants to, and thats a lot of the time, its actually made my child LOVE maths!


I like the look of Rightstart, but to me, its too similar to happy phonics, too many fiddly things.


Another option as an extra for SM Math, is to get Mathtacular 1 or possibly the Mathtacular kit. She can copy what justin does on the tapes. I believe the DVD for 1 also has printables. We have it, and the kids love him! I really should be using it more often :)

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The Singapore Essential Math K book is good (Earlybird is what most people don't like). Book A is a bit on the preschool-y side, but I was surprised at how well done even the "find the one that is different" pages were. There were multiple possible answers, so your child needs to explain why they chose that one. It's not like most workbooks where the answer is obvious. Book B is definitely K math and goes farther than my oldest son's K class did in private school (they used Saxon K).


I tried RS A with DS2, and he really didn't seem to be learning anything, and I felt it was a pain to get ready for the lessons. I switched him to EM, plus we use some Cuisenaire rods where appropriate, and he loves it! I love it too. The "teaching" is a note to the parent at the bottom of the page, though most pages are obvious enough.


My plan for first grade math is still up in the air. Ultimately, I'd like to use MM through grade 6, as I am with my oldest already. The program is thorough and easy to teach. At the same time, I think Singapore might be more "fun", which DS2 may need for first grade math (since he'll likely be K age at the time). I'll have to see what he thinks about MM. MM1 is a bit boring, though it does work facts really well. Since I'm using the C-rods, DS2 seems to be picking up on some of the facts already, so maybe he won't need so much practice by then.


It's easy to add an abacus or base 10 blocks or other manipulatives to MM as needed. 1B has a whole chapter devoted to learning the abacus, which was new to me and very helpful (apparently, DS1 already knew how to use it... I'm wondering if they used it in school maybe?). We haven't used it since then, but you certainly could.

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I'm really loving McRuffy math this year for kindy. Just the right combination of workbook and fun hands on, colorful, and LIGHTLY scripted (unlike RS, which gave me palpitations). I was so impressed actually that I switched my second grader from Saxon to McRuffy also. It's very meaty, IMO, so I had to start her back at the end of first grade, but at least I know she's getting a strong foundation with a huge emphasis on place value.


Good luck,




We're currently using Singapore Math - Earlybird. I think its the Aus version, with it being a 2 year preschool/kinder program. 1A & 1B (Preschool) and 2A & 2B (Kinder). We're doing the 2yr program quickly so shoud be finished all books in 8 months (and this is casual/informal/part-time) she adores it. Its colourful, engaging and interesting for her. She does it when she wants to, and thats a lot of the time, its actually made my child LOVE maths!


I like the look of Rightstart, but to me, its too similar to happy phonics, too many fiddly things.


Another option as an extra for SM Math, is to get Mathtacular 1 or possibly the Mathtacular kit. She can copy what justin does on the tapes. I believe the DVD for 1 also has printables. We have it, and the kids love him! I really should be using it more often :)

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The Singapore Essential Math K book is good (Earlybird is what most people don't like). Book A is a bit on the preschool-y side, but I was surprised at how well done even the "find the one that is different" pages were. There were multiple possible answers, so your child needs to explain why they chose that one. It's not like most workbooks where the answer is obvious. Book B is definitely K math and goes farther than my oldest son's K class did in private school (they used Saxon K).




My K4 daughter (who ADORES workbooks) is using Essential Math A right now and, while it starts light and easy, it's thoughtful and and she is learning from it. We're about halfway through A right now and she's starting to slow down to about 2-3 pages a day (from the 6-8 she had the appetite for at first). I expect that by the time we hit B, she'll be doing about 1 per day and it will be comfortable for her.


I do this in combination with Miquon for her. She did Saxon K last year as a preschool math.

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My K4 daughter (who ADORES workbooks) is using Essential Math A right now and, while it starts light and easy, it's thoughtful and and she is learning from it. We're about halfway through A right now and she's starting to slow down to about 2-3 pages a day (from the 6-8 she had the appetite for at first). I expect that by the time we hit B, she'll be doing about 1 per day and it will be comfortable for her.


The first week, he did something like 30 pages in just a couple days. It was crazy! Now in book B, he can handle 1-2 pages usually. I expect book B will take us most of the year, since we don't do math every day (I don't require school yet).

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Hi. You've probably already decided, but I wanted to chime in here. My K4 son is using the Singapore Kindergarten A book. I didn't even get the workbook, just the textbook and he does well in it. Someone earlier mentioned the A book being more pre-schooly, and I agree, as my son does the work with ease. We plan to use this all year, but he's grasping onto it so well that we may do Kindergarten B for the second semester, which would put him using 1A next year to begin with...not sure how I feel about that. I don't want to rush him, I just knew he could do Kindergarten A based on what is in it, so why not start if he's willing? KWIM? Good luck deciding. I will say that I LOVE Singapore. My 1st grader is doing both Singapore 1A and A Beka math right now (Pulled my kids out of private school and they were using A Beka, so ordered that then found Singapore and fell in love). I like Singapore better. I love that there's a text book and workbook.



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I actually really like Singapore's Earlybird Kindergarten books. :001_smile:


I used them simultaneously with my 6 year old son (not especially fond of workbooks, doesn't hate them) and his 4.5 year old sister who LOVES workbooks. But I definitely skipped some things in Book A. If my kids have a grasp of a concept, I don't feel the need to get our a bunch of rocks and cups and do the dance, so to speak. My kids pretty much finished Book A in less than two months, often doing a whole unit a day. This was good for us as my kids like to feel successful at things- it encourages them to want to do more. We're going more slowly through Book B, because some of the concepts are a bit more theoretical, and so now I do more of the "Class Discussion" activities.

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My opinion from teaching a Kindergartner last year, is that there *isn't* really Kindergarten math. Grade 1 math is where it starts. What is done pre-1st grade is preparation. The skills necessary to be ready for Grade 1 math, IMO, are:


- the ability to count proficiently to 100

- the ability to write and identify numerals clearly and without frustration

- the ability to follow directions

- the basic concept of addition and subtraction without equations

- the ability to identify basic shapes

- the ability to clearly identify and verbalize comparisons (bigger/smaller, longer/shorter, more/less, over/under, etc.)

- simple sequencing and classification of objects


I don't think a particular *curriculum* is required to develop these skills, although I did purchase some workbooks and worksheets that worked on exercising these skills. Many Pre-K/K children's games develop some of these skills as well, such as Candyland or Hi-Ho Cherry-O, Memory, Guess Who? Etc.


Once these skills are developed, you can go right into 1st grade math. Some kids may need their whole year to develop these skills, others will develop these skills rapidly. Once these skills are developed, it is just spinning your wheels to do a K math "curriculum", IMO. You might as well start using a 1st grade curriculum at that point (even if you are doing at a slower pace to accommodate the younger attention span.) JMO!

Edited by zenjenn
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